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Yesterday in Ottawa was a record high for heat and part of this insane streak of hot weather. Fishing has been tough and finding the time to get out has been even tougher in the last two weeks. A fresh new order at my door last night was all the motivation I need because inside were some new weapons. New to the wacky rig really I hadn't "understood" its effectiveness until fishing with Chad and John a couple of weeks back. Both used it quite a lot and in various circumstances. I decided that I don't really need to understand it, all I need to know is that both guys were having not only success but more hook ups and bigger fish in two totally different outings.


As you can expect I soaked in all the knowledge I could and order some of the stick baits in various colours. The excitement to try them out was all the motivation I needed to throw the waders on and head down to the Rideau. Which, for all those that fish the urban jungle of Ottawa, is VERY low after this weekend and finally safer to wade. Keep safe and check for yourself but I am hoping that "normal" summer depths are here to stay.


Once I hit the water I only had a little over an hour but it was productive. Lots of little fish around the bolders in 3-4FOW but was suprised when I found this one on a very shallow flat...




And this one hiding up under a tree...




VERY happy that I got out and VERY happy with the wacky rig! This is another example of the importance of fishing with others, being open to new tactics and always willing to improve as an angler. First test run but excited to see what my new weapons will do in the coming weeks.


Tight Lines..



Edited by Bassassins
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I dunno, maybe it's just me, but when I read a fishing report and the OP is telling me how great some new lures are, I'm happy for him that he found something he likes.


Then I go to his signature and read where he's actually on the pro staff of the company that manufactures the lures he bragging about, the post suddenly turns into nothing more than SPAM as far as I'm concerned.


But then again, that's only my poinion.

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Hey Lew - totally understand what you are saying. We have used lots of their plastics before joining their team but never this specific one. I did/do mention their name but the point is expanding to new techniques and having success - yes WE had success with this company but there are a tone of sticks out there. So feel free to find what works for you! I was just happy to be out, learning a new technique and having success.


Sorry if this came off as spam... Part of their team but still pay $$$ for our plastics and just as excited when we get a new package at the door :)



Edited by Bassassins
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Yeah I hear ya, it's just something that's always rubbed me the wrong way, specially when it's a TV fishing show where the host spends the whole show plugging his sposors products.


Maybe it's time to get back out in the yard and finish my work and stop ruining fishing reports :lol:


Oh, and nice fish BTW.

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Haha - not ruined Lew - thank you for looking at the fish too ;) we totally understand about the non-stop plugging or the "everything" is caught on the same awesome _____ ... we just give credit where credit is due. Somedays it works out that X worked but if Y worked better sponsered or not you only get the truth from us. OH and by the way those were KAMAKAZI size 1 red circle hooks used too if anyone cared ;) ;) ;) hahahaha tight lines Lew

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Apparently the point of my article is being lost in the fact that I mentioned a company we are Pro Staff for. Very sorry if we have "spammed" people by contributing to this site. I have edited the article to not list any company and will continue to write a seperate report for this forum if readers have a problem.


Tight Lines to all...



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Yeah I hear ya, it's just something that's always rubbed me the wrong way, specially when it's a TV fishing show where the host spends the whole show plugging his sposors products.


Maybe it's time to get back out in the yard and finish my work and stop ruining fishing reports :lol:


Oh, and nice fish BTW.


When I watch a fishing show and the host has a guest on who just happens to be the CEO of the company that is the shows main sponsor and they start talking about what tire is best and what new tire they are introducing I change that channel tout suite. Then I boycott the show. Problem is that doesn't leave many shows left. I recently cancelled my subscription to WFN. I can't take it anymore. I refuse to watch a 30 minute infomercial about camping equipment.


Have I digressed again, sorry Bassassin.

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Glad to see you removed the company names... beyond that, I enjoy reading your reports a lot and hope you keep posting!!!


The more fish pictures and fishing stories this site gets the better it is for everyone


Wacky-rig is definitely one of my go-to bass techniques... saw a few big walleye get caught with this system too.

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frodo, if the lodge is giving discounts/reduced pricing based on the public report(s), it's not.



Truth be told i could care less. I enjoy the pictures and and write ups regardless. I just think its out of line to criticize the op when really, product place is everywhere.


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Well it is great to hear the other side of things... thanks those that are enjoying our reports. We are new writing with actual sponsors so it is a bit of a learning curve. Obviously we will have to find a happy medium but we will figure it out soon enough.


Thanks again guys..... interesting to hear both sides and peoples opinion on the topic.


Hopefully we can get back with another report soon - BIG RIDEAU tomorrow for the full day.

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So fuss or no fuss ... We are over it ;) and watch our wording on this forum I guess.


Back to fishing.


A question: Does anyone ever use a weight on your wacky rig? If so how/what? (And by what I don't need a brand lol ... Too soon? lol)


The two of us were having this discussion yesterday out on Big Rideau - if you want a fishing report for yesterday here it is. IT WAS HOT OUTSIDE - That is all! Not our best I know..... My photo of the sun isn't uploading sorry... ;)

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I use a weighted head if I am targeting the fish near bottom in 10ft + water. Once it gets to the bottom I will give it a shake and a hop 2 or 3 times then repeat. I have also had good success with a weighted head and then hooking a tube thru the head with a short yoyo retrieve pausing briefly every 5 or so yoyo's. If the fish are marked and below the boat a tube rig paused below the boat with a minor whipping motion from 3-9 oclock is a good way to fill up the boat too.




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