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Until it's made law that politicians are subject to incarceration for their action, nothing will change. This government is out of control!

Until then the best we can do is shake things up buy voting against harper and hoping that the 3 parties WAKE UP....


It has been a long time since this country has had a leader with the balls to stand up and face the truth and be proactive.


The lies and blame game is getting old.......


Not one of the 3 main party leaders are able or worthy of running Canada.

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Until then the best we can do is shake things up buy voting against harper and hoping that the 3 parties WAKE UP....


It has been a long time since this country has had a leader with the balls to stand up and face the truth and be proactive.


The lies and blame game is getting old.......


Not one of the 3 main party leaders are able or worthy of running Canada.


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So far Mulcair and the NDP have had a free ride with the media not paying any attention to their methods and their platform. I get that some people hate Harper because, well, seems like everybody else is doing it.


Why on earth would you want to vote in an NDP government who say one thing in Quebec and the opposite in the rest of Canada? Didn't we learn how frustrating that was under the Liberals? We are talking about the Energy East Pipeline for one. They are all for it when talking in western Canada. In Ontario they are for building a $10 billion dollar refinery in Sarnia to process Alberta oil sands oil delivered through the pipeline. In Quebec they are against it.


How about their promise to make it easier for Quebec to separate from Canada? This doesn't bother anyone?


How about their own War On Science - their luddite views on GMO? You want this governing a modern country?


What about their views on TFSA's and CPP? Their views show a complete lack of understanding of how lower income people save for retirement and save for the futures of their families.


You really want this?

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Apparently they do...and frankly it surprises me, all we have heard here for the last several years is complaint after complaint about the Liberals and their scandals...a big one here was the long gun registry.

Apparently all is forgiven...


Yep, that shows how bad Harper is.


PC's out of Alberta - PC's out of Canada.


Harper's legacy is ending ... right now.

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Whether you like their policies, economics or political tactics, the Conservative Party is the only one the has defended our rights and heritage as hunters , fishermen, shooters and trappers . So the the next time you vote for one of the other parties you are voting along side the Petaphiles and eco-nazis that would like to see an end to our favourite pastimes.




These types have the ear of the Lieberals and NDP.

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Whether you like their policies, economics or political tactics, the Conservative Party is the only one the has defended our rights and heritage as hunters , fishermen, shooters and trappers . So the the next time you vote for one of the other parties you are voting along side the Petaphiles and eco-nazis that would like to see an end to our favourite pastimes.




These types have the ear of the Lieberals and NDP.

Yup... because anyone outside of P3TA takes P3TA seriously. Give your head a shake.

Edited by netminder
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Yup... because anyone outside of P3TA takes P3TA seriously. Give your head a shake.


Actually they do, I would have considered Germany and Switzerland to be the last 2 Euro countries outside of Scandanavia to fall for the looney tune of P3TA, but here we have them following the mantra of fish for food OK , fishing for sport barbaric.


" In Switzerland and Germany, catch and release fishing is considered inhumane and is now banned.[5] In Germany, the Animal Welfare Act states that "no-one may cause an animal pain, suffering or harm without good reason".[6] This leaves no legal basis for catch and release due to its argued inherent lack of "good reason", and thus personal fishing is solely allowed for immediate food consumption. Additionally, it is against the law to release fish back into the water if they are above minimum size requirements and aren't a protected species or in closed season. "


You catch it in season and it is legal size , it's supper.

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Actually they do, I would have considered Germany and Switzerland to be the last 2 Euro countries outside of Scandanavia to fall for the looney tune of P3TA, but here we have them following the mantra of fish for food OK , fishing for sport barbaric.


" In Switzerland and Germany, catch and release fishing is considered inhumane and is now banned.[5] In Germany, the Animal Welfare Act states that "no-one may cause an animal pain, suffering or harm without good reason".[6] This leaves no legal basis for catch and release due to its argued inherent lack of "good reason", and thus personal fishing is solely allowed for immediate food consumption. Additionally, it is against the law to release fish back into the water if they are above minimum size requirements and aren't a protected species or in closed season. "


You catch it in season and it is legal size , it's supper.

Thats crazy! But what does it have to do with P3TA?


Maybe thats just a government decision??? Maybe its cultural and what the people of said countries want?

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I read a long article on harper last night just to gain some perspective(ugh I couldnt sleep lol)


Many speak of him in the beginning as a rookie just like trudeau. He was scared to face other countries but thats where he actually found his voice apperently(g8 etc).


And apperently hes much like a dictator in who is around him. People get fired alot and most just disappear off the political landscape because again apperently, hes pretty ruthless to deal with.


Either way, government sucks. We so far down the hell hole I doubt well ever see a super patriotical leader that excels in management, conflict resolution, laws etc


One can hope I guess


Canada is still a great country to live in regardless of our incapable government.

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Thats crazy! But what does it have to do with P3TA?


Maybe thats just a government decision??? Maybe its cultural and what the people of said countries want?


Who do you think lobbied for that ??? not fishermen I guarantee you.


Did you read the link I posted on P3TA's fishing policy? Of all the European countries , Germans are probably the most frequent Canadian visitors coming here for hunting and fishing vacations

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Who do you think lobbied for that ??? not fishermen I guarantee you.


Did you read the link I posted on P3TA's fishing policy? Of all the European countries , Germans are probably the most frequent Canadian visitors coming here for hunting and fishing vacations

Id say americans frequent Canada for hunting/fishing much moreso then Germans lol.


No I didnt read the P3TA link, im not gonna waste my time on them.


But just because a country takes a similar stance as p3tas beliefs doesnt mean they swayed the government into these policies.


And who knows, maybe these policies work for said countries???


I dont live in Germany so I dont know???

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Id say americans frequent Canada for hunting/fishing much moreso then Germans lol.


No I didnt read the P3TA link, im not gonna waste my time on them.


But just because a country takes a similar stance as p3tas beliefs doesnt mean they swayed the government into these policies.


And who knows, maybe these policies work for said countries???


I dont live in Germany so I dont know???


I believe I said of all the European countries , Germans are the most frequent hunting and fishing visitors, of course Americans are number 1.


Ignoring the P3TA and like groups isn't going to make them go away, doing nothing insures that they will win. You might be surprised if they polled 416land how much support a ban of catch and release sport/picture trophy fishing would have.

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I believe I said of all the European countries , Germans are the most frequent hunting and fishing visitors, of course Americans are number 1.


Ignoring the P3TA and like groups isn't going to make them go away, doing nothing insures that they will win. You might be surprised if they polled 416land how much support a ban of catch and release sport/picture trophy fishing would have.

Yep I missed that, sorry dave.


I know ignoring p3ta wont make them go away, but i dont see them as much a threat considering we have way bigger issues at hand

Edited by manitoubass2
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Owning guns and fishing rods could be moot if there is nothing left to pursue. We don't need no stinking research.


Its funny someone mentioned the Conservative's sticking up for hunting and fishing rights...They've been the worst Federal Government for protecting/taking care of our wilderness, lakes, rivers...Look up what they did to our long standing 'Navigable waters act', and they did it real sneaky like!

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Its funny someone mentioned the Conservative's sticking up for hunting and fishing rights...They've been the worst Federal Government for protecting/taking care of our wilderness, lakes, rivers...Look up what they did to our long standing 'Navigable waters act', and they did it real sneaky like!


I was talking about the actual right to hunt and fish , there are those that would like to protect our wildlife against even us , the fishermen and hunters, you can vote for a " Greener Party " perhaps, but it might come around to bite your butt.



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Surprise, surprise!! Everything they do is sneaky---all the omnibus bills used to bulldoze all sorts of legislation thru parliament. They show no respect for the institution whatsoever.



This is why you see so many aboriginal rallies etc.




More of us should join them?

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Omnibus bills are not a Harper invention. Chretien made it into a science. Martin continued it. Harper followed suit. To say that Harper is unique and these bills are somehow subverting democracy is ridiculous.

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