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Selective Harvest


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Alrighty men and ladies. After some research in the garage,  I think I got this figured out. Most bonafide Musky guys are 'passionate' about catch and release. I get that and respect it. But here's the deal;

PASSION is an emotion. It is not a COGNITIVE KNOWLEDGE. 


So to wit, ya can't teach/re-educate passion. As it is an emotion. You either have it or you don't.  You can teach/re-educate one's cognitive knowledge (rules & regulations), but don't expect/demand that they realize/accept your passion.




Back to the garage

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Alrighty men and ladies. After some research in the garage,  I think I got this figured out. Most bonafide Musky guys are 'passionate' about catch and release. I get that and respect it. But here's the deal;

PASSION is an emotion. It is not a COGNITIVE KNOWLEDGE. 


So to wit, ya can't teach/re-educate passion. As it is an emotion. You either have it or you don't.  You can teach/re-educate one's cognitive knowledge (rules & regulations), but don't expect/demand that they realize/accept your passion.




Back to the garage


Holy crap words of wisdom from the garage :clapping::clapping:

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Alrighty men and ladies. After some research in the garage, I think I got this figured out. Most bonafide Musky guys are 'passionate' about catch and release. I get that and respect it. But here's the deal;

PASSION is an emotion. It is not a COGNITIVE KNOWLEDGE.


So to wit, ya can't teach/re-educate passion. As it is an emotion. You either have it or you don't. You can teach/re-educate one's cognitive knowledge (rules & regulations), but don't expect/demand that they realize/accept your passion.




Back to the garage



You just gave me a headache.................I told you to leave the door open when the car is idleing.

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You think that 56in muskie is actually still producing eggs? Ehhh, I dunno.. Regardless that's the fish to keep, not the 40incher that's in it's prime. The guy's still an idiot for not having the proper release tools, that's just common sense.


As far as selective harvest is concerned, there needs to be some education on how to properly identify a fish (Male or female).. You'll make a smaller impact keeping the males of the species opposed to the big fat hens (steelhead is a great example)

Edited by BillM
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I've yet to see the person whose understanding of a given situation is improved or changed by preaching, lecturing or confrontation. Further, such an individual who has the law on his side and is confronted by someone with an agenda is likely to respond just how? Change the circumstances with any example you like - crossing the road on a walk signal and delaying a car who honks, or taking your right of way at a merge and being educted by another driver.............. how do YOU wave?

I havent watched the video. From what I have read, I would not have done what he did... but he had every right as things are currenlty.

That said, I likely wouldn't offer the dude a beer to celebrate his catch, nor celebrate the outcome in anyway. But that is my right too.

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I'd like to throw in my perspective from an American who has been to Ontario at least once per year for over 40 years and mostly to the same lake. There has been a lot of change in that 40+ years. I remember that on all of my first trips that we killed a crapload of big fish. We were allowed 6 fish per species (walleye/pike) and we always tried to limit out usually with a 22" minimum. Even the fish we ate were big and we ate a lot of walleye. Most any big pike we would also harvest. It was a badge of honor when we got back and bragged about the fantastic fishing in Ontario. I think that was the prevalent feeling amongst my fellow American anglers at that time. wallbash.gifwallbash.gif

We have pictures from that period in time, that frankly, I'm embarrassed. blush.gif

About the mid to late 80's it seemed like we had to work harder for fish, much harder, and the fish were smaller. We began an introspection of ourselves. We always thought that there was so many fish in this lake and by our fishing harvesting habits, we are not seriously affecting the fishery, are we. wallbash.gif


In the early 90's, we changed our ways. We started to kill walleyes 18 and under to take home and eat. We would talk to other groups that flew into our beloved lake and tell them as nice as we could that this is our collective fishery and we all need to take care of it. It wasn't long until Ontario was one of the first regions to recognize the benefits of using slot limits and selective harvest techniques to balance the need for taking a few fish for table fare while leaving important breeding stock in the lake to perpetuate the species.


Today, I feel that my group has come full circle. The only walleye that we keep over 18" is a walleye that would not live if released. I also feel that most Americans have come around to this way of thinking. clapping.gif


So, don't blame us, look at the guy with the white bucket. sarcasm.gif

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I've yet to see the person whose understanding of a given situation is improved or changed by preaching, lecturing or confrontation. Further, such an individual who has the law on his side and is confronted by someone with an agenda is likely to respond just how? Change the circumstances with any example you like - crossing the road on a walk signal and delaying a car who honks, or taking your right of way at a merge and being educted by another driver.............. how do YOU wave?

I havent watched the video. From what I have read, I would not have done what he did... but he had every right as things are currenlty.

That said, I likely wouldn't offer the dude a beer to celebrate his catch, nor celebrate the outcome in anyway. But that is my right too.


And i wall like this, whether people like it or not.So i hear what you are saying.

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That's where I study and ponder solutions to age old philosophies ;)




I do the same in the garage....I call it "thrinking" and having read this whole thread, I thrink I'll turn off the computer and have another beer :D

Edited by G.mech
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You think that 56in muskie is actually still producing eggs? Ehhh, I dunno.. Regardless that's the fish to keep, not the 40incher that's in it's prime. The guy's still an idiot for not having the proper release tools, that's just common sense.

I agree, BUT many inexperienced anglers would have [and have] treated a 40" er in a similar fashion as that 56", hence the importance of education, and I really don't understand why most are reluctant to agree to that. This applies across the board to most any other species of fish.


But let's disregard all empirical evidence in the name of a meal, or even putting a trophy on your wall that will disintegrate within a decade. [ps. I eat as much, if not more fish than most people on this board]

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Something to consider is, not all fishermen are sport fishermen. And not all anglers spend dozens of days on the water with the option of selectively harvesting. I have "some" friends who actually might fish 2, 3 or 4 times a year, but "sometimes" might keep a load of fish (usually bass) if they're lucky enough to catch them. At that time for them, doesn't matter to me what sizes of fish they are, and it shouldn't for them either as long as they're within the law. They're having fun, keeping far fewer fish overall than most of the serious anglers I know, and wanting to enjoy eating some fish they caught.


I get where you're coming from Rich and understand that there are plenty who could use a wake-up call because they're just gluttons, abusers and people who you'd think should know better, but there are flip sides.

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Something to consider is, not all fishermen are sport fishermen. And not all anglers spend dozens of days on the water with the option of selectively harvesting. I have "some" friends who actually might fish 2, 3 or 4 times a year, but "sometimes" might keep a load of fish (usually bass) if they're lucky enough to catch them. At that time for them, doesn't matter to me what sizes of fish they are, and it shouldn't for them either as long as they're within the law. They're having fun, keeping far fewer fish overall than most of the serious anglers I know, and wanting to enjoy eating some fish they caught.


I get where you're coming from Rich and understand that there are plenty who could use a wake-up call because they're just gluttons, abusers and people who you'd think should know better, but there are flip sides.

100% agree!

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when the perch are full of eggs I throw back the monsters and keep the mid size perch

I just can't bring myself to kill that many babies.. and I catch my limit but limit my keep...I never keep more then I can eat, no fish go in my freezer

but what others do with in the limits of the law is not for me to comment on.....

I generally will keep mid sized perch for dinner and maybe 2 lakers and 1 whitefish per year.

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no sense..in trying to tell people the facts..

no matter slots limits etc.. if you don"t have the means to police the laws then what does it matter..

we are talking small areas lakes etc.. i use the NFLD fisheries as an example of whats to come..NO COD FISHERY!. could not police the non canadian vessels

so newfoundlanders had a lively hood taken away..


IMO.. a total stop on keeping fish is the answer to your problem..

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that query is deeper then we think. every water system is different. great lakes fisherys are shared between commercial netters and sports fishing. folks state i wont eat those fish. the same claimints will go to zehrs,sobeys or any other seafood section. there buying the same fish.. as for overharvest that becomes regional to population and waterways.. did you know commercial fisherys are allowed 99.94 per-cent of walleye and yellow perch quots. sportsfishing is allowed 0.06 percent. sportsfishing has never achieved their quotas according to census.. smaller waterbodies are at risk situations.. maybe getting involved in active sportsman groups your words can be heard.

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I fish to EAT fish......


My selective harvest starts as soon as I pull my boat out of the garage, as I am going either Walleye, perch, crappie and very occasional salmon fishing......I don't target mushies or bassstards....LOL.......they taste like :asshat:


If you don't like it, don't follow me out in the morning because you might catch something... :whistling:


You catch release guys crack me up sometimes......why not take off all your hooks from your baits......or at least take off all treble hooks.... :whistling: when I salmon fish I never use treble hooks..


We have met the enemy and it's US..............divide and conquer, P3TA must love this thread... :whistling:


BTW it's not our fellow Sportmens that threaten our fish resources...





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This is funny---is'nt imposing your opinions on others how wars get started


Terry is correct (must be the name)---The law is where the bar is set


I have caught many trophy sized fish----even kept a couple---but that number is small---but when I want a fish for supper---I don't take a conscience survey of fellow anglers wether I should keep it


I'm waiting on the catch and release deer hunting thread :whistling:


Anyway---I'll stop keeping big fish when Tournaments stop killing fish for $$$ and come at a minimum size requirement (targeting big fish --correct?)


See but that's just an opinion--so I'll keep it to mine self

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