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Thanks for your input Moxie.


I wouldn't get in a car with the guy. And I definitely would'd let him guide me out on Simcoe. Just thought I would let others know as well...

Edited by N.A.W
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Fair enough but take a minute to ponder this.


Most of you here would assume, without even meeting me but taking my OFC track record into account that I'm a (Insert expletives here) and I'm good with that. Maybe the type of person that hears or sees someone in trouble and looks the other way. Selfish and self serving perhaps? Wouldn't hold the door open for his own mother?


But I also might be that guy driving down a country road on a cold and stormy winters night that noticed your car in the ditch, with you in it and pulled over to pull your nearly frozen meat sac of a body to safety so you'd be able to share that harrowing experience to your grand kids some day. Just maybe.



Just because the sign says "Beware of Dog" doesn't mean its dangerous. Thats just someone elses opinion.




Just thought I'd let others know as well.

Edited by moxie
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Everyone at sometime in their lives have had relationships with other people and decided for one reason or another to end that relationship. Often once the dust has settled they realize the relationship wasn't as bad as it seemed and reconcile. Heck I had one guy at work that married the same woman 3 times. Add an "m" to end and you have mend.


People change, I know I have, give bigredfisher a break, we all deserve a second chance. I will admit that 12 years ago I went through a personal tragedy that changed me. I was mad at the world and wanted to pick a fight with anyone or anything. I became a troller on another forum. I found it was easy, hide behind a screen and you could be anyone or anything one wishes, including a coward. I was a Jackass, idiot, douchbag number 1 with 5 stars. Now I'm so ashamed of my attitude then I want to vomit.


I chucked my computer out the door 12 years ago when I came to my senses and realized I was wasting away my life fighting with everyone I knew. This past fall was the first time I joined a forum in 12 years. You guys gave me a second chance, please give bigredfisher that second chance as well. Please.



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Everyone at sometime in their lives have had relationships with other people and decided for one reason or another to end that relationship. Often once the dust has settled they realize the relationship wasn't as bad as it seemed and reconcile. Heck I had one guy at work that married the same woman 3 times. Add an "m" to end and you have mend.


People change, I know I have, give bigredfisher a break, we all deserve a second chance. I will admit that 12 years ago I went through a personal tragedy that changed me. I was mad at the world and wanted to pick a fight with anyone or anything. I became a troller on another forum. I found it was easy, hide behind a screen and you could be anyone or anything one wishes, including a coward. I was a Jackass, idiot, douchbag number 1 with 5 stars. Now I'm so ashamed of my attitude then I want to vomit.


I chucked my computer out the door 12 years ago when I came to my senses and realized I was wasting away my life fighting with everyone I knew. This past fall was the first time I joined a forum in 12 years. You guys gave me a second chance, please give bigredfisher that second chance as well. Please.




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I don't know BRF personally. Just from his track record here. Which has lead me to believe he's a bit of a hot head.


I wouldn't want to hitch a ride to Simcoe with him. Get taken out to the laker grounds. Then have a heated discussion, and get left there...


Lots of guys where not on OFC back then. Just because it happened 4 years ago doesn't mean it didn't happen. What reason do I have to believe he has changed?

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I don't know him either. I just know that there are enough disputes happening that dredging up a 4 year old one is ridiculas. You don't want to go? Don't. If we all needed to be warned every time he posted, I'm sure the good people that monitor this forum would have removed him long ago.

I just don't think it's anyone's place to throw it in his face years later.

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