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A little Sunday Salmon report


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Went out on the big lake for some salmon today. What a beautiful day it was out there. Water was like glass most of the morning.


I think it was a bit too early for darling Ralphie tho :lol:






Right off the get go, on the way out to deeper water, as we trolled out, we got a hit. Believe it is a coho salmon. Just a beauty right near the surface!!!






Then we waited patiently for more hits!











Lots of these guys flying south, monarch butterflies :good: Couldn't get a good pic tho with the boat moving and them fluttering by!





Ralphie got tired of waiting :D







Not sure if this is allowed as Ralphie doesn't have his boater operators card :w00t:






We stuck it out until about 1 p.m. and didn't get another hit. We did see the fish come up after the lure on the fishfinder, then go back down again, dang that's frustrating!


But it was such a nice day it didn't matter, was just nice to be out there!!!





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I think Ralphies upset Paul didn't let him crank in that 1st fish Joey :Gonefishing:


Actually, it was a comedy of errors Lew, it was supposed to be my fish, so Paul grabbed the rod for me, but it was already on the surface, and we actually thought he grabbed the wrong rod, so I grabbed the other, then we thought we were tangled. It ended up being on the rod in his hands and we both reeled in, and it was pretty much at the boat already, so I netted it. Ralphie gets the next one :lol:

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A steelhead with a white mouth and hook jaw?


I guess it's been awhile since I caught a steelhead :D I always thought they had a black mouth and smaller jaw.


It's the same fish in both pics BTW!

Edited by Joey
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A steelhead with a white mouth and hook jaw?


I guess it's been awhile since I caught a steelhead :D I always thought they had a black mouth and smaller jaw.


It's the same fish in both pics BTW!


Yup, tail is a dead giveaway as well.. The males can have quite the hook come spawning time!

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Thanks guys, guess the hook jaw is what perplexed us. I've only ever caught them mostly earlier in the season and they had much smaller mouths than this one with no hook.


Yes, looking at the tail would indicate Steelhead, expecially with the spots on the whole tail.

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Chinook - black gums, black mouth

Coho - black gums, white mouth

Rainbow - white gums, white mouth

This will identify 95% of the Lake O fish. Sometimes the gums and mouth can be a little spotty or gray. Look at the tail. Fork is salmon, square is trout.



Looks like a nice day.... a lot nice than St. Clair today!!!!

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Really great pics Joey and a super day out on the lake for you guys. So did you have trout for supper last night? :) I guess you guys will be hitting LSC sometime soon? Or maybe the West Arm one more time this season? How about the Larry? :)

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Really great pics Joey and a super day out on the lake for you guys. So did you have trout for supper last night? :) I guess you guys will be hitting LSC sometime soon? Or maybe the West Arm one more time this season? How about the Larry? :)


Actually, we'd like to do all three my dear :whistling::thumbsup_anim:

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