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Funniest thing you've seen while fishing?


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On our last day on Lac Seul, my partner decides we are going to ambush the other 2 boats as they come back to the houseboat. So we cut up the remaining potatoes into 1x1 inch squares. He then grabs the leftover Nacho Cheese we had in a gallon tub. Ok here they come............we start pegging the dipped potatoes at them as were chasing them in the small bay were we were parked. They head to the houseboat for there own ammo.........we hightail out of there around a nearby island. We dressed up in full rain gear and rubber boots, and used the floatation pillows for shields, we were ready !!!!!! This went on for about a half hour or so before everyone ran out of ammo. 3 boats chasing each other around in circles.......what fun (but a little messy).

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Two of my closest buddies and me were staying at a small fishing motel at a lake in New York. I was in the shower and one guy decided to throw a pot of cold water on me. As he went to throw the water, the handle on the pot broke off and crashed to the floor. He slipped in the mess and reached out to stable himself. He grabbed the shower curtain and fell to the floor in a pile of water, curtain, and laughter. I was left standing there wet and naked.


All the while, the front door of the room was open (it was hot with no AC) so the guys loading up their boats got to see the whole thing.


Our other buddy (who was cooking dinner) just calmly walked over and closed the front door and went back to cooking like nothing happened.

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These stories are great!!! Keep em coming!!!


A few years ago, a bunch of us were up at Bernie's place. Fishnsled and I head out for an evening fish....there was some prize for the biggest fish. I caught a nice walleye and was holding it out in front of me to take an arms length picture.


Fishnsled says "don't do it that way....you're going to lose that fish".

I ignored him and with my arm fully extended for the pic, I went to snap the shot with my other hand.


I hit the button and the fish goes crazy...it slips from my hand and into the water.


I say "I got the picture!!"


I looked at it and it went off too late...all you could see was my hand...empty space...and the water!

Edited by ccmt
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Planned a weekend trip to scugog with 2 of my sons in law so I rented a motel room for the night and after a good day on the water we retired to sleep. One of the sons in law was the loudest snorer I had ever heard and the other just couldn't or wouldn't stop passing gas. After about an hour of trying to fall asleep to the serenade, I went out and slept in the back of the car while these two slept peacefully in the room I had rented.



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One time up in northern quebec there was six of us in our gang except one guy wouldn't be showing up till the next morning. It was about a 45 minute boat ride back to the launch and Ricks partner Elroy was pissed off that he had to waste 2 hrs going to get Rick cause the bite was on. Any how off he went the next morning and while we were out fishing we kept an eye out for the two of them on their return. They were in a 15 ft tinny with a 20 on the back.


We notice this boat coming towards us at a good clip but figured it couldn't be them cause they were going to fast, With big Rick at 325 lbs plus all his gear and a 25 Honda they would be really loaded down. His boat was already at camp. Sure as heck it was them and Elroy was driving with both motors on the back running wide open. Twin outboards on a 15 ft tinny. I swear they had to be doing 35 mph. Thet went by screaming and yelling at us. It was so funny I almost fell out of our boat.

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At kipewa almost 20 years ago in june. Mid day was always slow fishing for anything other than lakers. Someone decided we should run up the lake thru "the chute" and to the beach with some beer. Fun trip that ended abruptly. Within seconds of getting to the beach we were swarmed by super aggressive deer flies. I actually saw a dragonfly grab one right in front of my eyes. Picture 7 guys running back to the boats with their arms waving like lunatics. Straight back to camp to apply after-bite. We were all covered in polka dots for the rest of the week. Good times :)

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I got to watch one of my best friends take a big cast and hook his hat right off the top of his head.


I saw a couple buddies in a boat trolling slowly when the driver turned around and tried to kneel on the back of the boat to have a leak and the boat swamped, he fell out, and there was bits of floating debris everywhere.


On our yearly pike trip three of us were trying to walk the tin boat up a shallow creek to attempt to locate a small back lake when suddenly the front man slipped on a log and fell under the boat.


One of the funniest was again on a pike trip and there were 2 boats with the front one having three guys and the back one with me had two. We were running some rivers to a chain of lakes and i was driving the 2nd boat about 60-80 ft behind the first

one. We came around a sharp 90degree corner and the front boat just drifted right up onto the mud bank and completely out of the water. I almost wet myself laughing seeing the prop spinning, the beached boat, and the bewildered looks on everyones faces. The story i got was that the driver had reached for his drink and slipped which caused him to get wedged between the motor and the side of the boat. Hahaha


I have lots more but it takes a while on my phone so maybe later.

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Might not be the funniest thing I have seen fishing.......

Years ago I witnessed an old Russian guy land a weighed out 21 pound steelhead.


When guys started asking what he caught it on he replied........ " Gummi bear, Gummi Bear "

True story. I believe it was red

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As a child, me and my pops trolled walleyes all day. My dad caught 40-50 nice walleye. I never even got a bite. Turns out my hook was in my armpit all day!!!! Hurt like hell getting it out. I still give my dad crap fir not noticing. But it is what is is, funny story and ill never forget it!


I don't get it. How do you not notice that A. Your line isn't in the water and B.You have a hook stuck in your armpit all day



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Crappy fishing with a buddy one time, I'm nailing big slabs every cast. He casts out, float buries, and he misses them every time. I'm busting his nuts (obviously) and ask if there is a hook on that jig. He says of course....casts out...float buries...no fish. He finally reels in and looks at his hook and finds its broken off LOL. He fished for over an hour like that!



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Many funny things over the years, my father on our only fishing trip of my life getting chased in a field by a bull with udders screaming help, help.


Pulling a prank on a pal that is too busy sleeping and spitting tobacco to ever catch a fish. Snag his line and he never notices his rod pumping, pull his harness in and hook an empty beer can on it, drop it in. The can fills up and the rod is a pumpin'. Danny you have a fish, no way!!! He's losing it as were telling him it's bigger than the net, this side, no that side, man what a monster!!! Net it, Man you got a Budweiser. He loses it as it's the first fish of his life, straight goods and starts WWF wrestling with Hutch in the middle of the boat with 4 of us in it. Hutch is getting the tar beat out of him and he had nothing to do with the whole thing.


I'm not as eloquent as HTHM but one of the funniest things this past year was HIM falling out of my boat when he tried to set the hook on a 5" perch with his $350.00 ultralight. Lost his $250.00 sunglasses too. That's more than my old truck was. Probably looked a lot like this Beansie gentleman. He going to say the seat broke, never happened before or after. Oh did I mention he didn't have this famous PFD on, it was sitting on the floor. HTHM did you get to Jenny Craig over the winter, man what a beast of a man.

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this was not funny at the time....after work at about 10pm me and buddy were packing the truck for a brook trout trip, we planned to drive all night, fish all weekend, drive all night and back to work Monday morning...things were loaded, we drove all night, got there nice and early, canoe in the water, gear loaded, read to paddle....except we forgot the rods :wallbash:


we had enough lures to stock a small store, extra spools of line, everything but rods and reels


it was about 4 hours to the nearest store plus 4 hours back to the lake would basically eliminate day 1 on a 2 day trip


so instead, we whittled down some nice limber branches that had a Y at the base to store line, made guides out of cut up macdonald's straws and electrical tape and we actually caught fish, good ones too....we were so proud of our magyver'ed rods we were going to bring them home as a keepsake...except...we also forgot those at the lake

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this was not funny at the time....after work at about 10pm me and buddy were packing the truck for a brook trout trip, we planned to drive all night, fish all weekend, drive all night and back to work Monday morning...things were loaded, we drove all night, got there nice and early, canoe in the water, gear loaded, read to paddle....except we forgot the rods :wallbash:


we had enough lures to stock a small store, extra spools of line, everything but rods and reels


it was about 4 hours to the nearest store plus 4 hours back to the lake would basically eliminate day 1 on a 2 day trip


so instead, we whittled down some nice limber branches that had a Y at the base to store line, made guides out of cut up macdonald's straws and electrical tape and we actually caught fish, good ones too....we were so proud of our magyver'ed rods we were going to bring them home as a keepsake...except...we also forgot those at the lake



What a great story!

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last summer i was fishing with my best fishing buddy on our favourite pike lake. My buddy hooks into a 4-5lb pike and his line snaps. While he was bumming lacing up a new lure i hook into a fish. i get it in the boat and i go to unhook it. the pike has my buddys lure in its mouth! It was the exact same lure as the one i was using and i was laughing that the pike was dumb enough to bite it twice. my buddy didnt believe me until i showed him the 2 identical lures going into my tackle box haha!

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