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Another Simcoe white fish bonanza


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Today looked like the best weather day of the week so took the kids of school and headed for quick morning trip to Simcoe. Thw whitefish was were I left them last time and in the same good biting mood.

The usual program i.e. Meegs lures did ALL the damage and ended up with 9/14 for the day. Got a nice herring as well today. First one after they open the season for them this year.

Kids had fantastic time, got fish...played a lot on the ice, got tired...all in all not a bad day away from school.

Now for the bad part....I am like most of you - don't like when people come and setup right next to me...when boat fishing even more when ice fishing....Lake Simcoe is a huge lake with tons of good spots....but some "fishermen" seem to be amputated of the simplest form of consideration for others...

Couple weeks ago there was a woman on a snowmobile who came and ask me tons of questions re. fishing...I tried to help her and answer her in details. At that time she was fishing about 200 meters from me...so fine. When I got to my sport today I see a hut right next to my spot....ok..fine again....I moved a bit away from the hut....bit later wouldn't you know it that same woman shows up on her snowmobile and goes straight to the hut. Clear enough....she must have called on her phone as 30 min later about 6-7 of her buddies show up on snowmobiles and decide to setup about 20 feet from me...at that point I had enough crap....so I asked them "is the lake too small for them to find a spot" and "would they like to fish in one of my holes inside my hut instead of my kids". They didn't seem (or didn't want to) get the point and asked me what depth I am fishing....now....everyone has their own fuse but my burnt at that point. So I told them I have no idea what depth I am fishing, even though they can see the fishfinder I was using....and I told them to move away from me. No such luck....one of them said "buddy what are you bothered about, we haven't set up yet" and "you can only have 2 whitefish anyways"....anyhow...I made a point of showing them how impressed I am with their unbelievably inconsiderate behavior and ignored them after that. Sure enough they start drilling holes about 25-30 feet from my hole. It took them 10 min to drill 2 holes...I went inside the my hut and continued catching fish while kids went outside to play.

Another 30 min later bammmm....another group of 4 comes with ATV's and proceed to setup 30 feet from me in the other direction. So now I am surrounded. The second group started cutting huge rectangular hole with a chainsaw making lots of noise. Not to mention the noise from dropping the hut on the ice, all the yelling etc.

So, I had enough, told the kids to get ready and we left....with a sour taste in our mouth. All this episode was played right in front of my boys' eyes. Another good lesson for them today away from school.

So what can I say....to all my forum friends (plenty of them) - please do not ask me any more for directions/spots/depth/location/strategy/etc. I will not provide such info to anyone aside of my very narrow group of personal friends that I fish regularly with. To everyone else who has no fault in this situation sorry but I'm going to change what I say and to whom. Didn't mind helping as many people as I can but this thing today really got into me. So enough from me.

Here are some shots from the day....you'll see the jokers..got few shots of them too....






Ice Fisherman

Edited by icefisherman
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On the ice i quickly bag my fish and put them in the slEd. If anyone asks, i havent caught and im not marking.



When we had the huts if someone caught a fish the others stayed clear, when people see a crowd they assume fish on and move in close. We had enough in our group to set up a perimeter around the huts

With flags indicating holes . . .

any fish caught was place in a cooler in the hut or under snow and no blood anywhere.


Some people have no respect for others.

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Doesn't matter where you go Emil... has nothing to do with seeing fish.


4 guys fishing an entire lake mid week on sleds... 3500 miles of shoreline... and this guy pulls up in his truck, pulls his Clam out of the back and sets up 60 feet from Terry. Never even says hello!


Joke was on him this round... it was a spot we'd never fished and we just stopped there to give ita try and have lunch. No fish, or structure, there!



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Wow. Just terrible how some people act.


I'll be the first to admit, Simcoe is huge and imposing and thinking about finding fish can be daunting, but why oh why would anyone bite the hand that feeds? I really don't know why people take a good thing and spoil it.


Sorry to hear that some louts that were more interested in personal enjoyment then respect ruined your day. :(

Edited by jeremy84
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Nice fish and you got a day with the boys Emil.






I was out last sunday. Set up away from the village. 1/2 hour later,atv pulls up out of no where, not more then 50 ft away. I think WTH????????? All this open space and you come to set up by me????????


Stops,drills and sets up. It was too cold to break down camp and move,but what a dick. It was even to cold to go out and yell at the dick.


Dont let it get you down. It,s not worth it.


Im exploring a new area this weekend. Have not seen an angler there . Im sure if someone see this lone soul out there,they will think OMG,he,s on fish.


Chive on.



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Awesome report Emil!! Great to see your boys slammin fish with you :)


I knew that good thing could only last so long after all the "trolling" they did around us last week. Now I don't even know if I want to go there tomorrow... My fuse and patience is a LOT shorter than yours! And I won't have my kids there to make me think twice lol.

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Nice whities!, i have been laughing pretty hard at some of the stuff ive seen just this year. Guy doing donuts 50 feet from my shack, sleds and atvs flying by almost crushing my tip ups.

You know i never set a tip up more than 20 feet from the hut for fear of its demise haha.

That being said, in spite of the stupidity i have been slaying fish non stop in the bay so bring on the huddled masses to watch my greatness ??

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