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Quinte Weekend!!!!


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Disclaimer: The events following actually occurred....albeit perhaps not exactly as depicted.


Quinte 2012...the time had finally come to hunt for big walleye! The past few years the winds were gently blowing at about 50km/h and we'd bob around the bay in 3 to 4 footers. This year was shaping up to be much better. Calm winds, slightly overcast periods of the day, stable weather heading into the weekend...it was ripe for lots of fish right? Well...we would have had more fish...but that's still to come.



Fishnsled, Headhunter, Gerritt, Bitsmith2k and I made the journey to Perfect Vue for this weekend. Fishnsled and I drove in together and arrived at the Bath launch around 1130ish. We looked out at the perfect conditions and since Gerritt wasn't arriving until 3ish we decided to get a 3 or so hours of fishing in before coming back to get him. We launch by noon...blast off to a spot 10 minutes away...get our lines in the water and we were trolling. There wasn't much boat traffic, so we relaxed and watched our lines. What seemed like just minutes later, I get a phone call from Gerritt saying he's arrived and can we come and get him. Fishnsled looks over at me and says "REALLY? We just got the lines down". I said "We can make him wait...". LOL. We pull the lines in and make the run to get him.


With "pleasantries" exchanged, we head back out with our new passenger. At around 430ish, one of the boards goes off!! We already decided Fishnsled would get the first fish...so Gerritt hands him the rod. Once the board is in the boat, Fishnsled says "there's some serious weight here!! Feels like an 11 pounder!". He continues to fight this monster and it's staying down...it's stubborn and wont show it's head and he exlaims "12 pounds at least!!". Finally it comes to the surface maybe 20 feet from the boat and it's gigantic head is visible. Gerritt grabs the net as Fishnsled continues to keep pressure on the fish...



The fish is getting closer...and Gerritt puts the net out there. Fishnsled says "looks like my PB...13 pounds for sure". Then for reasons still unexplained, Gerritt begins to bash the head of this monster with the net...and knocks the hooks right out of it! :wallbash: We all stand there stunned...no one dares say a word. There is no desperation lunge of the net to try and get it. Fishnsled finally breaks the silence with "Nice going Gerritt!! That 14 pounder would have been my personal best!!". Gerritt puts the net down...we are all silent as we put the line back out there. That was to be the only hit of the day...and as the sun went down, we decided it was time to get off the water.



Fishnsled mumbled as we got back to the launch "I cant freakin believe you lost me that 15 pound Walleye!!" :whistling:


We head back to Perfect Vue to the smell of Headhunter's meatloaf baking in the oven. Five pounds of beef, whole eggs on the inside and draped with a pound of bacon! Mmmmmmmmm. After dinner, we continued with the beer and chatting and a whole lot of laughing at Gerritt's expense. Fishnsled, in his depression became rather intoxicated very quickly! He got up at one point and headed towards the bathroom door...only he didn't quite make it! He tripped over his own feet and did a number on his foot/ankle! That cheered him right up after the events of the day I tell you!!! Mercifully, we all headed to bed....alarm set for 530am to take advantage of that hot morning bite..



The alarm didn't go off...and at around 830, we stumbled out of bed. The coffee was brewing and we hightailed it out of there and launched at Hay Bay. Turns out there is a tournament there...the launch is PACKED and we heard there were over 40 boats :wallbash: Doesn't matter right? There's TONS of fish out there!!


So here we are...Gerritt mumbles "I'm not touching a net today!!" :rofl2: I'm next up and around 130 in the afternoon one of the boards goes off! I grab the rod and start reeling it in. Gerritt moves all the way to the front of the boat and cowers right at the bow!! Fishnsled expertly lets me guide the fish into the net and we landed our first walleye of the weekend. I think it was around 6 pounds...



High fives all around...we get the board back out there and begin our troll again. At around 430, it's Gerritt's turn as a fish takes the inside board. Fishnsled looks over at me as I'm holding the net and nods (read "You know what to do"). I nod back in understanding and I turn the net around so I can pool cue the walleye right between the eyes as it gets close.



As the fish comes closer, the angler in me simply can't knock the fish off the line and I net it for him.



Gerritt high fives me and turns to Fishnsled with his hand raised...and slowly lowers it as Fishnsled wants nothing to do with it. He then mumbles something about a 16 pounder...


We decide to troll into the evening...and it's now dark outside. We are straining to see the boards...every once in a while a flashlight is shone out there to see what the heck is going on. My stomach is rumbling and I want to get back to the cottage for dinner. Then one of the boards is acting funny! We begin to reel it in and the other board goes off!! We soon realize somehow the baits got tangled together. By the time we get it back to the boat, it's such a mess that we just cut the lines on those rods. That ended our day...


Back to the cottage and we throw in a few home made lasagnes courtesy of Fishnsled! It was AWESOME! Beef and spicy pork, cheese and noodles....can't go wrong with that combination! That night we played cards...razzed Gerritt even more and drank the evening away. This time two of us set alarms for 530 so we could catch that morning bite!!!!




The alarms both went off at 530! I heard mine and another one from the other bedroom. Then both alarms went silent and I figured as soon as I hear someone, I'll get up. I heard someone at 8am...LOL. Oh well, so much for the morning bite!! We decide to pack everything up and check out and then hit the water for one last kick at the can. Gerritt had to leave so off he went around 930ish. Headhunter and Bitsmith just leave for the launch and Fishnsled and I are quick to follow...except that his truck wont start! Wont even turn over...battery is deader than dead! We called Bitsmith to come back to jump start the truck...and just to be safe, we decided to head to Napanee Canadian Tire (conveniently located at Hwy 41 and the 401) was open and we got a new truck battery.


By the time we were done there we headed for the launch at Desoronto. By 1130ish we were on the water, trolling waters neither of us had done before. As we drop the lines we see a charter boat trolling towards us. We were thinking this is a good sign! After that one passes by us, we see Llyod's charter boat approaching!



Ok..two charter services in the area....there HAS to be catchable fish here! We trolled around for a few hours and had nothing. Nada. Zilch! Finally, a board goes off and Fishnsled is up...hoping for a Walleye!! It's not a walleye, but it's a nice fish!



We decide we should back it in by 230ish so we begin to troll back towards the launch. Fishnsled says "So do we make one more pass or do we keep going?" I said "Let's just keep going...". A few minutes later, my biggest walleye of the weekend attacks a bait! This guy was just over 8 pounds...I'm a happy camper!!



Oh yeah...the other boat didn't have a lot of luck, but they did give me a few pics...here's Bitsmith2k with a walleye from earlier in the weekend!



And Headhunter....it appears he didn't catch anything and I didn't have any pictures of him, so to prove he can catch big fish, I thought I'd post an older picture with his favourite species!!!



Well, that closes another weekend hunting for trophy Quinte walleye...an unfortgetable trip for sure! My stomach still hurts from all the laughs we had. Thanks guys! always a GREAT time!!


As we got off the water, the sun was beginning to set....



Echoes of Fishsled saying "that 17 pounder sure was a heartbreaker......"

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Thanks for the read Cliff! 12lb->13lb->14lb->15lb! :rofl2:

You owe me a new keyboard!


It was 18 pounds for sure young_one!!! :rofl2:



Great report Cliff, thanks for putting it together. One of the funnier things I read on the board. Gerritt - once you get your official netters card - you can man the net once again. Until then G just shut up and fish. :D Great times were had by all and looking forward to the next adventure. Till the next time gents!

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Great report and pics Cliff. Sounds like a fun weekend :thumbsup_anim:


I'd still like to know how Will "broke" himself :whistling::w00t: Guess it was the "trip" to the bathroom??

We have a rule... what happens at Perfect Vue, stays at Perfect Vue... however I can tell you that "Broken Will" "may" have been "over served".


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I hang my head in shame for the netting incident.... but I redeemed myself by helping "Broken Will" fall gracefully... damn cooler in the middle of the kitchen!!!


I should add..... Will's fish aside.. I had big fish of the trip @ 9.5 lbs...... not meaning to rub salt in the wound Will LOL


All in all a great weekend guys, a ton of laughs as always!


Mike... where's the pistachios?



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We have a rule... what happens at Perfect Vue, stays at Perfect Vue... however I can tell you that "Broken Will" "may" have been "over served".



Over severed? Perhaps, I'd call it drowning my sorrows after seeing that.....ya Terry - you got it right - potential world record fish get knocked off....at least 23 pounds.

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Really sucks that Gerritt knocked that 24 lb'r off Will... what a tard that lad can be!! :sarcasm::D



I,ll bet it was bigger then that laker yer holding Wayne. LMAO


Great trip with friends and memorries that will BURN for ever in yer brains.


Thanks for taking the time to post Cliff.Great laugh. Sorry G.


I do believe we (Cliff), have a fishing trip coming for another tail, to tell.


I,ll be kind,Im sure.LOL

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Gerritt did everyone on that boat a favour... that Pickereye was so big it would have completely sunk FnS's boat... I think both Cliff and FnS owe Gerritt a huge thanks for not letting them get swamped in the middle of Adolphus Reach.

Heck, it's bite alone could have caused ER rooms across eastern Ontario to go into high alert status!

Gerritt, you're a good man... always thinking of others... commendable!


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Sorry about that!!! Where do I send the cheque???


Thanks for the read Cliff! 12lb->13lb->14lb->15lb! :rofl2:

You owe me a new keyboard!



Brian...I'll check my calendar!!!


I,ll bet it was bigger then that laker yer holding Wayne. LMAO


Great trip with friends and memorries that will BURN for ever in yer brains.


Thanks for taking the time to post Cliff.Great laugh. Sorry G.


I do believe we (Cliff), have a fishing trip coming for another tail, to tell.


I,ll be kind,Im sure.LOL



Will definitely be one that we'll always remember!

great report Cliff. That'll be one you guys are laughing at for years.

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Anytime Joe...


Now that I think about it...the damned fish wouldn't have even fit in the net.... :rofl2:


Just grab it under the gill plate and lift it into the boat, it's not that difficult to do.(If there was a gill plate to grab onto that is.....just lip'em.)

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