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Hockey thread 2013 2014 season


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So, how much longer and how many more losses before management decides to start making significant changes.

It's the old story, you can't fire the whole team....

So, bare with me for a moment...

Randy was not Nonis's pick for coach, he was Burke's. Burke was let go for not meeting the corporate profile that Rogers/Bell were looking for. I would lump Randy into Burke's camp, before I would place him in the "good corporate citizen" group.

So, I have to wonder/ponder Randy's longevity with this team. Have the players begun to shut Randy out? Are there enough of them who turn a deaf ear to his style. They sure as heck have enough money to pay him and another new coach...

Just some ponderings on a cold December day!

Your thoughts?


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Yes fire Randy now.

lol seriously? This is a joke right? Sarcasm, say it aint so....We dont need a new coach every season..Were badly injured and need some time to refresh.

On another note im hearing Carolina is very interested in Jake Gardiner.. Eric Stall interested..This could be real interesting..We may just get our #1 center soon.! Throw in Kuliman and waive Ranger.. Get Liles back in the mix and call up Brennan and Broll..This is where id start if I were Nunas.But firing the coach is NOT the answer..How many do we fire before we come to the conclusion that upper management needs to step up..FIRE THE COACH ...LOL

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You can't start making drastic changes because they're in a slump.. Wait until the full line up gets back and if things still aren't working then maybe.


Stoty: That was a good one, lol!

We are talking about the Leafs here... since when have they done the right thing when it comes to coaches and the lineup, in the last 48 years! Logic has no place at the ACC!

Key people out of the line up should not mean that those still playing should give up. It means that those still in the lineup have to step up and play better. That's not happening. Who in the organization has to take responsibility for the preparedness of the team?

How long does this team test the patience of ownership? How long before those out of the line up are back in and will the team still have a chance of making the playoffs?

I wouldn't be surprised if Randy is feeling a little tightness around the collar.


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We are talking about the Leafs here... since when have they done the right thing when it comes to coaches and the lineup, in the last 48 years! Logic has no place at the ACC!

Key people out of the line up should not mean that those still playing should give up. It means that those still in the lineup have to step up and play better. That's not happening. Who in the organization has to take responsibility for the preparedness of the team?

How long does this team test the patience of ownership? How long before those out of the line up are back in and will the team still have a chance of making the playoffs?

I wouldn't be surprised if Randy is feeling a little tightness around the collar.




With the start of a full season after the lockout just around the corner you have to wonder about Kadris attitude and conduct.


Being disrespectful to one of the pioneers of modern hockey reporting. WTH


Who does this guy think he is?


Has he been smoking up with Rob Ford?


Does he really think he is worth that much money?


Is this guy for real, holding out???? :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:




Stay tuned next week for another exciting episode of "As the laff turns"





Ahhhh...it all comes full circle!!! :rofl2::rofl2::w00t::w00t::clapping::worthy:


I love it, bwahahahahha, all you laffites were planning the parade two weeks ago, now it's the blame game and falling faster than the chin on a 14 year old boy at the opera. :clapping::clapping:


I love it!!!!


It's like an early Christmas :santa::clapping:

Edited by muskymatt
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They need defence and need to get it out of there end,The goalies shots against are brutal,have said this in the last month or two.45 shots for example,70% are good . More than the average goalie has in a whole game.The other 30% are off the boards ,trickelers,shot in from the point on a rush(possible goals)Until we can get the puck out of our own end ,I'm afraid the goalies are doom.Not their fault,but that much activity will kill them and it is IMO.

I think some of you guys watch a different game than I do. :dunno: .lol.

Edited by davey buoy
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Goes from bad to worse, now Clarkson is set for yet another discipline hearing tomorrow for a supposed hit to the head last night..I call Bull NHL is declining the Officiating and discipline hearings are ruining this game for me...Bring on some real hockey GO CANADA GO! NHL is almost too far gone..im loosing interest quickly

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I have to agree tb4me too much disciplinary action will take hitting out of the game, which will be a big mistake. The hits to the head do have to go though, and Clarkson is guilty of just that and deserves to be suspended. That said, the good hits are being scrutinized to death by too many rules and bad officiating, resulting in too many penalties being called and is bad for the game.

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Doesn't seem like you can make a clean hit anymore without it being reviewed, lol. Although Clarkson does some really stupid stuff, I wonder what goes through his head to be honest.

I'm starting to wonder what the Leafs saw in him.I believe under 10 points last season in a shortened season.Missed 10 games at the start of the season,other than the exhibition games when he looked good.Did they sign him for two or three years?,pretty good salary if memory serves me right.I'm starting to wonder if the pressure effects some players here?,We have seen a lot of players traded from here and turning out to be great players.

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