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Anyone here boiling sap?


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Great stories folks. TJ sorry to hear about your Dad. The video wouldn't open on my Windows8RT pad.


The first year we bought our place we here before we moved in full time we came up on a weekend and found a note on the door from a local farmer. He asked if he could tap our trees for syrup, I thought syrup came from Maple Leaves! Sure go ahead. A few weeks later when we were up and there was note asking for us to stop by. Gave us a bottle of liquid gold. I dole out the stuff like it's 100 year old cognac. It's been 17 years now, what a treat.


He had an annual pancake breakfast at the farm where everyone could watch how the syrup is made, have a free plate of flapjacks and sample the syrup. Donations were accepted and all the money went to a local charity every year, all the money, he took nothing out for costs. The kids also were taken on a wagon ride pulled by his Belgian horses. This past year I was told the region told him he couldn't do it anymore as the kitchen in his sugar shack wasn't up to code. He wasn't selling anything. A few of us got so incensed we marched into the Mayors office and tore a strip off of his butt. Who ever thought they were protecting the public assumed that he was selling the meal. An apology followed shortly afterwards but we missed a season of flapjacks and syrup.

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I showed the pics of the sugar shack to dear wife, she's an interior decorator. She told me to name your price for the crêpe stove. The one your daughter is standing next to. I told her that it was your grand mamas and I bet dollars to pancakes it not for sale. But if it is let me know. I'm no interior decorator but the best decoration I see in the "sugar shack" is the case of Canadian on the shelf!!!!!


All you guys keep up the good work, Sinker you are teaching the kids something they will never learn at Harvard, never.

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I showed the pics of the sugar shack to dear wife, she's an interior decorator. She told me to name your price for the crêpe stove. The one your daughter is standing next to. I told her that it was your grand mamas and I bet dollars to pancakes it not for sale. But if it is let me know. I'm no interior decorator but the best decoration I see in the "sugar shack" is the case of Canadian on the shelf!!!!!


All you guys keep up the good work, Sinker you are teaching the kids something they will never learn at Harvard, never.

I would also assume the crepe stove is not for sale....and probably never will be. :)


About teaching the kids, your right, I agree 100%. That's exactly why I enjoy doing this. Not only that, but the kids LOVE it! They had no trouble sleeping last night :)


Nice to hear you put the boots to your mayor. That's a great story, and a part of history that should never be legislated! Good on ya!



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This past year I was told the region told him he couldn't do it anymore as the kitchen in his sugar shack wasn't up to code. He wasn't selling anything.


Id a just done it anyway...





I showed the pics of the sugar shack to dear wife, she's an interior decorator. She told me to name your price for the crêpe stove. The one your daughter is standing next to. I told her that it was your grand mamas and I bet dollars to pancakes it not for sale. But if it is let me know. I'm no interior decorator but the best decoration I see in the "sugar shack" is the case of Canadian on the shelf!!!!


Ya.. no the stove cant be sold.. for a couple of reasons.. lol.. #1 its the only thing of my grandmas I have, #2 my buddy (Carl) who helped me move it, (Its pretty heavy .. lol) from my grandmas house and into that shack would skin me alive....


and lol.. up here.. no Canadian... no help...


I would also assume the crepe stove is not for sale....and probably never will be. :)


About teaching the kids, your right, I agree 100%. That's exactly why I enjoy doing this. Not only that, but the kids LOVE it! They had no trouble sleeping last night :)


Nice to hear you put the boots to your mayor. That's a great story, and a part of history that should never be legislated! Good on ya!




Ya.. sleeping these days doesn't seem to be a problem.. lol


Raining here today and then everything freezes up for a few days on wed. I think Ill collect what little we have so far and give it a run on Tuesday night/wed.

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I showed the pics of the sugar shack to dear wife, she's an interior decorator. She told me to name your price for the crêpe stove. The one your daughter is standing next to.


Oh man...you just scored BIG with Monique now, Bud. I only wish I'd have said that. :D

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First boil completed last night. Started with 350 litres of clear sap. Just like Sinker my first syrup was a beautiful light, smooth tasting syrup. I have anouther 300 litres of sap collected and will start my second boil when I return from fishing on Thursday. I will try to post some pictures of the operation and end product. Here is a video of my boiler setup from 4 years ago:







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Slow here today too TJ. Only collected 10 gallons.


I have about 50 gallons left to boil though, so its working out perfect for my rinky dink set up. My two 30 litre pots have nothing on your set ups boys!!


Boiling now, as late as I can take, and as long as it takes tomorrow. A bit of a clean up, then willl be all set to start over after we get this little cold spell.

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I got another burner yesterday, so boiled down 4 20l pails tonight. Got close to 2litres finished. Not bad. I started boiling at 5pm, and just got everything cleaned up now. This stuff is a lot darker than the first litre I made.


This little hobby has become an addiction. My other daily chores are getting neglected lol.


So, 7 litres of syrup, about 50lbs of propane, and lots of hours boiling. I hope it gets cold enough that I can get a bit of a break at this point. I know i don't "have" to do it, but I can't seem to stop. The kids now think I'm crazy lol


Maybe I am.......?? :) I'm gonna giver till it stops running though. I'm thinking a bottle of maple syrup will make nice xmas gifts and save me some coin down the road. Its a nice bartering tool as well :) I have a buddy tapping trees at his place now too.....the fever is contagious I guess lol


Anyways, I need sleep.



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Hey T.J. did you tap some BIRCH trees ? If you have access to trees give it a go , just remember dont heat over 93 C , or you will scorch the sugars and it takes a load of sap to get syrup , at least twice as much as maple sap , BUT ITS WORTH IT , My grand Ma had a "SPRING TONIC" that was mostly raw birch sap , claimed it cured anything .." LOL " or Maybe it was the large amounts of rum she added ... ?????

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Birch... i have a few but nothing big... lol.. im hardly organized enogh to tackle one species.. lol


Dont know about that (being organamized ) the pics of the shack that your dad built is better than any I have ever seen . You dont know untill ya try .. Pickereyes wrapped in bacon with birch syrup ....

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That crepe stove sure brings back some good memories. I remember him towing a trailer behind a tractor to get one to our hunting camp that he built 47 years ago. He had spent a good week and a half getting it all cleaned up, it had been stored in a barn for over 50 years. As we were crossing a small bridge that was over a creek full of black muck (typical of Northern Ontario bush) and one wheel of the trailer broke a plank and in the black muck goes the nice white stove. Took us like 4 hours to get it out of there. Then another day or so to clean it up again. But it was so worth it. One of my best memories of that stove was to use an old fashion iron to make flat toasts right on the burner aftre cleaning them with newspaper along with slices of Kolbassa. YUMMMY!!!



I still remember coming in from a full day of icefishing, taking my boots off and sitting in front of that stove with my feet resting on the opened oven door. Oh what I wouldn't do to get in a Time Travel Machine and fly back to 1966!!

Edited by wallyboss
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10 gallons of sap to go!


I hope it runs for 4 more weeks!


Nothing in my buckets today. Perfect timing though...I will ffinish what I have, get a good clean up done, and get some of my neglected chores done too.


Here's my "boilers" lol




And last nights boil, finished.




Doing this from my phone, and the pics don't show for me. Hope they work.



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OK, a few things, Sinker you have far too much Maple syrup for 1 family. I am willing to make you a great trade, you send me a jar of syrup and I'll tell you where my secret honey hole is. How is this for a spot? 30 casts, 27 hits, 22 fish landed is my personal best. Groundy (fishing buddy, call him groundhog because when he and a groundhog stands on their hind legs they are about the same height) his record there is 30 casts 28 hits 27 fish landed, he would have had 28 for 30 but I made sure I tried my best to lip the last one for him but unfortunately he lost it.


TJ, you need to settle a difference of opinion between dear wife and myself. when I showed her the picture of the crepe stove (yes the one with your daughter standing next to) she was most impressed with the beautiful stove but she gave me that side ways look she often gives me after she asked why I called it a crepe stove. I told her that's what those stoves are called because that's what TJ called it and he should know it's his grandma's old stove and he should know because after all he has over 10,000 posts and he should know because he's an administrator here to boot. so please post a reply telling her I am correct then you can post again telling me the truth but I won't show her that one.


Now folks you all need to know I don't use acronyms or smily faces, I don't know what an acronym is, I thought LOL was short for someones initials and I don't know how to post a smily face without losing the whole text I typed. So if I don't come across right and sound like I'm being stupid I might just be trying to make a funny, or I'm just being stupid.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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I knew this syrup was going to be a great bartering tool, but never in my wildest dreams would I think someone would give away such a honey hole for one bottle!!


That said, I'm not sure I can part with any just yet. I'm a bit of a hoarder. I make the stuff, and dole it out like its the finest whiskey money can buy lol


Let's see how much I get, then I will decide. What area of the world. Is this honey hole anyways? ;)


I have about 3/4 of a 30l pot boiling now. I'm expecting right around 2 litres of syrup. Started at 10am, and put about 80-90 litres thru my boilers. Its getting a little quicker, but still takes. A long time. Killed a few beers, and just started into a bottle of gibsons finest....added a shot of syrup to that too.....just because. My brother is on his way over for a feed of fresh cod we brought back from nfld, and caught ourselves, along with an appetizer. Of "tongues and britches" to get the appetite going.


I'd say that bottle of whiskey is going to take a beating :) taking the kids perchin in the morning, right after french toast, made with home made bread, and fresh maple syrup! Life is good :)


I'll take a pic of the finished product later.



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Hey Sinker. That half crazed, sleep deprived, compulsion during sugaring can run for 6 weeks in a good season. That time commitment, alone, makes the price worth every drop. You're only in the second week.



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TJ, you need to settle a difference of opinion between dear wife and myself. when I showed her the picture of the crepe stove (yes the one with your daughter standing next to) she was most impressed with the beautiful stove but she gave me that side ways look she often gives me after she asked why I called it a crepe stove. I told her that's what those stoves are called because that's what TJ called it and he should know it's his grandma's old stove and he should know because after all he has over 10,000 posts and he should know because he's an administrator here to boot. so please post a reply telling her I am correct then you can post again telling me the truth but I won't show her that one.





LOL.. OK... first off.. its a really a "Wood Burning Cook Stove" WE call it the "Crepe stove" cause honestly niether my mom nor my dad, nor I could stomach fluffy pancakes. We always ate crepes. So when we eat up there the menu for dinner is always the same.... Crepes, Baked Beans and Honey Cooked Ham, with gobs of last years syrup. (funny how I never get tired of it...) So that why its the crepe stove... after we moved it in there. they are the only only thing that gets cooked on it... and they ARE delicious. And my daughter thanks you for noticing.... you have no idea...


I knew this syrup was going to be a great bartering tool, but never in my wildest dreams would I think someone would give away such a honey hole for one bottle!!


That said, I'm not sure I can part with any just yet. I'm a bit of a hoarder. I make the stuff, and dole it out like its the finest whiskey money can buy lol


Let's see how much I get, then I will decide. What area of the world. Is this honey hole anyways? ;)


I have about 3/4 of a 30l pot boiling now. I'm expecting right around 2 litres of syrup. Started at 10am, and put about 80-90 litres thru my boilers. Its getting a little quicker, but still takes. A long time. Killed a few beers, and just started into a bottle of gibsons finest....added a shot of syrup to that too.....just because. My brother is on his way over for a feed of fresh cod we brought back from nfld, and caught ourselves, along with an appetizer. Of "tongues and britches" to get the appetite going.


I'd say that bottle of whiskey is going to take a beating :) taking the kids perchin in the morning, right after french toast, made with home made bread, and fresh maple syrup! Life is good :)


I'll take a pic of the finished product later.


Honestly I don't sell any of my syrup... cause as "gifts" they will get you farther than any money ever could...


That bottle of Whiskey... never stood a chance Im sure.. look up ..




Im gonna make me some of that stuff with crown.. (I know they already do).. but mines gonna be BETTER!

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If my old man was up here in ontario, he would surely be making some kind of booze out of it too lol.


Here's my harvest so far, minus 2.5l that I was forced to give to my mom, and a couple good friends.




Honestly, that is more than I will ever use in a year, but I still want more. I would never sell it either, its impossible to put a price on it.


The whiskey is on its last legs, but still a bit left. We ate way too much, but it was way too good to stop eating. :)



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