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1.1 billion ? what the hell


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Green party eh...well if the sun didn't rise one day and they were to get elected you could probably kiss our natural resources sector good bye and in all likelihood what remains of our manufacturing sector.

On a positive note they would legalize marijuana and while I am not a user I would support this for the many people that it would benefit medically.

On the down side if elected and May was unable to lead the government her deputy is none other than Georges Laraque.....not sure if he is PM material but he could probably punch the crap out of the rest of the world leaders.


Yes indeed vote responsibly.!!!!!!!!!

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Green party eh...well if the sun didn't rise one day and they were to get elected you could probably kiss our natural resources sector good bye and in all likelihood what remains of our manufacturing sector.

On a positive note they would legalize marijuana and while I am not a user I would support this for the many people that it would benefit medically.

On the down side if elected and May was unable to lead the government her deputy is none other than Georges Laraque.....not sure if he is PM material but he could probably punch the crap out of the rest of the world leaders.


Yes indeed vote responsibly.!!!!!!!!!

They wouldn't do too much damage I figure, they'd be voted in minority and wouldn't have that much power anyway. But like you said, "if the sun didn't rise one day.." hahahaha pretty much

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Here is a little list of McGuilty Fibs accomplishments

The McGuinty Ontario Health Premium

The McGuinty eHealth Scandal

The McGuinty Slush Fund Scandal

The McGuinty Ontario Lottery and Gaming (OLG) Scandal

The McGuinty Municipal Property Assessment Corp. (MPAC) Scandal

The McGuinty Delisting of OHIP Covered Necessary Health Services

The McGuinty Children's Aid Society (CAS) Scandal

The McGuinty Tire Tax

The McGuinty Ontario Ministry of Health, Local Health Integration Networks (LHIN) and Ontario Hospitals Consultant Hiring & Expenses Scandal

The McGuinty Tax Collectors Getting $45,000 Severance Packages for switching their job titles from "Provincial" to "Federal" Scandal

The McGuinty Niagara Falls Commission Scandal

The McGuinty General Motors Auto Pensions Bailout

The McGuinty Nortel Pensions Bailout

The McGuinty Workers Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) Tax Increase

The McGuinty Nanticoke Coal Power Plant Shutdown Scandal

The McGuinty Caledonia Scandal

The McGuinty G20 Scandal

The McGuinty Local Health Integration Networks (LHIN) Review Delay Until After October Election

The McGuinty Government has made Ontario Tuition Fees the highest in Canada

The McGuinty Foreign Scholarships Scandal

The Dalton McGuinty Auto Insurance Scandal

The Dalton McGuinty Eco-Fee Scandal

The Dalton McGuinty Harmonized Sales Tax (HST)

The Dalton McGuinty Smart Meters Scandal

The Dalton McGuinty Skyrocketing Hydro Rates and disgraceful 10% so-called rebate Scandal

The Dalton McGuinty Offshore Wind Turbines Scanda

lThe Dalton McGuinty Samsung Deal Scandal

The Dalton McGuinty Ontario Sunshine List's Skyrocketing Total Membership Scandal


The word "corrupt" is putting it mildly

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I opened this thread thinking that there might be someone defending the fiberals. I am worried that they will get back in though, as TO always votes for them. (as someone said earlier, just because they always vote for them)

Sadly, I have chosen not to place a vote in the next election; I agee with Cliff, no other party really offers a better altenative, just crooks in a different colour.

Someone should be going to jail over the $1.1 waste. My bet is they will get a bonus and still receive their gold plated pensiion. If no one is held accountable; there is no stopping future politicians from doing the same. Amazing how there are no laws for behaviour at a political level.

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If they don't deliver vote them out?


Show me one party that has been in power in the last 50 years that has been: true to their word, efficient, accountable, and un corrupt and I'll vote for them!



Thats the problem bud,

There hasn't been an example to show anyone.


We don't hold them accountable...instead we vote them in again and give them a second round.

If we kicked them out each and every time, at some point someone might just get the message.

Although I'll be the first to admit it thats dulling the issue down to a very boad scope.


So many variables to play into...

I just wish more people really looked into why they are casting their vote.

GTA is Staunch Liberal country, but very few will actually say why...they just vote red, again, and again.


I simply hope people look into the platforms next time around and hold them accountable....

Vote for Harry Potter for all I care, just don't let the Liberals have another turn.

Its all I'm say'n...

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understanding politics is a lot more than reading a platform or understanding a stance on some sort of issue. Look at the US, supposed to be the american dream but that is not the reality. You can argue about all of this or really concern yourself with whats attainable and what is not. As a citizen we can guilt you into voting and say that is the problem, but realistically that is not the issue. Everyone wants to pretend like they know better. Conservative, Liberals and NDP are all pawns. If you think McGuinty is responsible for everything thats going on than you are very niave. Look into the condo boom of Toronto and why the crime rate is so low of a 2.5million population. The stretch of money goes far beyond the politics that the average individual believes.

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If you think McGuinty is responsible for everything thats going on than you are very niave



As the once elected leader he most certainly is responsible for a lot of things gone wrong....granted not single handedly.

He's just the face of the party, and of course there are many many other variables.

But you can't say he does not hold a senior level of responsibilty when it comes to the parties track record and more specifically Ontario's Hydro "issues"


I wouldn't say casting an educated vote is the only way to change things, or even fix 50% of the issues we have these days, but I certainly would say that it is more proactive, and 100% more effective in aiding our situation then blind voting or not casting one at all.


Outside of learning and understanding politics and casting an informed vote though there is very little one can do outside of actually doing somthing about it like running in an election, or taking up a political career of sorts.

OR....dawning a Batman/superhero costume and busting some skulls which is WAY more fun I would imagine :P

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i've thought of going the "vigilante" route many times...


crime has gotten pretty bad in the downtown area of my town, and the police seem more concerned with chasing prostitutes and weed smokers than they are going after the "scary" criminals...


what fun it would be to dress up like batman and "bust some skulls" of the lowlifes that offer nothing to society.


i could be....




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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

that said, while we're looking for the 1 billion that the liberals pissed away, how about we ask the conservatives where 3 billion in missing anti-terrorism funds went...


we're doomed!

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i've thought of going the "vigilante" route many times...


crime has gotten pretty bad in the downtown area of my town, and the police seem more concerned with chasing prostitutes and weed smokers than they are going after the "scary" criminals...


what fun it would be to dress up like batman and "bust some skulls" of the lowlifes that offer nothing to society.


i could be....





That brought a chuckle. If only we could be Charles Bronson.LOL

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you guys into the hooch? or are you still feeling the comedic effects of the throne speech yesterday....no longer have to have bundled tv programs....

And i can finally puchase my 20 cases of Bleu Dry from Quebec and drive it back home, legally! Now that that major issue is resolved, we just need to fix the minor issue of anti-democratic government actions.

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