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Who is going to pull the trigger?

Big Cliff

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Along with attending a summit in Paris with a delegation of 100 trough swines the Lieberals have announced to allocate another 2.6 Billion to developing countries. To other countries in order to develop energy infrastructure? For what? So they can put more people to work offshore, manufacturing more products we wont be making? This Kids' been in office just over a month and has already earmarked 4 Billion dollars to Non Canadians. Makes me feel so compassionate, inclusive, patriotic you have no idea. And I'm bashed for making it a left/right argument. After experiencing the poor excuse we called governance in Ontario for the last decade how could I not?


I'd like to thank once again the chuckleheaded Lieberal voter.

It's wonderful to watch all these billions of dollars being pledged to helping other countries and other people! What about helping the 31 first nations communities right here in Canada that don't even have safe drinking water? That's right, 10% of our First Nations communities are under "boil water advisories" and have been for years but we can spend all this money to provide clean drinking water to some other country?

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Interesting Dutch, here we had a decision by our Supreme Court ( Citizens United ) that ruled corporations are people too, and basically opened the flood gates to unlimited funding for political campaigns.




This might help to better explain the US defense spending?


Our method leaves room for a lot of games to be played!


If you want to read about the ways that military spending took off in the U.S. read the book Drift by Rachel Maddow. It illustrates just how and why military spending kept growing, growing, and has gone out of sight...


Ironically, it is at the point where it has become the single biggest security threat to the U.S. because it has all but crippled them financially with paying the interest on the money they borrowed to remain strong and free.


The most interesting point the book made to me though is that the out of control spending spending really started when neocons were able to blame rank and file personnel for having union type benefits... Totally exemplified how the loudest military supporters are ALWAYS the crappiest at looking after personnel financially when the are away fighting or come home after.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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It's wonderful to watch all these billions of dollars being pledged to helping other countries and other people! What about helping the 31 first nations communities right here in Canada that don't even have safe drinking water? That's right, 10% of our First Nations communities are under "boil water advisories" and have been for years but we can spend all this money to provide clean drinking water to some other country?

Cliff, the federal government gave $8.78 billion dollars to Aboriginal Affairs last year. The money is there, it's just not being managed well.

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Cliff, the federal government gave $8.78 billion dollars to Aboriginal Affairs last year. The money is there, it's just not being managed well.

And these are the same idiots that think they are qualified to manage our country are they not? Who is going to control where all these billions are actually going to be spent. Who is going to insure that the money is used to help those most in need and not used to support rebel groups? They can't even get it right here at home so now they are going to try to do it at arms length?




Bands with no water, but the chief making 200.000 may have something to do with it.


I might buy that in a couple of cases but I don't for a second believe that is the reason for most of it. How would you be feeling right now if you had to try to bring your children up in a situation where you couldn't even drink the water because it was so poluted, where in some cases it isn't even safe to bath in? Oh but wait, Canada, your home and native land thinks it is important to make sure that people in some foregin country should have safe drinking water.

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Bands with no water, but the chief making 200.000 may have something to do with it.

Most of that is propaganda. It has happened in a few cases with travel expenses etc added to salary and honorariums.


Every staff of every rez is available online, and every rez is AUDITED EVERY YEAR!


imagine that?


Audit everyone else in govenrment too and lets show ALL the corruption in politics!!!

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It's not like a government to mis-manage our money....yeah, right


Anybody ever notice that once calculators got cheap in the mid 70's NOTHING any government did from the municipal level to the feds cost LESS than a million dollars.... Before that they had to work to stretch the numbers so large, after calculators it was just a matter of a few button presses. LOL.


After having dealt with guberments ordering meals, rooms and other things in the hospitality industry it isn't so much the politicians as the managing bureaucrats who never saw a dollar they had to borrow that they couldn't spend twice. If the maximum budget was 10 K for a retreat they would find a way to spend 14 K or more....


I have worked for a lot of BIG conservative party supporters who used to whine and chew about high taxes... Then on the other hand they would screw any government agent blind on pricing when it came to selling them something. I would say well you aren't helping lower taxes, when last week the exact same room and meal package for robonthejob corp was 89.99 per person per day. This week for the Department of Highways it was 129.50... roughly 33% more just because it was government.


If you think that was bad you should see what they charged any insurance company LOL. What was worse was at the time we were constantly doing government groups because we were the CHEAPEST they could find after shopping around and my boss was gouging them 30%. His excuse was EVERYBODY does it and if we were the cheapest the others sure were trying to.... He justified it by saying I want my share back after, I pay in so much is damned taxes....


Think of it like that across every department in every level for EVERY thing and you have the answer why government can't manage money. They are the single biggest customer of goods and services in the country and everybody who sells to them thinks it is an endless pot of money, and charges the accordingly.


In the case of the service we provided any manager in the government could go and show the finance department that they had called around and took the lowest price for the service... So when it goes up the food chain to the politician how would they know they weren't getting good value for the money? A bidding process occurred and they paid for the lowest bid...

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Boy - all kind of theories and advise what to do - but let me tell you the truth - there is evil in this world - always was and always will be - if good people don't fight it then evil will win - and don't think for one minute think that by not confronting it you will be left alone and it won't come to harm you at some date -


The mess that now exists in the middle east and other places can be blamed on Obama and his liberal buddies who think somehow you can negotiate with evil - he has shown that he is not willing to fight evil and so it keeps getting stronger - if the U.S. maintained the strongest military force in the world and showed strong leadership no country would dare stand up to it - but he has consistently shown that he doesn't want to stand up at times when he should - and others are taking advantage of this fact -


The Iraq war was a mistake because it eliminated balancing the power over in that region - Iraq and Iran were enemies and had fought a war - neither country was the dominate force in that region - with Iraq gone Iran is now controlling things there -


Our only hope is to throw the weak kneed liberals out of government and put a good leader ( like Reagan ) back in the driver's seat - otherwise all is lost - the world is too small a place today to ignore what is going on in different parts of the world - freedom and liberty have a price - one well worth fighting for - remember - if you give up your freedom for security - you will end up with neither -

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Boy - all kind of theories and advise what to do - but let me tell you the truth - there is evil in this world - always was and always will be - if good people don't fight it then evil will win - and don't think for one minute think that by not confronting it you will be left alone and it won't come to harm you at some date -


The mess that now exists in the middle east and other places can be blamed on Obama and his liberal buddies who think somehow you can negotiate with evil - he has shown that he is not willing to fight evil and so it keeps getting stronger - if the U.S. maintained the strongest military force in the world and showed strong leadership no country would dare stand up to it - but he has consistently shown that he doesn't want to stand up at times when he should - and others are taking advantage of this fact -


The Iraq war was a mistake because it eliminated balancing the power over in that region - Iraq and Iran were enemies and had fought a war - neither country was the dominate force in that region - with Iraq gone Iran is now controlling things there -


Our only hope is to throw the weak kneed liberals out of government and put a good leader ( like Reagan ) back in the driver's seat - otherwise all is lost - the world is too small a place today to ignore what is going on in different parts of the world - freedom and liberty have a price - one well worth fighting for - remember - if you give up your freedom for security - you will end up with neither -

Sorry JoePa, but this one falls squarely on the back of republicans. If they hadn't gone blundering around in the middle East with no plan for anything more than robbing oil and giving American companies reconstruction contracts, we likely wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. More of the same is not a solution. Edited by Dutch01
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I think russia is setting a new standerd and IMO Putin is not only making Obama look incapable, hes doing it in a political way thats garnering him alot of respect.


Hes playing his cards very well

I'm not seeing any outpouring of respect. I think he's a megalomaniac who just happens to be playing his hand better than Obama at the moment.

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Im not talking from world leaders(because hes making most look silly IMO) im talking about citizens

Russian citizens lap up anything RT spoon feeds to them, and most other people I see defending/lauding him are so anti government they will accept any theory that knocks the gov.


He's right to call out Erdogan for buying IS oil. I haven't seen much else from him that impresses me.

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Putin is laying the ground work for Russia to be a player in the region and of course is eyeing the regions resources. He could have quite the monopoly on fossil fuels if he can secure territory in the region.

Syria, the new Russian territory!


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Russian citizens lap up anything RT spoon feeds to them, and most other people I see defending/lauding him are so anti government they will accept any theory that knocks the gov.


He's right to call out Erdogan for buying IS oil. I haven't seen much else from him that impresses me.

Not really true. Although RT is basically just state run crap like we have hear in the west as well.


I like the fact hes calling out the west/NATO on their horrible policies in regards to the middle east.


I will add IMO all world leaders are megalomaniacs lol.


And Im no Putin lover either, hes an oligarch playing similar games as everybody else(just doing it better)

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Putin is laying the ground work for Russia to be a player in the region and of course is eyeing the regions resources. He could have quite the monopoly on fossil fuels if he can secure territory in the region.

Syria, the new Russian territory!


No different from us, in that regard.

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