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Worst place to get a bug bite..NF

Toad Hunter

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Since all of the good places to get bit have been covered. I HATE it when you are drifting off to sleep and there is one stupid mosquito that makes a run at your ear and the buzzing noise gets really loud and then quiet.




Thats almost more torturous than a knuckle bite.


between the toes or between the fingers.



arch of the foot is pretty bad too, I have "high arches" so have a hell of a time trying to rub it on the bottom of the shoe :wallbash:

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Ankles. Nasty spots to get bit. During black fly season, I spray my whole body down with Muskol before I get dressed. Other than the lil buggers flying around my face, I find I dont get bit by them thankfully. For bad skeeters, I still have some paint thinner Muskol thats 95% deet from the 80's that I break out.

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That spot in the middle of the back you can't get to. There used to be a product called Calmitol that worked wonders and can't get it anymore. Shoppers sells something called Afterbite. I don't leave home without it. One in the car, truck, boat, golfbag and tackle box. As soon as you feel a bite or see one put a bit on, no more itch. As long as it's not in the middle of your back where you can't reach.

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Ditto on the horseflies on your feet. Had one in between my toes.


The horseflies always go for my toes when I'm wearing sandals, those bites kill!


My dog got stung by a bee right on her bum a while back. Now all I have to do is make a buzzing noise and she jumps around wildly in a huge panic LOL!

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Your tongue!!!


We were having lunch at a campsite when my dad took a sip out of his half empty can of Pepsi. Unbeknownst to him, a wasp was inside the can and stung him on the tongue. :w00t:


i was about to post the same thing! wasp flew into my beer bottle a couple years ago. took a sip, BAM! my entire tounge was numb for a week.

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Knuckles, and ankles. Somehow the mosquitos love to attack my ankles, just last week I had a row of 4 of them together, it made one big swollen heap. Plus when I work out it gets irritated from the rubbing of the sock and shoe during my runs. I had to stop it was so bad!

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I remember about 4 years ago, I was at a cottage for a buddies batchelor weekend on Kamamiskeg (Berrys Bay) - after a LONG night of "festivities" and after everyone crashed, I canoed out to the swim raft and was casting away with no luck. Eventually the fun had caught up to me and I fell asleep on the raft, using my travel tackle bag as a pillow. Woke up after about an hour or so with the sun pounding away on my pounding head.. made my way back to shore only to have the ones who were waking up point out my neck and back were COVERED in bites, from everything from misquitos, flies and dock spiders I would imagine... made the hang over extra pleasant.

I DID how ever eventually catch the biggest fish of my life that weekend a low 40's Northern -and of course I couldn't get a picture- but my brother and his friend witnessed it and were both blown away by the beast (maybe even more than I was) so it made it all worth it. Somewhere in that lake is a monster with some interesting piercings (as it took off with my mepps giant killer after shreading my 50lb braid (no leader :wallbash: )

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I spent most of my life hunting and fishing and nevertheless....I'm allergic to blackfly bites and mosquito bites. I really swell up after getting bit. Yes....the area around the eyes is a bad spot. One bite and my eye swells up closed.


Other than the eyes, I think the worst spot is on the lips. My mouth goes all lopsided and the itching lasts for at least 24 hours.

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The horseflies always go for my toes when I'm wearing sandals, those bites kill!


My dog got stung by a bee right on her bum a while back. Now all I have to do is make a buzzing noise and she jumps around wildly in a huge panic LOL!

Hahahahaha!!!!! Thats hillarious! Toes has my vote... Nothing like being stuck in work boots for 12 hrs. With an itchy bite from the weekend! Almost made me throw my tools down and quit a couple times! Lol.
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Down here it is not the flies or skeeters we have to contend with it is the Gnats that swarm over your head and bite. The bite doesn't do anything after the pinch/pain at the time of the bite but you can get literally 10 per min. at the wrong time.




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A few years back I had a job in The Pas Manitoba. We stayed at a nice lodge on a beautiful lake. When we attempted to leave our cabin on the morning of our first day of work, we were met by a wall of mosquitoes. Never seen anything close to this in Ontario. We slammed the door shut and had to make a plan. We simply had to run to our truck as fast as we could through the mass of bugs. There were millions of them. When we returned to our cabin after work we were pleased to see thousands of dragon flies cruising in mid air and picking off the misquitoes. It was amazing. After dark the bats took over. Nature. It's an awesome thing.

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