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Where are the rules?


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I think what happens a lot is a "newbie" is doing online research... And a lot of searches lead to OFC... So naturally they figure why not just join...???


They do... They ask ask a question... And often enough get reamed....


I don't think many people look at OFC and think... Hmmmm... I think I'm gunna join this site... Talk about hockey, music and politics for a year or two and then maybe... Just maybe... Ill be able to ask for help.... And get answers that will help...


But some... Take the reaming... Meet a few good people... Help some people.... Get helped by a few people... And stick around to kill some time here and there....


Funny thing is... Most of the long term members don't post reports.... The newbies do... And reports from the same person on the same water gets boring... So the newbies are the breath if fresh air...


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This site is indexed by google incredibly well, so the info you share in threads is about as "public" as it gets.


Not a bad thing; it's how I found the site and there's a TON of great info here. Just something to keep in mind when sharing specifics on a location.

Edited by cram
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Great thread to dig up the old video for Rob, thanks. Some of us do look younger Brian, I don't think you or I have changed at all...lol!


I've met a lot of great people off of this board and mostly do to just getting out to the GTG's shortly after I first started. Ya there can be a lot of crap on the board but there is a lot of good as well and for the most part we are a good group. There hasn't been a "big" GTG for a while and this is where perhaps the "cliques" have come in as people have broken off into smaller groups for one reason or another. There will most likely be some form of a Fall Quinte GTG. Likely we'll be spread out over a couple of weekends and venues. Come out to one of them and make some new friends.



Almost all of us were new here at some time or other. I recall when I first joined, I felt like an outsider and was initially mocked. Thinking back, I probabaly deserved it!

Consider the position of long time members and the never ending influx of "new members" all trying to make an impression or share knowledge.

How many times has a long standing member given out info to a newbie only to have that come back and haunt them? I've seen it many times.

So, here's a little secret for you newer members on how to become one of the "old boys"...


I attended two gtg's early in my time here. At the first gathering, I met one guy here that I have fished with ever since and he has become one of my best friends since.

My second GTG was at a fishing for Tyler event. I met pretty much all of the "boys club" there and as a result, was invited to personal cottages and future fishing trips. Why, because I was no longer a faceless name on an internet board. That's really all it takes!

So, get off the keyboard, get yerself out there, meet some folks and grow your fishing network. Carping about your own lack of effort to make things happen will likely fall on deaf ears...



Still regretting that day eh Joe? :P:lol: Certainly glad to have you as a great friend Joe.....You were talking about me weren't you?? :huh:


As for the rules, they are there to keep things somewhat under control. Are they perfect, nope but needed as some kind of a guide. If you saw the first days of the board you would know why they are needed. :whistling:

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Then you're definitely at the wrong place. BRO.

Wow I guess someone here isn't too keen on the opinion of others - can we all see where this notion of the "old boys club" that some have of this board?

I've just joined this board, and I think it's great, just from my lurking days it seems that some of the older members always have the voice of reason on topics which I can respect.


What I don't respect are idiotic comments made from some of the veteran members such as above - how do you expect further board involvement through posts or meet-ups with such a low-brow attitude?


I mean I've read through the posts and understand how things work here better now since I joined, and want to be more involved through posts and reports and such, but the negativity of some (joking posts aside) really is a turn off.

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Wow I guess someone here isn't too keen on the opinion of others - can we all see where this notion of the "old boys club" that some have of this board?

I've just joined this board, and I think it's great, just from my lurking days it seems that some of the older members always have the voice of reason on topics which I can respect.


What I don't respect are idiotic comments made from some of the veteran members such as above - how do you expect further board involvement through posts or meet-ups with such a low-brow attitude?


I mean I've read through the posts and understand how things work here better now since I joined, and want to be more involved through posts and reports and such, but the negativity of some (joking posts aside) really is a turn off.


I've been around here for a while and couldn't agree more. While some days you can get easily frustrated reading what some people (including a couple mods) post ,I keep coming back because it's an excellent site overall. Learning to ignore a few select folks is key, just like at work, family functions, etc.

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I've been around here for a while and couldn't agree more. While some days you can get easily frustrated reading what some people (including a couple mods) post ,I keep coming back because it's an excellent site overall. Learning to ignore a few select folks is key, just like at work, family functions, etc.

Probably the smartest post here...

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So does this just about wrap it up? Has everyone dumped what they needed to dump? Has everyone taken their meds? Still have all your friends here? Anyone want to leave? Let me know what you'd like.


RULES. Most members here don't need rules. They are already equipped with what their parents taught them...common courtesy.


Thanks for understanding.

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Wow, I haven't seen that video in quite some time! Alot of you guys aren't lookin good these days, compared to then! LMAO



A lot of peoples liver enzyme counts have gone way up since that was put together Joe!


I'm still trying to figure out why Terry is still here! :D


9 years for me... made a lot of friends and fishing buddies here and still have most of them. Not bad for a web based (fishing) escort service! :w00t:


Thanks Roy... and TJ.. and Spiel....and Dan.. and Art.. and the occasional Spawn of Ed!

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You know what, I'm going to assume that your handle on this board would relate to your method of fishing - you like to float fish for salmon and steelhead with a million dollar set-up, and carry an holier than thou attitude.

Makes total, complete sense.


Quite the contrary. Your comments are absolute rubbish. Every single last word.

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No matter which site you go to, you'll find that there will be Bull and idiots to your standard. I keep coming back here bec. This has always been where I felt I fit in. I have been reamed and put on MOD Q , HURLED WITH HOMOPHOBIC JOKES.I'm still here. I'm pretty thick skinned. A good ribbing is healthy once in a while lol.

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Here is the link to the original post from just over 5 years ago.


The Anthem:



That is just amazing!! I cant believe i havent seen this video until now... I think it would only be right to have this pinned to the home page for all future OFC members to enjoy!

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I am a newbie here and I'm still kinda new to Canada as I immigrated here from California. That being said I don't post a lot but I do read a lot of the posts here. I don't know a lot about fishing here in Canada but I am learning and this place has been great for me because I didn't know the ins and outs of what type of baits to use and setups to use etc. there are a lot of great people here and there is a ton of knowledge here on the site. I do plan on going to events so i can meet people from here. I feel I know some of you just from reading your posts all the time but it would be nice to meet people in person. I am one of those people out there that doesn't know we're to go as far as fishing spots but that doesn't stop me from tring. I am on google maps all the time looking for areas around we're i live. As far as venturing out of my area I would be one of those people that would ask but only after doing research. And come to think of it i think I have asked but that was my fault for not doing my research first. But all in all I would like that thank all of you here for the help wether it be from responding to my posts or from me reading yours.


Thanks Steven

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Lol says who? You? Nothing is more pathetic than an Internet bully, let alone one that chimes in on a fishing board. The salmon are running, should you be out drifting roe in your patagucci waders and Burberry fishing jacket?


Wow, you're so far from the truth it's laughable. Rubbish is right!

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Lol says who? You? Nothing is more pathetic than an Internet bully, let alone one that chimes in on a fishing board. The salmon are running, should you be out drifting roe in your patagucci waders and Burberry fishing jacket?


I digress.. you're absolutely right. You've contributed so much already...

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