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hang on: he FIRED his chief of staff for asking him to get help back in may.


what does that say about Mr. Ford?


not much sympathy from me.


he called the media maggots for reporting the 100% truth and fired those around him who wanted him to get help.


exactly like Lance armstrong did: destroy those who said he was on drugs, then he comes out and says he was on drugs after all.


Ford sounds like a person truly deserving of our sympathies.




he is not an angel wrestling with demons like some portray him to be.


he is a real jerk wrestling with demons.


big difference.

Edited by 12 Volt Man
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The other thing I want to say is if he does choose to go into treatment does not mean it can save him.


I have known a very eclectic cross section of people over the years. Every one of them that were addicted to crack cocaine, not to be confused with powdered cocaine, none were able to kick the habit for good, not one I know of personally.


One former accomplished retired pro athlete I knew from the old days kicked it for over 10 years. Just when you thought, well there's a success story, new wife, a second family of young children he adored, a nice home in the suburbs with a mini van, and a great well paying job, what one would deem to be normal. Well,,,,, he went on a weekend bender and died of a heart attach in a seedy motel room in the east end of Hamilton, at the age of 52. Someone took the time to rob him of everything but his underwear after he died.


He left that beautiful family and a good life behind. It's beyond tragic. Rob need's to need help, unless it's too late..

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hang on: he FIRED his chief of staff for asking him to get help back in may.


what does that say about Mr. Ford?


not much sympathy from me.


he called the media maggots for reporting the 100% truth and fired those around him who wanted him to get help.


exactly like Lance armstrong did: destroy those who said he was on drugs, then he comes out and says he was on drugs after all.


Ford sounds like a person truly deserving of our sympathies.




he is not an angel wrestling with demons like some portray him to be.


he is a real jerk wrestling with demons.


big difference.


I didn't say sympathy, I said empathy, there is a difference. If anyone thinks an addict can control their actions they need to read a bit more or get out in the real world and see for themselves or have known a family member or friend battle addiction, and have their life taken by it.

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This is no longer a political issue, it's about a human being who is dangerously on the edge of self destruction this morning. Coupled with his alcohol and drug habit's his physical health and this media circus surrounding this morning he knows that his life as he once knew it is gone, it can be heard in his voice yesterday.


I don't want to predict how this will end and end badly. Based on my experience dealing with employees that can be carbon copies of this, even though they weren't the mayor of the largest city in the country they were looking at losing there very high paying jobs after several stints in rehab. This man either he gets professional help immediately or the story ends badly, soon. He should be watched 24/7.


I really have empathy for him now. We all have done or do things that we don't wish anyone to know about. Imagine waking and finding the entire world not only knows but are watching it on television.



The other thing I want to say is if he does choose to go into treatment does not mean it can save him.


I have known a very eclectic cross section of people over the years. Every one of them that were addicted to crack cocaine, not to be confused with powdered cocaine, none were able to kick the habit for good, not one I know of personally.


One former accomplished retired pro athlete I knew from the old days kicked it for over 10 years. Just when you thought, well there's a success story, new wife, a second family of young children he adored, a nice home in the suburbs with a mini van, and a great well paying job, what one would deem to be normal. Well,,,,, he went on a weekend bender and died of a heart attach in a seedy motel room in the east end of Hamilton, at the age of 52. Someone took the time to rob him of everything but his underwear after he died.


He left that beautiful family and a good life behind. It's beyond tragic. Rob need's to need help, unless it's too late..



This is no longer a political issue, it's about a human being who is dangerously on the edge of self destruction this morning. Coupled with his alcohol and drug habit's his physical health and this media circus surrounding this morning he knows that his life as he once knew it is gone, it can be heard in his voice yesterday.


I don't want to predict how this will end and end badly. Based on my experience dealing with employees that can be carbon copies of this, even though they weren't the mayor of the largest city in the country they were looking at losing there very high paying jobs after several stints in rehab. This man either he gets professional help immediately or the story ends badly, soon. He should be watched 24/7.


I really have empathy for him now. We all have done or do things that we don't wish anyone to know about. Imagine waking and finding the entire world not only knows but are watching it on television.


Thanks for these thoughts. Obviously speaking the truth from experience with others.

I agree 100% with everything you say.in posts about this.


This has put a black mark on Conservative politicians and others right up to the Federal level.

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none were able to kick the habit for good, not one I know of personally.


Saddley,you would be correct. I have seen it first hand and at a family level. They start out like Im ok,then it,s a little of this,and little of that,dosent do the trick and back to the rock.


Denial is their worse enemy. No matter how many times their told to get help,they deny they need it.

This is where you have to step back and say ok,do it your way.


As for Rob,he needs help like all say. Right or wrong,he,s no different then the rest,


The sad part about this whole thing is,he got caught. MAKES IT SO MUCH WORSE WHEN HE,S A STAND OUT.FIGURE..

Edited by Misfish
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I don't know why you keep turning this to "left" and "right" when its just about the moral fiber of the individual in power.


..and of course you go off with the nicknames and labels again?

Just because I disagree with the indiscretions of the representative of a capital city does not mean i lean one way or the other.


and if you want to discuss the "leaning" factor.. why are you so defensive? you should be throwing him under the bus for being a drug addict?



Can't be bothered. Wouldn't want to crush anyone elses self esteem. Blind is for life so its best just left that way.

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Sorry folks. Finally found the words I wanted to say. Regardless what Rob Ford has done. one must not forget the way, and with a special kind of hatred I might add, his opponents have hounded him for the better part of a decade.


They hated him from the very beginning and behaved like angry dogs when an agenda that wasn't theirs threatened to take their personal chew toy(Toronto Governance) away. They have made a mockery of Rob Ford and the city of Toronto. Never been anything other than left and right. Walk a decade in his shoes.


Hidden in all this is what lengths the Liberals and Socialists have gone to destroy a man with a differing point of view and his was simply to do the best for a city he loves. They might just succeed.

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That's right, it's our fault. I thought the "bleeding heart" crap was the domain of "the left". Ford the victim.


This is about what behaviour, actions and judgement are expected of someone in charge of the biggest city in the country.


Ford has demonstrated that he is not worthy of that position or expectations.


How many other big city mayors (or other high profile politicians) are shown doing anything near what this mayor has? He isn't the first politician to have an unpopular/antagonistic relationship with his opposition, or press. He isn't the first to be "hounded" by the "media dogs" (left or right).


It is sad and disturbing.

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Sorry folks. Finally found the words I wanted to say. Regardless what Rob Ford has done. one must not forget the way, and with a special kind of hatred I might add, his opponents have hounded him for the better part of a decade.


They hated him from the very beginning and behaved like angry dogs when an agenda that wasn't theirs threatened to take their personal chew toy(Toronto Governance) away. They have made a mockery of Rob Ford and the city of Toronto. Never been anything other than left and right. Walk a decade in his shoes.


Hidden in all this is what lengths the Liberals and Socialists have gone to destroy a man with a differing point of view and his was simply to do the best for a city he loves. They might just succeed.

Moxie, you have stop blaming the liberals and Socialists bud. You make it sound the ony good intelligent and honest party is the conservatives. They are all dirty just look at the federal level right now. Provincial is mguinty and there was also Harris as a corrupt official. They are all dirty so stop pointing towards the party that you hate. You come accross as a very very narrow minded person with bliders on and it does come accross as being intelligent at all. Keep this path up and the mods will lock it up.


It amazes me to no end what people will listen to on the news and then believe it. Don't think for a second that the opposition party, conservative, does not play dirty politics while the liberals are in power. it is all a game for them all!! Only problem is it is o nly us that lose and then lose friends because of political leanings derived from the grabage spewed by the right wing sun etc and left wing rags and tv. TRy and take a step back and look at it from an unbiased position.

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Rob Ford's scheduled to speak at the Toronto Remembrance Day service tomorrow, but I sure hope he has the decency not to show up.


His presence would do nothing but detract from what the service is all about.


But that's just my opinion.

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