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Well it was that time of year again that I have been looking for each year now May 24. I had not looked forward to this weekend in many years (as pickeral is open all year here) but when I lived in Sudbury many years ago dad and I would always go on our trip for May 24 this had stopped when mom got sick I was bummed out but understood. fast forward to two years ago dad had beaten cancer and had thoughts of times we missed on weekend trips so he asked my wife if she thought I would like to do a weekend trip HELL Yeah was my answer and I was on the phone to my buddy and had our trip booked the same day. well this was our second trip this past weekend and we had a blast. We went up to Crystal falls to a lake called Tomiko we had a great weekend with a little bad weather mixed in.all in all we had the best time as we spent it together and also made some new great friends.


We got there Friday afternoon and thought we would take a nice troll around the lake I set the kicker motor at 2mph we put two lines out and trolled the shore line for the next 3-4 hours just taking in the view. just as we are ready to head back to the camp dad got the first fish this little SM bass and yes we knew they were out of season but took the pic anyway.



the next morning the pickeral would be introuble as we set out after them with in min of setting up dad had this pan size one



next I got a monster



well dad would have non of this and showed me up with this 27 1/2" what a nice looking fish she still swimms to make more babies but if she was 30+ we would have thought of keeping her for the wall.



we had only kept 3 for dad to have his shore lunch he enjoyed that very much.



Later saturday it poured rain and we played chicken and stayed inside that was funny as last year when dad did not have pickeral for dinner we were out in a blizzard looking for them with a full belly he makes better choices.


Sunday was pouring rain so we headed to Sudbury to visit friend and spend money at the tackle shop.


Sunday night was another good night for pickeral but when monday came we hit the other lake looking for pike as we were told that is where we would find them I ended up wit h13-15 bass and dad around 5 not one pike we tried every place so I would think there is very few of them there but we did catch up with another new friend.


they were working very hard for the day I know they watched us for a bit as we were the only ones out in that area they came over for a chat and check us all over for fish and safty were happy to let us keep fishing.They were also surprised to here me tell them I was happy to see them out there. ther was one fella at the camp who was not as happy his beer was a $200 + beer I hope it was cold.


Well to end here I had a blast again wit hdad and hope we make it to next year and many more my son is only 2 1/2 and I would like for him to join us when he gets older.


Wow...looked like an awesome time out there MrEh!!! It's great you were out with your dad....wish I could do the same!!! Great report and pics...thanks for taking the time to post your report...very well written!


Looks like a great time spent with someone special! thanks for sharing the pics too!


Did the guy get a $200+ fine for drinking on shore or was he in the boat?



Posted (edited)

Great report. Its nice to see it when guys take their dads out to fish and camp.


Very nice pickerel your dad caught there.


So, did you mean the guy got a $200 fine?



Edited by Joey

Now thats a nice report to see , I wish my dad would come out with me but it probably will never happen. Good to see you got some fish at least and hey you have pics.; :clapping:


Great report, Mike. Even greater that you got to spend the trip with your dad. Thanks for the great pics also.


Yep that beer was on the boat when the OPP pulled up to him and it cost him more then $200 I dont remember the exact figure but it was a costly beer.


I know that I need to enjoy all the time I can with my dad as we are not here for ever I was just glad that he made the choice to start taking our tirps again.



Roger I have a beef with you everytime I go t oBPS your not there I guess I am hitting the store the wrong days :huh:


Mike you are so right, time is fleeting. thank you for sharing your trip with your Dad. May you be blessed with many more




Great report MrEh, nice that you can get out fishing with Dad again, and with success.


BTW, nice try on that 3rd pic, being so dark and all. I just saved it, and used an image editing program to get a better look at your "monster" walleye, :lol:


Sounds great bud. This will be my first year in quite a while heading to the Rideau System and my Dad will not be there ... just ain't gonna be the same. He usually goes in May (actually left this am), July, and again the end of September. He's getting up there in years and the drive really gets to him, so he eliminated his July trip.


Next year, we're changing our July trip to September so that I have the opportunity to fish with him while I still can. Enjoy those times Mike ... enjoy them to the full.

Guest Johnny Bass

Great Report. There's not much that beats fishing with the dad.

Posted (edited)
  tjsa said:
Great report MrEh, nice that you can get out fishing with Dad again, and with success.


BTW, nice try on that 3rd pic, being so dark and all. I just saved it, and used an image editing program to get a better look at your "monster" walleye, :lol:



That is why I left it so dark. Dad took the pic so I dont know why it was dark like that he must have known something I did not

Edited by MrEh

Nah, just the sun was in the background, not behind the camera, that made the picture look dark, but with digital pictures, its easy to manipulate them. All the information is in there, not like a 35mm pic, that was scanned.


Hey, I have caught many equally sized, and smaller, Ijust don't let my bud take pics of them, lol.


Beauty report MR Eh always great to see a father and son Duo fishing together.My Dad missed our Quinte trip this year he had a bad case of shingles.


priceless pics.Love the shot of the 27inch eye.


That was a great report.Thanks MTP :clapping:

Guest mistyriver1

Great report Mike. Trips with your Dad are priceless.....enjoy them.

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