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R.I.P. Neil

Old Man

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Another one of my childhood hero's has passed. Rest in peace Neil.


Neil Armstrong



Mine too. I remember the landing like it was yesterday. He was the quiet one of the three.He was never in the news and kept to himself. I found out he did teach so is knowledge is not lost.


The X15 at more that 200,000 feet is quite the accomplishment.


he will be in the history books for ever as being the first human to set foot on another planet.

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He was very softspoken and shy, given that he was apparently the first man on the moon.


Something is suspicious about the whole thing.


RIP and no disrespect, I just think he took some secrets with him to the grave because he was forced to.


Absolute balderdash. Don't listen to the hoax believers, they are certifiably brain-dead. There is nothing suspicious at all. I have presented on this subject, and been interviewed on the CBC about it. There is no evidence of anything suspicious, and plenty of evidence that everything was exactly as history records it.

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There is nothing worse then the wave of conspiracy theorists out there now.

As Freud said more then 1 person can never keep a secret.


Go on line and look at the landing sites! Look at the buggy and the tracks.......oh thats right thats a hoax as well.............

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There is nothing worse then the wave of conspiracy theorists out there now.

As Freud said more then 1 person can never keep a secret.


Go on line and look at the landing sites! Look at the buggy and the tracks.......oh thats right thats a hoax as well.............


Actually I believe it was Benjamin Franklin who is credited with saying "3 may keep a secret if 2 of them are dead." Apollo spacecraft had three man crews, and they haven't said a single thing that would indicate anything other than what is on the books.

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That must be really tough to deal with. The fact that he (and his crew) accomplished something on that crazy of a scale. Only to have most people tell you it never happened.


He must have been very strong mentally to deal with that.


Regardless, condolences to the family and rest in peace

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Most don't, really. But like a lot of other crazies they make noise out of all proportion to their numbers and get more attention than they deserve. What they deserve is zero.



Yeah, i didnt really mean it that way.


Still, trying to take away an accomplishment of that proportion is pretty crazy.





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What's really amazing is that they went to the moon using onboard computers that have less computing power than a scientific calculator. All their calculations were done longhand and verified by others back on earth. To accomplish what they did in the 60's was nothing short of amazing. In less than 10 years, the US went from putting a man into space to landing on the moon. JFK galvanized the nation and did something incredible. Can Obama or Romney do it? I doubt it. Put a man on Mars, yes it will cost trillions, how much was spent in Iraq and Afganistan?? The scientific and technological advancements that come out of it will be huge. Continue what Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins did. We need some modern day heroes and role models for our kids. RIP and God speed.

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What's really amazing is that they went to the moon using onboard computers that have less computing power than a scientific calculator.


That's one of the red-herrings the hoax crowd constantly drags out, the 'fact' that the computers weren't powerful enough. When I gave a talk on this for the 40th anniversary I told the audience that the Lunar Module was actually equipped with two computers more powerful than anything we have today. Capable of visually and aurally acquiring information, with the ability to rapidly adjust to changing flight parameters, and capable of rapidly exchanging complex and even abstract ideas between the two of them in order to co-ordinate actions. Then I showed a picture of those computers - two human brains.


Just about brought the house down! :D

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That's one of the red-herrings the hoax crowd constantly drags out, the 'fact' that the computers weren't powerful enough. When I gave a talk on this for the 40th anniversary I told the audience that the Lunar Module was actually equipped with two computers more powerful than anything we have today. Capable of visually and aurally acquiring information, with the ability to rapidly adjust to changing flight parameters, and capable of rapidly exchanging complex and even abstract ideas between the two of them in order to co-ordinate actions. Then I showed a picture of those computers - two human brains.


Just about brought the house down! :D




How true, its amazing that they did it. That accomplishment was done before the age of the computer and then the internet. It was done with brain power, something lacking these days. Why learn how to do complex equations when you can punch it into this fancy gizmo called a kom-pue-terr and it'll spit the answer out right quick.

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While the topic of whether or not there was a lunar landing is a debate, the topic should have its own thread.


This one is to remember a man who, at the time, gave immeasurable hope to an entire generation of people. The world needs more Neil Armstrongs and is a lesser place because of his passing.

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While the topic of whether or not there was a lunar landing is a debate, the topic should have its own thread.


This one is to remember a man who, at the time, gave immeasurable hope to an entire generation of people. The world needs more Neil Armstrongs and is a lesser place because of his passing.


:good: x 1000

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While the topic of whether or not there was a lunar landing is a debate, the topic should have its own thread.


This one is to remember a man who, at the time, gave immeasurable hope to an entire generation of people. The world needs more Neil Armstrongs and is a lesser place because of his passing.



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While the topic of whether or not there was a lunar landing is a debate, the topic should have its own thread.


And, while we are at it, let's start another thread on whether the earth is flat or round, and another one on whether the earth is billions of years old or just several thousand.thumbsup_anim.gifsarcasm.gif




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