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New world record.... Carp... So it reads...

mike rousseau

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The record bounces back and forth between 5 or 6 European fish in what are anything but wild circumstance in private lakes/swims, and are fed and fattened like any other livestock. These pigs are known by name. This one is Mary. Other past record holders are Eric and Scar.

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Bigugli is right. They fish for domestic animals in Europe. They have been bred to grow very rapidly for the market.

Mike . Take a look at the tail on that thing and compare it to the fish you catch on the St. Lawrence. A thirty from the Larry could tow that thing unto it's death.

HH I am sure your neighbours would love to smell 90 lbs of rotting fish in your yard. Not to mention the affectionate attentions of every cat, skunk, raccoon and bluebottle fly from 20 km around. :P

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That is grossly huge, almost looks like those doctored photos on the web of the gigantic dog


but as Lorne says, I'll take a 30lb wild Canadian Carp for the fight.


I'd still love to fish some of these European waters like Gigantica and Rainbow


Been passing these days watching the Korda DVD's #3 through #6 (which is on You Tube in it's entirety) and really getting the itch to start this years carp session. All I know is my shopping list keeps getting longer watching those DVD's

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This one is from Germany.... And yes it's name is "Mary"


In England and Europe... Most waters are privately owned... Owners remove small carp from the lakes leaving only the bigger ones to feed on the hundreds of pounds of bait put in the lake weekly.... They end up rediculously fat like this one... And from what I've watched online... It's like dragging in a huge lump of a fish... Not many runs... Just some head shakes....

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Been passing these days watching the Korda DVD's #3 through #6 (which is on You Tube in it's entirety) and really getting the itch to start this years carp session. All I know is my shopping list keeps getting longer watching those DVD's

Ya, I gotta admit, those Korda vids got me through the winter as I wait for my favourite carp haunts to heat up. I got DVD vid #4 and #5 free from Fishing World in Hamilton. They have 'em in the back with all their carp stuff, for anyone interested.

Edited by Mike Pike
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Bigugli is right. They fish for domestic animals in Europe. They have been bred to grow very rapidly for the market.

Mike . Take a look at the tail on that thing and compare it to the fish you catch on the St. Lawrence. A thirty from the Larry could tow that thing unto it's death.

HH I am sure your neighbours would love to smell 90 lbs of rotting fish in your yard. Not to mention the affectionate attentions of every cat, skunk, raccoon and bluebottle fly from 20 km around. :P

Three feet down, totally covered in dirt... no smell, no cats, no racoons... the worms go in, the worms go out! lol

Heck, leave it with it's mouth just above ground level and I could use it to stake the roses! LOL


Edited by Headhunter
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Wow. If that ones 90 lb there's a few in the lower Niigata tipping the 50'mark you would need 200 pound braid and a marlin rod if they got Into the current tho. When I was a kid in NC my buddy's dad had a private lake about 3 acres in size. We were only allowed to fish one day a week ( he diddnt want the fishe pressured, he would feed the catfish an entire big bag of dog food once a week, from the end of the dock and there were some monsters inthere.

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