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Rob Ford the movie????


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Rob Ford for PMO...lol All kidding aside that video made me realize how much i actually missed Chris Farley..Man its almost like Ford life was scripted just so this video could be made.. From the running over the lady the camera crash to the football wipe-out..Incredible..Also very well done

Edited by tb4me
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Cant believe Im going to say this but,if Rob watched this,he might get an awakening.


As much of a dumb :asshat: he has been,theres always something that makes you click and say,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Time to change.


Then again,it might be too late. Politics anyways.



Farley. rocks. Well,he did.

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Say what you want, I actually like Rob Ford. No other mayor has saved Toronto as much money as he has. I also enjoy his little public freak outs... it shows that he's human and not some emotionless, robotic monster.

Exactly how I feel. He's not fake like 99% of poloticians.

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He's fake in that he tries to come off as a 99%er but he's not. Daddy was an MP in Harris' gubmint and he was born into money. Globe and Mail broke down his financials and it's good reading. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/assessing-the-financial-affairs-of-average-guy-mayor-rob-ford/article15574327/#dashboard/follows/


as well, the numbers he spouts as savings ($1 billion) has been broken down as well. I prefer facts > fiction ymmv

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Rob Ford does not make the games of smart guys who want to milk more taxes from the citizens, therefore it has to be trashed in the media.

TV media in all countries are controlled and manipulated by strong financial interests.

I don't want a mayor that speak nice and increase my taxes every year.

I want a guy that deliver result with the same budget (that's performance).

I will vote for him as long he will candidate.

Edited by gogan
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I will vote for him as long he will candidate.

Give your head a shake.

Lots of other fiscal conservatives will run.



Ya, an admitted crack smoking, drunk driving, very wealthy family guy who lies constantly would be perfect mayor again.


Now he is entertaining being in a porn movie. lol



Now that's entertainment.....ugh. :santa:

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