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A big FAT trout opener...

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I look forward to two outings every season, Trout opener and Bass opener. Last year I was lucky enough to smash some browns and bows with my buddy Will from OFC - we stumbled upon a new technique and I was eager to give it a shot again this year.....


For nearly 360 days I planned it in my head, had all my gear ready to rock and was looking forward to putting a few good buddies onto some quality inland browns. Tom, Frank and Dan are my homeboys first but also help a great deal with the Fish-A-Thon ( The FAT ). They to were pumped to get out on the water... but then it happened.... 4 days before we were to hit the lake my wife pointed out to me that trout opener this year was in fact my sons 4th birthday! eeeesshh... For two long days I bit my nails, the boys were going to have to go at it without me. Then Thursday morning, Ginny wakes up in a good mood and says. "you know what, Luke won't even know the difference if you go fishing until mid-afternoon...go have fun with your buddies" BOOYAH! GAME ON!


Friday night Claira and I did a little worm picking as back-up bait, which paid off as the bluegill and one feisty rainbow were all over them!






We were all at the launch for 5:45 ( Thanks for the Tim Hortons Frank... I needed it ) It was still a little crispy outside and we were eager to get our rods in the water so off we went without a single photo. We had to contend with a few drunken losers on shore who were complaining that we were fishing "to close" to them, but regardless of that, it didn't take long to get our first bite. Right off the bait I was on the board with a nice brown and thought to myself.. this is going to me a slam fest...




Turns out I was wrong... lol Being the courteous dudes we are, we stayed well back and away from where I really wanted to be fishing because of the drunken loser shore anglers who were wading out as deep as they could and casting as far as they could towards the boat. This meant we weren't exactly in the optimal position but none the less we did get a few more hits. Tom missed what could have likely been the biggest fish of the day, and 40 minutes after my first brown I hooked into another nice specimen... smaller then my first one but a great little fighter none the less..




Eventually we had enough of listening to the remarks from the guys on shore and went on our way down the lake to try a few more spots....


We hit up a panfish spot and had one of the craziest multi species panfish flurry's I've ever seen. We caught Crappie, Bluegill, Rock Bass, Perch and Pumpkinseed... I managed one bluegill picture but we were so pre-occupied with catching fish that we didn't any other photos...


Here's Dano with a good gill... I think it measured out at about 17 inches and 9lbs.. you can tell by the photo..



Next up we were on the trout program again... Now I'm either lucky or just a bad guide... or both likely because I hooked into a good little bow that went balistic with jumps all over.... Thanks to Claira for helping me pick those worms because a full worm was the ticket..




Next up we decided to head back down the lake and Frank figured he'd troll for a while. After about 10 or 15 minutes of trolling Frank says the heck with this I'm going to cast for a while...Dan throws out a small jerkbait and about 30 seconds into the troll he smokes a pretty little brown! lol






Back at our original spot we figured we'd give the bigger browns one last shot before hitting up some panfish and calling it a day.... Here comes that horseshoe again...




We fished deeper, shallower right in the middle, and only managed to hook and lose one more fish so off to our second last spot for the day... it was a panfish spot that usually holds pre-spawn bluegill but Frank ended up with the only incidental catch of the day... a very respectible OOS largie...


Quick picture...



And back in the drink safe and sound...



Last spot of the day, I told TOM - Listen buddy I should have taken photos when we were smashing crappie and bluegill but it was just to fun catching fish... so do me a favor and catch me a nice bluegill or something so we all have fish pics for my report.... Tom didn't dissapoint... he throws his float right into a fallen tree and pulls out a nice bluegill just like you would pull a big bass out of the wood with a flippin' stick..




After that it was time to get my butt home, cook dinner and spend some time with the boy for his birthday...


Here's Luke enjoying his birthday with his big cousin Riley... not a worry in the world that Dad spent the morning on the water...




Averie was happy to pose with some of our panfish for you guys... they were good eatin' boys - thank you!






The excitement has come and gone but I had an AWESOME time out on the water with great friends and am looking forward to doing it again! Before you know it, it'll be bass opener, the lake will have the beginnings of thick green weeds and there's going to be a brood of tiny Canadian Geeze swimmin' around with momma...





Thanks for the good times boys - and have a great week folks!




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Great friends and weather, big laughs, and beautiful fish. Always a fun time on the water with all of you! Ryan, buddy, you had the hot stick for sure on the trout. Looking forward to closer and the crank-jerkbaits bite!

Until then lots of fishing to be had, including our big event The Fishing For A Cure Fish - A - THON!

Good seeing Rich out on the water as well. He had a beauty pair of bows.

Thanks for putting our day into words, bud!!

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Looks like a great opener for all, thanks for the report. Shame about the Darwin brothers on the shore - seems to be a staple of opening day on inland waters, but you guys made the best of it for sure. Those are some beautiful browns.

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That was a pleasure to read, beautiful pictures, great company except for the characters :whistling: on the shore, glad u rose above them and not let them ruin the day. Most importantly glad your son had a great birthday.


Look forward to more of your reports.

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