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My how things have changed...


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I thought you oldtimers would like this... and well all you new guys might like it too.


my how we have progressed!


PS... the links work and you can access the old Msg Forums :) a ton of history here folks.


Enjoy ;)



Brings back ALOT of memories.







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Very interesting look back!

The first thing randomly i hit was Dec. 7th 2004 and found the unfortunate thread from Lew that 226 had posts.


Lots of memorable and informative posts there.


Thanks for putting it up.



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Wow...I took some time to read some of those old posts. It's cool to see some great current members who posted back then.


It's hard to believe that bly and I have only been members here for only 7 months...as long as there are fish out there to be caught....and OFC is still on the web, I cant see why we wont be here as well.


We've met some great OFC'ers, and look forward to meet many more....

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dang I remember this one like it was yesterday






From Message





Saturday, May 25, 2002


Subject: simcoe report

IP: Logged






it was real windy Fri.

cold Sat. morning

wind from the east

and I wanted to go fishing on Lake Simcoe

( I must be a sucker for punishment)

but bright and early me and my buddy are

loading the boat and ready to go

everywhere I cast my line it seemed I caught a bass

small mouth were everywhere... 55deg. water temp

they aren't spawnning for quite some time

everytime we caught bass we would move to a

new location cause we were looking for pike

3 boats were near us, my friend and I both set the hook on bass,

the 3 boats moved to casting distance of us , more boats stopped.

in 15 min. 35 boats were all around us and not a pike was caught..

we moved on to a new location

I got one pike on but just at the boat it cut the line (if only

they make a leader type thing, made of wire to stop pike from biting

you off) oh well

no pike and time to get off the water

I drive the boat on to the trailer and my friend pulls it

up the ramp

he leaves the truck running and....oooppppps ... locks the door....

well (he says) don't you keep a spare in your wallet

damn it's now my fault we can't get in the truck ( cause I don't keep spare keys)


ding ding ding ...the low fuel light comes on.... truck running

I'm cursing...well I will walk to a store and make a phone call

30min. later...up hill all the way I get to a store with a phone booth

a guy is playing the bag pipes outside the booth so loud that I can't hear

anything on the phone

yeah I know... but I kid you not, the( I hate at the best of times) bag pipes

so I get him to stop without spilling blood.....

now I can't get someone to answer my phone....CALL WAITING

and my daughter is talking to her boy friend,,,,and she won't change to my call

after seven times calling her she gets tired of hearing the beeping in her ear

and answers my call.........OH moms not here......ofcourse shes not

what else could go wrong.....

tell her when she gets home to bring the extra key to the truck

and the gas can....( remember the low gas light was on)

you know it's going to run out of gas before she gets there

sssso there I sit....

oh look it's starting to rain...........

well she came.... truck and boat got home...



lets check the weather channel to see about fishing Sunday...


but that's another story.......









Saturday, May 25, 2002


RE: simcoe report

IP: Logged



Terry thats the best tail i have ever heard. Was also out this morning and you know what that east wind can do to Kempenfelt Bay. 1 ft 2 ft 3 ft rollers thats it for me. Wish I could say we caught but as they say a bad day of fishing is better then a good day at work.Giving it another shot in the am. Want to head to Sparrow. Tight lines and play safe.







Saturday, May 25, 2002


RE: simcoe report

IP: Logged



Sorry Terry nice fish by the way.







Sunday, May 26, 2002


RE: simcoe report

IP: Logged



been there, done that







Sunday, May 26, 2002


RE: simcoe report

IP: Logged



And the upside of course is that if your bud hadn't locked the keys in the truck or had you gassed before getting there...we'd have had nothing to read this morning.

be well......Roy







Sunday, May 26, 2002


RE: simcoe report

IP: Logged



Damn!! Terry!!!

I thought them things only happened to me! I'm sorry for the day you had....but it sure made me laugh tonight!

Have a better one next time!








Monday, May 27, 2002


RE: simcoe report

IP: Logged



when all was said and done....it made me laugh too...next weekend scogug...








Monday, May 27, 2002


RE: simcoe report

IP: Logged



terry, nice report! i guess we all have days like that every once in a while, hopefully you learned something from the experience! i just put an extra key in my wallet!! he he he








Monday, May 27, 2002


RE: simcoe report

IP: Logged



Hey Terry, look on the bright side, things could only go up hill from there.

We all hate when it happens, but we sure laugh when we look back, another good story for the grand kids one day.

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DANG.............IZZAT how Terry and Misfish first met? :lol:

OFC has never been the same since.


Was looking for the very first post by Muskiestudd, but did not see it.



Where the heck is Chris anyways, haven't seen him around here in a couple months?


Its gonna take me a few weeks to go through all those.

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Guest mistyriver1

Finally had a chance to look at it last night at home, as the site was blocked at my work. Very cool Gerritt, Saw some stuff from 04 when I first joined up.


Thanks for posting it.

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