Old Ironmaker Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 Yes M2, I have seen Chris, I think he is 18 but looks 12. I have ice packs 30 years old, and that is 100% the truth. Buddy saying French Canadians are hard to work with is stereotyping for sure, might even be racist. None of them work. Just kidding, relax. I bet you didn't meet many French Canadians in France. I tried to speak French to someone from France and he didn't understand a word and my French isn't terrible just bad. I was speaking Quebecois and he was French, big dif.
manitoubass2 Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 (edited) Lol ???? Sensitivity may be a seperate issue, or political correctness. Racist means you believe one race to be better then another. I think at times some people confuse the meaning. I get called nanaboozhoo or white nanabush and cracker all the time, but its not serious. Just for laughs. I dont have a bleeding heart as they say Edited June 29, 2015 by manitoubass2
Dusky Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 Yes it’s a parents place to educate the kids. But who is going to educate the parents? Things change drastically in last 10/15 years (evolution of internet, mobile phones and what not) let alone 30/40 years. How many of old timers share their nude pics with opposite sex in their pre-teen or even teens? Now with cell phone cameras in kids hand that is more common problem than one can think.. heck they even have a term for that called “sexting”. How many of you participated in cyber-sex chats.. now that is stomping ground for child sex predators to lure the young child’s. That is just tip of ice burg. Sex education in this time and age is not limited to someone sexual orientation but also about educating what is out there and what is good or bad for kids. As father of very young kids, I would rather have support of “professionals” with up-to date knowledge educating my kids rather than myself discussing with them about birds and bees.
manitoubass2 Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 On 6/29/2015 at 6:17 PM, Dusky said: Yes its a parents place to educate the kids. But who is going to educate the parents? Things change drastically in last 10/15 years (evolution of internet, mobile phones and what not) let alone 30/40 years. How many of old timers share their nude pics with opposite sex in their pre-teen or even teens? Now with cell phone cameras in kids hand that is more common problem than one can think.. heck they even have a term for that called sexting. How many of you participated in cyber-sex chats.. now that is stomping ground for child sex predators to lure the young childs. That is just tip of ice burg. Sex education in this time and age is not limited to someone sexual orientation but also about educating what is out there and what is good or bad for kids. As father of very young kids, I would rather have support of professionals with up-to date knowledge educating my kids rather than myself discussing with them about birds and bees. You bring up great points!
manitoubass2 Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 Sad thing is, alot of professionals are perverts themselves and use their profession to an advantage. Now thats not a knock on professionals in the area because im sure 99.9%of them dont do this Search jim carty. Weechi worker(or Family and children services if you prefer) He was molesting, soliciting, and raping children in "the system".
manitoubass2 Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 That *********** harmed alot of our RRFN youth and young parents. Hes been tried in winnipeg as we speak.
Dusky Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 There are bad apples in every profession. So as we have bad parents. We hear stories about parents sexually abusing their own kids. Does it mean we all fail as parents?
manitoubass2 Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 (edited) On 6/29/2015 at 6:46 PM, Dusky said: There are bad apples in every profession. So as we have bad parents. We hear stories about parents sexually abusing their own kids. Does it mean we all fail as parents? Nope not at all. Just like I said I would trust 99.9% to be on the straight and narrow. My wife and myself still prefer to have it in our control. I know in my kids school they have no experts on internet predation. Im tech savvy enough to show my children what can happen, and I prefer that. Parenting is parenting, school is school. Id rather my children learn math and science daily then how ipads work and the dangers of facebook etc. To each their own. If thats what you feel comfortable with then Im not gonna tell you your wrong, thats your choice and your right. My daughter has any issue with facebook or whatever, guess what? She now longer has a phone, simple as that and shes well aware of that. Edited June 29, 2015 by manitoubass2
Dusky Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 That's exactly why I said "support" from professionals. By no mean I am saying they will replace role of parents. As parent, final responsibility is mine.
manitoubass2 Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 On 6/29/2015 at 7:06 PM, Dusky said: That's exactly why I said "support" from professionals. By no mean I am saying they will replace role of parents. As parent, final responsibility is mine. I overlooked that. Agreed
Dusky Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 No worries. Personally, I give credit to current provincial government for updating oscillate text on this matter.
davey buoy Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 Waited a while for this.,My parents would not say crap about anything in my time growing up.Were talking 40-50 years ago.I learned the basics from school and the gutter.I had actually a class called sex-Ed. My two sons learned from my wife and myself for the most part.Times are a changing.I can see both sides of this discussion.Personally I would not mind in school sex-Ed at todays level. So much more going on now then I can keep up with.My kids are grown up now,but would like to think (as we have)have them come to us for any,any thing they wanted to know. That worked well for us .JMO,I would like them to be safe then sorry. As you know,they know so much well before the talk comes .
Rod Caster Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 parents always have the option of opting out of classes or even home schooling instead.
Fishwilly Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 If you're gay good for you. And like Cliff I agree that you don't see us heterosexual people out scantilly clad in leather outfits and Lord knows what throwing parades..... procreation is pretty tough with same sex. My 2 cents
SirCranksalot Posted June 29, 2015 Report Posted June 29, 2015 but, as a comic once said---"being bisexual doubles your chances of find a date for a Saturday nite" !
moxie Posted June 30, 2015 Report Posted June 30, 2015 You'd all have to admit that the curriculum we were taught as kids just doesn't cut it today and must be updated but agree that whatever they choose to teach kids must be age appropriate and should cover the whole spectrum. Our world is a much different place today and as such discussions of tolerance and acceptance must take place but they have no right to normalize certain sexual practices and preferences. It should be our right to decide for for ourselves as well as our children. By the way, how did tree cutting and sign posting turn into this? This should be more about a decades' worth of corruption, scandals, boondoggles and utter incompetent governance by the most oppressive, finger wagging, nanny statist pieces of crap this bankrupt province has and/or will ever see. These Lieberals suck and their self serving lackey supporters suck even more. Thats what this should be about.
Old Ironmaker Posted June 30, 2015 Report Posted June 30, 2015 As the GTA votes there goes the rest of the province. Until the citizens of Toronto realize that the Libs are not the answer we will be in the same tinny after the next election. Then again if not the devil you know then whom? The same goes for the two federal hairdos. It's a choice of either 2 cans a day of hair spray Harper or a jar of Dippidy Doo Justin. I'm going to look seriously at what's his name from the NDP. I asked a few people what they thought of him and no idea who I was talking about. One of the guys said " Oh the guy that needs a shave, I would never vote for a guy that doesn't shave" !!!!!! The criteria for leading this nation or province is looks or facial hair? OK maybe not looks.
creditmaster Posted June 30, 2015 Report Posted June 30, 2015 On 6/26/2015 at 7:26 PM, Big Cliff said: Driving through Scarborough the other day I saw all these beautiful trees just waiting to be planted along the side of the road, there were a couple of hundred of them, beautiful, straight, tall. All were right under the hydro lines and in fact, most of them were already within a foot or two of the line. How much money has hydro just spent cutting treas away from hydro lines in Ontairo? Who is paying Hydro to do it? What idiot just approved the planting of all of these trees and how come they get to keep their job? Driving up Hwy. 12; little village, speed sign 50 km/ph.... fifty yards further and clearly in sight 70 km/ph begins! Fifty yards past that another sign and clearly within sight, 80 km/ph begins. I can only wonder how much each of these signs cost, what it costs to install and how much do we spend maintaining them. Our tax dollars hard at work???????? Out in a rural area, no sidewalks, nothing much to walk to anyway there is a set of traffic lights with one of those nice walk/dont walk count down traffic lights. What idiot in there right mind got away with approving that? These people shouldn't have a job where they have the power to make decisions to spend our money! Who is their boss and why do they even have a job if they can't supervise their employees and make them accountable? It is time for some accountability. Our seniors can go hungry, without heat, be told we have to start paying for our own medications because our government is running out of money but we can donate billions to other countries? Billions get pissed up against the wall, senitors get charged, but no one is really ever held acountabile and now our members of parliment don't want to have to account for their expense claims? It's our money that they are spending for their lavish trips and if they do get caught they don't even get a slap on the wrist. Lets you and I try defrauding people and see what happens. Lastly our wonderful Premier gets up on stage at the Gay Pride Paride and states " I am Lesbien and the Permier of Ontario, how wonderful is that?" I can only imagine what the out cry would be if I got up in front of thousands of people and said "I am hetrosexual and I am a truck driver". OMG I would be labeled sexist so fast!!!!! I really don't care if she is lesbien but I do care that it seems to be her priority and now she is dictating that our children and grand children should be taught that this is a normal and acceptable thing? By who's standards? Teaching little kids about masterbation, same sex relationships????? If I as an adult was to talk to a 12 or 14 year old girl about anything to do with sex I would be in jail so fast and I would be labeled a sexual devient! Strangly our wonderful Premier thinks it's ok for our teachers to do it? Not in my books, but how does she get away with it? Sorry for the rant folks but I do find it frustrating! PREACH
creditmaster Posted June 30, 2015 Report Posted June 30, 2015 On 6/30/2015 at 5:11 AM, Old Ironmaker said: What's PREACH mean? said to give encouragement to a person dropping mad knowledge.
netminder Posted June 30, 2015 Report Posted June 30, 2015 The Ontario Liberals are the most corrupt, wasteful and self-righteous group of politicians I've heard of for this province. I've only been voting for 10 years, so I don't have much to base this on, but I doubt many disagree. However... Sex education needs to be in our schools. When I was in high school (grade 9 or 10), sex ed was taught by my gym teacher. I think he did a decent job, but it didn't teach me anything I didn't know. (use a rubber, diseases are a thing, etc.) Sex ed needs to be updated. Children need to know the dangers of online sex. How accessible was the hardcore xxx stuff when you were a kid? Hell, even myself growing up through my teenage years with semi-early access to the internet I had to search hard. Now, with google and all those "amateur" free sites you can look at whatever you want, whenever you want and think it's normal and OK. I've spoken to girls my age (mid to late 20's), and they tell me that many guys my age have no idea how sex works, or think it goes something like you see in pornography. People need to be comfortable with who they are. No one is forcing it on you, they're just asking that you accept it as reality. I occasionally get uncomfortable with gay culture, but no one is asking me to like it. The gay pride parade is simply bringing awareness to their cause. The same as all those cancer walks, etc. really don't put much money towards research, but do raise awareness. It's more of a party for like-minded people to get together and celebrate a society where this type of thing isn't (or shouldn't be) discriminated against. Would you rather it be like in Istanbul where they fired water cannons and tear gas to disperse the gay pride parade? http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/turkish-police-use-water-cannons-tear-gas-disperse-gay-pride-n383386 And finally, and probably on-topic, the trees are likely being planted along the side of the road to help block wind and drifting snow. It's been thrown around in Dufferin County to do the same, as it might make things safer. As for the hydro lines, well there's only so much real estate in the road allowance, and I doubt the farmers would be willing to give up their land to plant the trees.
Old Ironmaker Posted June 30, 2015 Report Posted June 30, 2015 Fishwilly, I guess you have never been to a Mardi Gras parade.
fishing n autograph Posted June 30, 2015 Report Posted June 30, 2015 It's not just the province it's the entire continent.....
crappieperchhunter Posted June 30, 2015 Report Posted June 30, 2015 On 6/30/2015 at 4:47 PM, FishnNAutographs said: It's not just the province it's the entire continent..... Yep and I'm afraid who you vote for won't change a thing.
Big Cliff Posted June 30, 2015 Author Report Posted June 30, 2015 (edited) On 6/30/2015 at 2:25 PM, netminder said: The Ontario Liberals are the most corrupt, wasteful and self-righteous group of politicians I've heard of for this province. I've only been voting for 10 years, so I don't have much to base this on, but I doubt many disagree. However... And finally, and probably on-topic, the trees are likely being planted along the side of the road to help block wind and drifting snow. It's been thrown around in Dufferin County to do the same, as it might make things safer. As for the hydro lines, well there's only so much real estate in the road allowance, and I doubt the farmers would be willing to give up their land to plant the trees. Totally agree about the corruption!!!!! This was on Markham Road below Steeles Ave in a well developed area, no farmers fields within miles and plenty of buildings to block any drifting snow. There was plenty of room on the oposite side of the road to plant the trees and no hydro lines to worry about. Where is the logic in that? I've just watched Hydro spend most of last summer and the last three months already cutting trees and brush back from hydro lines. I can only imagine what that is costing us the tax payer. Edited June 30, 2015 by Big Cliff
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