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Kemper, early season/low water, you're going to concentrated guys on every river, every day. And that means combat fishing sometimes. Take it with a grain of salt.


Lets be honest, most guys don't know how to time rivers properly anyway. A nice cold snap + good down pour + perfect timing and you'll have no one in sight. Even in some the most popular east tribs, I've had the rivers to myself on a weekend because guys just don't time it right.


Have a good chrome season, it should be a banner year on all tribs.

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If this river fishing makes your life so miserable that you think posting something like this will make your worries go away you should take up Bass fishing instead.

Don't let your day be ruined. Walk away and try another river.


or stay and fight.



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If this river fishing makes your life so miserable that you think posting something like this will make your worries go away you should take up Bass fishing instead.

Don't let your day be ruined. Walk away and try another river.


or stay and fight.




Day was far from ruined, lots of fish still made their way to the bank!


I'm a finance guy - my skill with words doesn't always put forth the tone that I intend. There was some sarcasm and feigned exasperation hidden in there - in all honesty I was mostly in awe of the situation and how fast this addiction has spread.


No worries Gbay, I do bass fish but they don't seem to co-operate with me the way that trout do...

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If this river fishing makes your life so miserable that you think posting something like this will make your worries go away you should take up Bass fishing instead.

Don't let your day be ruined. Walk away and try another river.


or stay and fight.





Or take up carp fishing. Fight just as hard and, this time of year, probably taste better. :D

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Seems some people could use it...


A large number of people can fish a stream as long as we all co-operate.


It's pretty simple, everyone drifts in unison and we all get along.


I was greased out today three times, by three different people who all knew better.


1) Casting UPSTREAM far enough that you cross the line of the guy who is two places above you is excessive. Stop doing that.


2) Yes, I did just hook a fish in that slot. No, I would prefer if you didn't cross me up twice while standing in my back pocket so you can get a drift too.


3) Hey buddy across the river, I realize that I'm all of 30 feet from you and I'm hard to see (?). Please, for the love of roe bags don't bounce your float off my knees again - the water is two feet deep. I see the bottom. No salmons there.


I can put up with people standing all over me as long as they stay off my line.


I'm used to this crap from fishing out East, but I would have preferred to be at the Ganny during the salmon run instead of the Northern river I drove a long way to today.


On another note - has anyone noticed a marked increase in the number of fish going on the rope recently? Of the 20 or so bows that made it to shore today the ONLY ones that went back in the drink were mine. I get it, they are tasty and I'll never say anything to people keeping a legal limit - this is more of a general concern. Why do so many fish need to be released into the hot oil bath?




Nice list........these and some others are the reasons I purchased my first boat 40 years ago.... :)

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Terry tried to grease me out today,but I put a stop to it.




I said,,,,,,,,,,,,,











I threw an orange worm over his line,that fixed that.



:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:



I understand the rant Kemper, and I to don,t like to be pushed out (guess greased,is the new word) it is what it is. Deal with it in your own way. Me,walk on and fish.

Edited by Misfish
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Well I for one don't fight with anyone and there's certainly no need to have stopped stream fishing 27 years ago.


We live in what is without a doubt the golden age of great lakes steelheading. The amount of opportunities available and diverse fisheries is amazing.


The experience is what you make of it.


If I have a choice I'll never subject myself to crowds, there's absolutely no need.


On most of the rivers I fish there's plenty of room to spread out. On many of them you won't see another soul all day.


Of course I'm a vagabond, I'll drive anywhere for a day or two of fishing if conditions are prime.


I currently have licenses for Ohio, Pennsylvania, NY and Michigan in addition to ON, all just to fish steelhead.


I can understand where Brady is coming from though. If I lived east of T.O and fished the crowded rivers out that way on a regular basis I'd lose my mind LOL!


The best way I've found to combat the invasion of anglers out that way is to fish at night. The fish do bite quite well at night and there's no one around.


The golden age of steelheading in the Great Lakes was 20 years ago on the US side, before every Canadian found out about it. Sorry that you missed it! I am happy for the fond memories, but am glad I was there then and not now. By now the Yankees have been watching us and figured out how to catch the things, and it is no longer a secret to Canadians. What you see down there now is a shadow of its former glory!

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The golden age of steelheading in the Great Lakes was 20 years ago on the US side, before every Canadian found out about it. Sorry that you missed it! I am happy for the fond memories, but am glad I was there then and not now. By now the Yankees have been watching us and figured out how to catch the things, and it is no longer a secret to Canadians. What you see down there now is a shadow of its former glory!


I didn't miss thing, trust me on that.

"The US side"? The U.S. side of what? Obviously you're referring to Erie and Ontario's south shore. Steelheading doesn't revolve around that area, there's plenty more regions that offer much more.


In general, across the entire great lakes the runs of fish and the amount of opprtunities that are available have never been better.


I think perhaps you need to broaden your horizons.

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