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White Corn GMO or Regular - Sourcing


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Im not to sure how you would go about this.. Just about all corn grown around here is GMO. The only way you could guarantee yourself of non GMO is to purchase heritage seeds and grow it yourself or ask a local organic grower to do it for you..Good luck with your search and please by all means keep us in the loop as to what you come up with.

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Please forgive an old man but what is GMO corn?

Big Cliff , if you eat vegetables you better google GMO's and educate yourself.. Its a total new war on the food we eat..


Start by reading this.. If this doesnt get you interested I dont know what will



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Genetically modified crops have been around for some time now. Most mainstream supplies of grains are GMO. Look to traditional and organic farmers for sources outside growing your own. You would be looking for "heritage" and "heirloom" strains like Stowells, Truckers Favorite White, White Silver King, Whipples White.

GMO livestock has been around for over 20 years. They are big in the dairy industry. One Corp headquartered outside of Guelph specializes in dairy herds, and has since expanded into the cheese industry.

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I'm all for gmo foods if it all checks out health wise for humans. Higher yield, and favourable charteristics .... I mean we could end world hunger...

I'm afraid it does not quite work out that way. Usually, for every synthetic industrial product we produce, there are two or more byproducts, and it is the byproduct that is usually the most dangerous.

However, with GMO in particular, streamlining the gene pool may just be far more harmful in the long term if the diversity of the gene pool is diminished.

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None of it checks out healthwise for humans.


But Monsanto is a multi billion dollar corporation.


By the way, Monsanto - frontrunners in genetic modification of food - brought us great things like DDT, Round Up, aspartame and Ethanol added fuel.

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Not really the types of replies i was looking for, but i am glad that it started a conversation that everyone needs to have.

As to the politics of GMO, i mean we as North Americans are the biggest living experiment in world history, the effects of GMO's have not been documented and will be as such upon our retiring years.


Unlike in Europe where you have a choice by virtue of government promoted labeling of GMO's and Organic.


To put it in context one of my Prof, who is retired from the Military will only use Tomatoes from Italy, specifically because "if a fish was meant to have sex with a Tomato, nature would have made it so".- Walter Perchal.

Moreover, i need to acquire tonneage, for the purposes of milling white flour. I need both standard GMO white kernel, as well as non GMO and for that i thank you bigugli, i shall do further research on those types of corn.

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Having spent most of my life and career in agriculture and as a plant breeder, I find the amount of misinformation and disinformation commonly expressed by the general public just shows how great a job these activist have done at sucking people in and spreading their lies.


First of all, development and licenceing of GMO products is strictly regulated and tested by PMRA, Health Canada and CFIA.


There is no GMO products that contains animal DNA. Pure Bull made up by the activists to scare people and promote their "franken food" image. Most GMO's plants grown, have traits that have been transfered from weedy relatives that have lead to a reduction in pesticide use by producers.


GMO traits such as Round up Ready and Liberty Link has reduced herbicide use and contributed to better managagement and soil conservation through reduction in tillage require.


Bt corn alone has eliminated the need for application of 1,000,000's acres annually of insecticide to control the european corn borer. These are just a few on the input benifits the industry has seen as a result of GMO technology.


Output traits such Golden Rice have improved peoples health and life through better nutrtion in the third world. Eye sight issues due to poor nutrition is common in some countries. The introduction of beta carotene precursors into their rice has helped reduce these health issues.


GMO's traits have also helped improve yields in most crops. The hybridization of canola has lead to an almost doubling of yields produced by farmers. With old open polinated canola varieties 35 bushel and acre has aveage, new hybrid varieties are averaging in the 50 - 60 bus/ac range.


If anyone thinks thats organic is the way too go, here are a few facts about the organic movement. People die every year from organic foods tainted with listeria or e. coli, no one has die from eating GMO's.


Organic production practices produces vastly lower yields, so if this was adopted as a wide spread production system, the price of food would sky rocket and the amount of starvation world wide would be massive.


So if anyone thinks the organic is "socially responsible" give your head a shake.

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That must be why Monsanto is killing off organic and unlicensed GMO crops (aka farmers that didn't buy THEIR product) worldwide eh??


There has been two lysteria recalls, and one E. coli recall at my work this year.


GMO beef.


Activists spread propoganda to open the mind from crushing government propoganda.

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Having spent most of my life and career in agriculture and as a plant breeder, I find the amount of misinformation and disinformation commonly expressed by the general public just shows how great a job these activist have done at sucking people in and spreading their lies.


First of all, development and licenceing of GMO products is strictly regulated and tested by PMRA, Health Canada and CFIA.


There is no GMO products that contains animal DNA. Pure Bull made up by the activists to scare people and promote their "franken food" image. Most GMO's plants grown, have traits that have been transfered from weedy relatives that have lead to a reduction in pesticide use by producers.


GMO traits such as Round up Ready and Liberty Link has reduced herbicide use and contributed to better managagement and soil conservation through reduction in tillage require.


Bt corn alone has eliminated the need for application of 1,000,000's acres annually of insecticide to control the european corn borer. These are just a few on the input benifits the industry has seen as a result of GMO technology.


Output traits such Golden Rice have improved peoples health and life through better nutrtion in the third world. Eye sight issues due to poor nutrition is common in some countries. The introduction of beta carotene precursors into their rice has helped reduce these health issues.


GMO's traits have also helped improve yields in most crops. The hybridization of canola has lead to an almost doubling of yields produced by farmers. With old open polinated canola varieties 35 bushel and acre has aveage, new hybrid varieties are averaging in the 50 - 60 bus/ac range.


If anyone thinks thats organic is the way too go, here are a few facts about the organic movement. People die every year from organic foods tainted with listeria or e. coli, no one has die from eating GMO's.


Organic production practices produces vastly lower yields, so if this was adopted as a wide spread production system, the price of food would sky rocket and the amount of starvation world wide would be massive.


So if anyone thinks the organic is "socially responsible" give your head a shake.

Do not believe this crap!!!


If GMO's are so stinking good how come Monsanto has spent millions of dollars to defeat GMO labeling?


People do you own research into GMO.

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That must be why Monsanto is killing off organic and unlicensed GMO crops (aka farmers that didn't buy THEIR product) worldwide eh??


There has been two lysteria recalls, and one E. coli recall at my work this year.


GMO beef.


Activists spread propoganda to open the mind from crushing government propoganda.

Number one, there is no such thing as GMO beef. Just laughable. And by the way, animals and e. coli go hand in hand that's why organic produce can be tainted by it, it's fertilized with manure. That Monsanto statement is just pure Bull.

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Hello Folks,


For the guys who are in the know, how does one go about sourcing white corn for human consumption GMO and regular ?


I need a substantially large amount of this Corn, who can i speak to / where can i get it ?



Check out William Dam seeds. They do not sell GMO garbage seeds: http://www.damseeds.ca/productcart/pc/home.asp

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Do not believe this crap!!!


If GMO's are so stinking good how come Monsanto has spent millions of dollars to defeat GMO labeling?


People do you own research into GMO.

Funny thing, you activists always talk about money Monsanto makes or spends to defend it's products but you never talk about the money your organizations raise from gulible people. I remember seeing and ad in the Careers section of the Saskatoon Star Pheonix in 1999. Greenpeace was looking to hire a comptroller for their Western Canadian operations. The ad stated that this person would be responsible for a 38 million dollar annual budget, that's when I realized how big a business this packaging and selling of fear is. When one product line slows down, you can always count on them to find a new fear to market. It keeps those dollars from the gulible masses flowing in.

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GMO traits such as Round up Ready and Liberty Link has reduced herbicide use and contributed to better managagement and soil conservation through reduction in tillage require.



By no means am I an anti GMO fanatic; but, my understanding of 'Roundup ready' crops was that they were more tolerant of Round Up which allowed farmers to use higher doses of Roundup on the crops.


How does this lead to lower use of herbicides?

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By no means am I an anti GMO fanatic; but, my understanding of 'Roundup ready' crops was that they were more tolerant of Round Up which allowed farmers to use higher doses of Roundup on the crops.


How does this lead to lower use of herbicides?


Round Up Ready lowers the amount and variety of herbicies applies to crops. Prior to RR crops, on crops such as corn, a large amount of atrazine, banvel, bladex and other such compounds were applied to control the wide spectrum of weeds. Now with RR corn, rates as low as half a litre an acre and lower are used to control all the weeds. So yes, it's less in amount and also less in the variety of active ingredients used. Also in such crops as corn and soyabean, inter row cultivation was necessary to control hard to kill weeds, this amount of inter row cultivation has decreased with RR and this decrease is good for long term soil conservation.

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Inter row cultivation :tease: I hate to think how many hours I spent driving a Farmall Cub with the cultivators between the wheels, weeding the few acres of sweet corn we had in the sixties. As soon as the corn was done got to hill the potatoes with the same machine :wallbash: There was atrazine at that time but we didn't use it, once you put it on you could only grow corn on that land for at least 3 years, pretty persistent stuff ecologically.

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You're right Dave. The other down side to some of the old technology. Atrazine, Bladex, etc. all had recropping restrictions if used. No restrictions with Round as the active ingredient biodegrades quickly.



Ahhh yes...the days spent row cropping. If you were doing a field planted by someone else and they were wiggly when planting, you'd curse them all day.

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Having spent most of my life and career in agriculture and as a plant breeder, I find the amount of misinformation and disinformation commonly expressed by the general public just shows how great a job these activist have done at sucking people in and spreading their lies.


First of all, development and licenceing of GMO products is strictly regulated and tested by PMRA, Health Canada and CFIA.


There is no GMO products that contains animal DNA. Pure Bull made up by the activists to scare people and promote their "franken food" image. Most GMO's plants grown, have traits that have been transfered from weedy relatives that have lead to a reduction in pesticide use by producers.


GMO traits such as Round up Ready and Liberty Link has reduced herbicide use and contributed to better managagement and soil conservation through reduction in tillage require.


Bt corn alone has eliminated the need for application of 1,000,000's acres annually of insecticide to control the european corn borer. These are just a few on the input benifits the industry has seen as a result of GMO technology.


Output traits such Golden Rice have improved peoples health and life through better nutrtion in the third world. Eye sight issues due to poor nutrition is common in some countries. The introduction of beta carotene precursors into their rice has helped reduce these health issues.


GMO's traits have also helped improve yields in most crops. The hybridization of canola has lead to an almost doubling of yields produced by farmers. With old open polinated canola varieties 35 bushel and acre has aveage, new hybrid varieties are averaging in the 50 - 60 bus/ac range.


If anyone thinks thats organic is the way too go, here are a few facts about the organic movement. People die every year from organic foods tainted with listeria or e. coli, no one has die from eating GMO's.


Organic production practices produces vastly lower yields, so if this was adopted as a wide spread production system, the price of food would sky rocket and the amount of starvation world wide would be massive.


So if anyone thinks the organic is "socially responsible" give your head a shake.

Wow this type of thinking is whats wrong with the Agri industry. No offense Old Man but your wrong on so many counts..I can clearly see who has been signing your pay.

I can post up hundreds of links of what is wrong with GMO. There is a reason the majority of Europe has either limited or out-wright banned them.. If GMO's are so good for us then , please by all means tell me why "they" (monsanto, dupont ect ect) fight so hard to keep GMO's off the labels on our foods. Untill there is actual proof that GMO is indeed not harmfull im not willing to risk my children's future health on what Monsanto says.. Label the foods let us decide for ourselves..Yes I grow organic no my family has not been sick.

As a youngster I helped my grandparents farm what we called cattle corn. There was no sprays what so ever and you know what? The grain bins were always full come October. Now these same farm fields are being sprayed 2 to 3 times a year by the new land owner. Roundup is not biodegradable and its now showing up in the ground water in the same area. So please pay close attention as to whats really going on here..If your really an "Old Man" Your grandkids future depends on it.

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Number one , no one signs my pay check, I'm retired and have nothing to gain by sharing the truth with anyone that want's to know the real truth. Not like these activist groups who raise millions for their own benefit by spreading disinformation and fear. Your reply is full of emotion but lacks any truth other that spouting off anti GMO reteoric and lies. Not to sound arrogant, but I am vastly more qualified in both experience and education to comment on this issue then anyone else that has posted here. Have a good day.

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