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OOS Idiots targeting bass


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How many degrees of separation does it take to get from OOS bass to voting Liberal----only a true campaigner will know for sure

Much bigger fish to fry than OSS bass. All in all my point is the people may change but those that vote lieberal are all idiots and there is no separation in degrees from one to the other.

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Much bigger fish to fry than OSS bass. All in all my point is the people may change but those that vote lieberal are all idiots and there is no separation in degrees from one to the other.

Lemme guess, you're voting PC?

Edited by Pigeontroller
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Courtesy should be something that is earned, or you show out of respect, not offered "in case they have a gun".

The time frame to earn courtesy and respect is not possible when you are going straight to a confrontation. You will not earn either one of those when you are telling someone they are doing something wrong. I read so many posts here of people who will get into a fight over a fish and the reason is there is no penalty other than a few bruises.



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Everybody has something or a few things that they are passionate about and are willing stand up and fight for. To some these things may seem petty and small but to the person standing up it may mean a lot more.

I will always stand up against the abuse of resources the same way i stand up against the abuse of other animals or people.

If i get hurt standing up for what i believe in so be it, id rather be physically hurt from standing up than be unharmed from turning my back on what im passionate about.


For the record, i dont even really like bass fishing

But if i dont say or do something no one will

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Id like to add to arts comment.

If you think its ridiculous somebody would get hurt standing up for a fish how stupid do you think i feel it is that somebody would pull a gun and shoot you over one???


I love canada!!!!

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I believe strongly in following the rules ... even if you don't agree with them. My vacation cottage is on a lake in NY with a similar rule about fishing for bass in the Spring. I follow the rules, even though I don't want to. And I encourage others to follow the rules as well.


But, I don't go out of my way to photograph, confront, attack, or sabotage people who are fishing OOS bass. Life is too short to worry about something as silly as OOS bass fishing.


If you are getting your knickers in a bunch over guys fishing bass in May, then maybe you need to re-think your priorities in life.

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My priorities are fine, i live on a canal and am forced to watch these rapists day in and day out, i do not attack or sabotoge people either you tool.


I have nothing else to say.

Edited by Gallie
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the biggest problem I have with this is what was alluded to earlier in the thread:


it seems the attitude of some is that if you are fishing at all for anything before the end of june,


you automatically must be targeting OOS bass and you will have muskie lures with large treble hooks thrown at you..



Edited by 12 Volt Man
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Good discussion Guys!


I was at the cottage the last 4 days. Only witnessed one account of Obvious bass fishing. One guy in a kayak throwing spinner baits in one of the ussuall spawning ground.


I trolled an hour or 2 a day and only pulled up 4 eyes for my efforts. Only one OOS bass over 24fow too.


Only thing we can do is call people out on it and then they have to make the decision themselves.

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Spinnerbaits can be used for anything. I was on balsam Sunday, fishing weedlines away from shore and managed pike in the double digits, a few musky, perch and bluegill (surprised me) and 4 walleye over the slot (all released, don't keep or eat fish). Only one OOS brute smallie.


When its a cloudy day with some or little chop, spinnerbaits are my favourite lures for walleye, same with lipless cranks. They just flat out catch them.

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I think this has been beat to death...You can't train OOS fish not to bite, they all hang out in similar water in May and June, they all love spinnerbaits, jigs, crankbaits, etc., we can't judge people's intent even though some people here think so, and if eliminating OOS fishing was as easy as some suggest, the MNR would up the fines and have a field day raking in money. So, buy your license, limit your catch, leave the lake or land better than you found it, call the MNR if you suspect a law is being broken AND have a nice day. Oh yeah, take kid fishing. Did I miss any?

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I think this has been beat to death...You can't train OOS fish not to bite, they all hang out in similar water in May and June, they all love spinnerbaits, jigs, crankbaits, etc., we can't judge people's intent even though some people here think so, and if eliminating OOS fishing was as easy as some suggest, the MNR would up the fines and have a field day raking in money. So, buy your license, limit your catch, leave the lake or land better than you found it, call the MNR if you suspect a law is being broken AND have a nice day. Oh yeah, take kid fishing. Did I miss any?



Tip your waitress?? :)

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I think this has been beat to death...You can't train OOS fish not to bite, they all hang out in similar water in May and June, they all love spinnerbaits, jigs, crankbaits, etc., we can't judge people's intent even though some people here think so, and if eliminating OOS fishing was as easy as some suggest, the MNR would up the fines and have a field day raking in money. So, buy your license, limit your catch, leave the lake or land better than you found it, call the MNR if you suspect a law is being broken AND have a nice day. Oh yeah, take kid fishing. Did I miss any?

You hit this right on!!!! :clapping:

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I guess my point was missed for all of the internet vigilantes who think it is o.k. to flatten tires or throw deadly items at someone with morality that is low enough to fish for OOS fish don't be surprised if they bring a gun to what you perceive as a knife fight. Is a beatdown worth telling a stranger not to fish for bass before a date? Call MNR it is there job not yours to be judge and jury on this issue. If they do not respect the law what makes you think they will respect you? Be safe and be careful I hate for any of my friends to be injured over a fish is my point.




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Lets just step back for a second.

Fishing OOS fish in Canada is illegal . Whether its for herring on Simcoe /bass on a back lakes /musky/walleye /lacers/whiteys/pike Or any thing else you want to fish for the plain fact is that if you have any knowledge you set up your gear for the fish you are seeking.?

Given that.

It becomes imperative to set your gear up in order to TARGET whatever species your fishing for....


As it states in the regs.....


MNR looks for that.....


So the Key may lie in education?

Or what about a graduated licence??

Start as 1 of any species and go from there?


I have fished since I was 4 yrs old I am 48 at the end of June I would pass any test no problem....


As for taking things into your own hands go for it .

But educate them instead of threaten them....?


Canada has fought hard for conservation over the past 30yrs .....








If you choose to ignore what responsible ANGLERS respect .



THEN SHAME ON YOU. :asshat: KISS IT............

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Spinnerbaits can be used for anything. I was on balsam Sunday, fishing weedlines away from shore and managed pike in the double digits, a few musky, perch and bluegill (surprised me) and 4 walleye over the slot (all released, don't keep or eat fish). Only one OOS brute smallie.


When its a cloudy day with some or little chop, spinnerbaits are my favourite lures for walleye, same with lipless cranks. They just flat out catch them.

Yes this is unfortunate, I catch a lot of pike using a spinnerbait White or White or Cht and I get some OOS Bass. Basically some of the lures overlap, I'm not intentionally targeting them and I do my best to keep my colors more geared to what I think Pike traditionally will strike more than a bass...but I still catch that OOS fish, I don't take pictures I quickly unhook and release them when that happens.


I've been following this thread for awhile and I tried to keep my mouth shut, but I found the SB comment a little off.

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NO. Grimsby

I don't / (kidd/kidding)


When I go fishing I target 1 fish or type of fish.


I do not throw lures that are in the 2-3inch range for out of season fish during their spawn cycle or whatever I pitch 5-8" lures for big pike...

I also know when and where the fish are.(I think)


Based on 40yrs of fishing along with the experience of endless days of fishing.


And yes.........

I can fish of any type that I listed plus more with success .

But I stay within the rules.


And staying within the rules is what this thread is all about?




Edited by saltydawg
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So because I'm fishing a weed edge 20ft from someone's dock with a jig someone might think I'm fishing oos bass !!!! That's a joke as most of my walleyes this spring have come from spots like that !!!! So sometimes it's just idiots that assume you are fishing oos bass !!!! And I have even left fishing spots as I have had some big bass follow my bait and I have purposely pulled the bait away from them as not to catch them !!! So again it's sometimes that just because the know it all guy thinks you are fishing for bass oos it's them that really have no clue !!!!! Which is typical !!!!!! So it does work both ways

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So because I'm fishing a weed edge 20ft from someone's dock with a jig someone might think I'm fishing oos bass !!!! That's a joke as most of my walleyes this spring have come from spots like that !!!! So sometimes it's just idiots that assume you are fishing oos bass !!!! And I have even left fishing spots as I have had some big bass follow my bait and I have purposely pulled the bait away from them as not to catch them !!! So again it's sometimes that just because the know it all guy thinks you are fishing for bass oos it's them that really have no clue !!!!! Which is typical !!!!!! So it does work both ways

You are absolutely correct. You can't battle someone else's perception.

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