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When I'm fishing I'm antisocial!


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I don't know about you guys but when I'm fishing I want to be alone (unless I come with someone I know). I HATE it when I'm fishing and someone walks up and starts fishing close to me. At Mountsberg for some reason when someone else comes in they always decide to pick a spot no more than 15 meters from me :wallbash: Why?? And it's not like they're being friendly and start chatting up.


Today takes the cake; I went to Grand River just outside of Caledonia, because last time I hated fishing at the dam for that very reason. Parked the car and started walking down the trail to find a nice empty spot, most of spots were empty; saw some people what looked like camping, then found a spot that was deep enough for my liking (I fished at another spot before that). After I started at the second spot two guys come on my spot, hardly speak English than leave, I'm thinking good! Then they some back with all their crap! Like what there's no another spot close by?!. First one sets up 2 rods I'm thinking must be setting up hit buddies rod too, than other guy walks up with 2 more rods! Now I'm pissed; poachers! I wasn't afraid of them, but didn't want to say anything because their response could've pushed me over the edge, it was getting dark so I packed up and left.


I like to fish because it's relaxing and I want to get some alone time, it's not just me is it??

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In the past I was very much like you. LEAVE ME ALONE when I am fishing unless I brought you along. The past year or so, however, I have only made a couple of trips without my Dad along. Who finally decided at 77 that it was time to stop working 7 days a week, and come fishing when I ask him. For a guy who used to work 60 to 80hrs a week for as long I can remember this is a big change too and for me a chance to get to know him. It really has made fishing more social for me and more enjoyable too.


Now I find that I don't mind meeting people fishing as long as they don't cross my line and OBEY the laws. Sure sometimes you meet up with some real winners who make you pack up early. I have also met a HUGE number of great people who I now fish with on a regular basis.

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I'm not a real big talker when I'm fishing with a bud, don't know why, just am not. Maybe thinking too much about fish :w00t::dunno:


When I have a new angler in the boat it's a different story, I'm all too happy to educate them on fishing everything.


I'll also say I really enjoy fishing alone, gives me total piece of mind.

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I fish alone most of the time (95%) and it is nice to have the river to myself. When a stranger comes along I talk to him politely and carry on fishing. When a friend comes along I will, usually , stop fishing and chat then resume fishing with them. If strangers crowd me I either stop for awhile or I move.

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I wasn't afraid of them, but didn't want to say anything because their response could've pushed me over the edge


Really ? Wowmellow.gif ...sounds like someone needs a backwoods fishing trip really soon.

I seldom shore fish, but i love fishing with someone in the boat with me.Conversation makes for an enjoyable day on the water.

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Not me I'm a regular chatty Cathy. Fishing is about being social for me . Years spent steelheading cheek to cheek have made it so crowds don't bother me and I have a lot of confidance in my abilities as a fisherman so I don't mind fishing the same place as others cuz I'll catch more than them anyway. That being said I'd rather fish somewhere were people never go. Because I love me some unedumacated fish

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Very good topic, and never really thought of it till you brought it up, im that way as well, usually enjoying the time fishing alone with nature, thats when i feel at my best, whether its walking a creek, or fishing in a boat, i even fish alot at night and through the night to avoid the boating crowds during the summer days, fishing is usually better as the water has had a chance to cool, and the fish a chance to settle from the incresed boat traffic during the day.



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Always talked to other fishermen when on shore. If in a boat and others were close enough would talk with them as well. Found that other fishermen were really friendly and had no trouble discussing spots and techniques if they were successful.





First one sets up 2 rods I'm thinking must be setting up hit buddies rod too, than other guy walks up with 2 more rods! Now I'm pissed; poachers!

Didn't you have a post last week where you just found out you can't use 2 rods.

No use being a hypocrite.

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Always talked to other fishermen when on shore. If in a boat and others were close enough would talk with them as well. Found that other fishermen were really friendly and had no trouble discussing spots and techniques if they were successful.
I'm friendly when people are friendly with me and often even when they're not (esp at work), those guys just walked in didn't attempt to start a conversation or ask if it's OK to join (the spot was pretty small). I always love to learn something new from knowledgeable fishermen, or help someone who's learning as well, this wasn't the case. Going with a buddy is always good too (doing that tomorrow in fact).



Didn't you have a post last week where you just found out you can't use 2 rods.

No use being a hypocrite

Correct, I've only been fishing for a few months and didn't know it was illegal to use 2 lines from shore, BUT I've never done it even before!! Once I know it's illegal I'm not going to try it. Edited by Gray_Wolf
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Correct, I've only been fishing for a few months and didn't know it was illegal to use 2 lines from shore, BUT I've never done it even before!! Once I know it's illegal I'm not going to try it.



Well maybe you should have politely advised them it was illegal to fish with 2 rods in the water, each.Also, maybe you were in thier spot, and they decided to be polite and move over and let you fish theredunno.gif If you dont open your mouth and communicate, how will you ever know?

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I fish alone most of the time (95%) and it is nice to have the river to myself. When a stranger comes along I talk to him politely and carry on fishing. When a friend comes along I will, usually , stop fishing and chat then resume fishing with them. If strangers crowd me I either stop for awhile or I move.



I,m the same. when I fish with friends, that is the time for chatting,goofyness. I like to fish the river,and have silence while doing so. It,s the time I need to clear my head. If I see a buddy or two, on my walks,I will stop,have a quick chat,and carry on down/up the river. I wont crowd them.Many times they say take a drift,but I decline,and keep walking.


I will tell you what burns my :asshat: . When you have a fish on and the four guys that walk past, decide to fish just yards down from you. Yes, all have pin reels and know long drifts can be made,but still proceed to fish the area. This happen to me last year. As I walked back from the river edge to retie,one of them asked if I was leaving. LOL

Edited by Misfish
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Also, maybe you were in thier spot, and they decided to be polite and move over and let you fish there
it's one of hundreds, maybe thousands of sports on a public access river, so how can it be 'their spot'? They let me fish there? I was there first. If they got there before me I'd never even think about just joining in. Edited by Gray_Wolf
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it's one of hundreds, maybe thousands of sports on a public access river, so how can it be 'their spot'? They let me fish there? I was there first. If they got there before me I'd never even think about just joining in.



Just sayin'

Maybe they scouted the area the day before, got there, and found youdunno.gif Who knows?You didnt ask.

For me, fishing is a social event.I speak with other anglers i meet on the water and at the launch.When i start getting pissed at other people for doing what people do, its time to sell my tackle and take up knitting.


BUT....thats just me.angel.png

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Just sayin'

Maybe they scouted the area the day before, got there, and found youdunno.gif Who knows?You didnt ask.

For me, fishing is a social event.I speak with other anglers i meet on the water and at the launch.When i start getting pissed at other people for doing what people do, its time to sell my tackle and take up knitting.


BUT....thats just me.angel.png


Get r done,,,,,,,,,




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no i don't think its you , you don't seem to be antisocial in here .... lol , some days out there are just for me and i know how to have it that way if thats what i am after , and some days are just for others , all depends on what i am going out for .

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15 meters?

you would hate fishing at the pier casting for salmon with spoons, you have guys standing on either side no more than 5ft apart


personally it's fun fishing with people around i can fish 10 feet away as long you don't tangle my line. or cast over me then were cool

I keep a friendly attitude while fishing , and to be honest we don't own any body of water to claim spots on it.

Ive seen arguments escalate over this matter "that's my spot i fish here all the time" or that ass who took my carp spot gonna cause him grief by casting over him maybe he'll leave" and it's quite childish First come First serve as long you don't tangle lines.

tight lines

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I hate it when other races and cultures horn in on my fishing spots. I only let Irish, English, Scottish, and Germans fish near me. Oh yeah, and the odd Swede. I don't mind Asians either. Oh and Portuguese and Italians are welcome. I like Guyanese too, they are allowed. No Lithuanians though. And absolutely nobody from Bahrain. Nobody from Minnesota either. Those are my rules. They seem reasonable to me. Those Minnesotans drive me nuts.

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