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A question to the OFC members


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97 members have voted

  1. 1. Should OFC be viewed by members only

    • YES
    • NO

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The reason that's there Lew is to stop spam bots from getting in and it works better than anything else we've ever tried.


Thanks Roy, I was just making the point that alot of folks use these boards strictly for their own personal gain with no intention of joining the "community" or giving anything back.


At least that's the way it's always seemed to me.

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What i don't get is why anyone woundn't want to be a contributing member of this amazing board?


I think if you're not a member you should only be able to view old content, that way you could get a taste of OFC without people just lurking.



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Some of the other forums I'm on only allow members to view pictures that are posted, but still allow visitors to see the written content and I think that strikes a good balance. If they like what they read they might be tempted to sign up-sort of like cheese in the mouse trap. Either way I think it's important to encourage all fishing, especially when it gets kids involved. I have fond memories of taking my 3 year old son fishing for the first time (he's 34 now) no better way of building a good relationship or respect for the environment.


Is there going to be a result of this poll or is it just out of curiosity?

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Is there going to be a result of this poll or is it just out of curiosity?





When it comes down to the bottom line,the mods and owner of the site,have the final say.

Thanks for all the input so far OFC members. :good:

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....Myself,theres a lot of free loading going on.....


I've seen lots of that myself :whistling: Lots of times, my reports gets viewed more then replied to (and this from other sites according to stats from my account on Photobucket :wallbash: ) and nothing I can do about it :angry: Only other thing I can do, is try to produce a better report next time around.... but it's not always the case :blush:


Posting a report takes time and a lot of efforts to explain the details with pics but more so when you include a video :o god knows I tried many times :o but sometimes the choice of music is not appreciated :( and fully understand ;) I'm kind of an off the wall type kind of music listener... my reportoir is unusual :lol:


I don't think this site need change but a simple acknowledgement from any member browsing any fishing reports would go a long way :)


You probably notice that I reply to everyone in my reports and this is a simple acknowledgement on my part for their replies :)


So to answer your question... no, I take no offence :lol:

Edited by TroutJunkie
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I've seen lots of that myself :whistling: Lots of times, my reports gets viewed more then replied to (and this from other sites according to stats from my account on Photobucket :wallbash: ) and nothing I can do about it :angry: Only other thing I can do, is try to produce a better report next time around.... but it's not always the case :blush:


Posting a report takes time and a lot of efforts to explain the details with pics but more so when you include a video :o god knows I tried many times :o but sometimes the choice of music is not appreciated :( and fully understand ;) I'm kind of an off the wall type kind of music listener... my reportoir is unusual :lol:


I don't think this site need change but a simple acknowledgement from any member browsing any fishing reports would go a long way :)


You probably notice that I reply to everyone in my reports and this is a simple acknowledgement on my part for their replies :)


So to answer your question... no, I take no offence :lol:


Thats always much appreciated, at least by myself.


I post alot, because I like to be an active member on a great forum. I Take time in my reports too. Alot of pics I do take are strictly for this board, I would have never taken them if I wasn't planning a report.


Everything here is good IMO. The is ebb and flow. Some things are good, some are bad, but it all equals out. I'm glad to be a member here, and I appreciate the people that take time to post reports.


The spammers are noticeable, I view the posts but generally ignore them. No big deal.


I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the members here that do post reports. Even though I'm in a totally different area then most on board here, I look forward to the reports. It doesn't help me much with fishing, but it sure motivates me and fills time.


Some really great anglers on this board, great people, great advice etc. THANKS MEMBERS, I always appreciate your time thumbsup_anim.gif




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I voted no to members only viewing. How many contributing members wanted a look see before signing up? I know I lurked for a bit before joining. Contributing members are hard to come by, and I think limiting who can see these threads will result in ever fewer people joining and sharing. This board thrives in fresh new members.....a trend here is that many long time members stop posting reports altogether after a while. The new membership is key to this place thriving as it is. Just my two cents.

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Just about all of us were "lurkers" at one point. However, we made the decision and hopefully contribute as we can. If we look for activity, one thing we have to consider is the knowledge of the member and what posting they do. I'll put myself on the line here.


1). Am I a marine mechanic ? Nope. If it's broke or not working - I'm outta luck. :whistling:

2). Am I a car/truck mechanic ? Nope (see above).

3). Do I have knowledge/experience of various waters in Ontario ? Nope. I visit the same places each year.

4). Am I am multi-species fisherman ? Nope.

5). Am I a hockey fan ? Nope

6). Do I fish a lot each year ? Nope. I spend three weeks in Ontario each year. Back home, I can count on one hand the number of times my boat is in the water - with fingers left over.


And the list could go on. However, once in a while someone will come on and ask about bodies of water that I have fished. For these, I try to jump on them either posting here or PM. Personally, that makes me feel good that I was (or hope I was) able to provide something helpful and informative. With limited fishing trips. I post when I think I have something positive to offer. I try to post a report each time so as to continue sharing what I can with the very fine members of OFC - which may only be a few times each year. I've had the distinct pleasure of meeting dozens of members on here at the GTG and even had the opportunity to spend some time fishing with some of these members. I WOULD NOT trade any of this - at any price. From some posts here, I agree that we get a lot of great reports and each one, the member is taking the time to share his/her fishing experience and not always a lot of replies. Funny that how pretty much every new member gets a reponse that we like pictures. If we really mean that, when the newbie does post, we should acknowledge his/her post when the do. Something I should be doing a lot more of - but fail to do.


Maybe I am missing the point, but I've been thinking about this thread a bit. Maybe we need to be a little better at really giving the new members a warm welcome and some on going encouragement.



Edited by Rich Clemens
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I don't care about all the lurkers ..


what gets me is the Lurker type poster..he posts a question and gets many replies and doesn't ever reply back to his own thread..not even a thank you

then he will start another thread to get more info on something one of the people posted in his first thread or will send a pm expecting more info without any acknowledgement of the help he got in this thread....I don't answer those pm's

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I don't care about all the lurkers ..


what gets me is the Lurker type poster..he posts a question and gets many replies and doesn't ever reply back to his own thread..not even a thank you

then he will start another thread to get more info on something one of the people posted in his first thread or will send a pm expecting more info without any acknowledgement of the help he got in this thread....I don't answer those pm's



Yup - I too have had that experience.

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My dad introduced me to fishing waaaaay back around 1950 and I've been an avid angler ever since. Infact everyone in my family were anglers and we always had boats my entire life and I couldn't even to begin to know how many fishing trips we took. Thing is though, taking pictures of fish was never a priority and was only reserved for an exceptional fish. I fished Quinte for decades but don't think I ever took a picture of a pickeral.


I joined this board about 10 years ago and noticed how everyone was interested in pictures so I posted the few I had of muskies. After that I got a 1/2 decent camera and started taking pictures to post and continued like that for a few years.


Thing is though, one fish looks just like all the rest and again I lost interest in taking them and only took the odd pic of a bigger fish. I took some pics last year of a couple decent muskies I caught on Nip and posted them for my 1st fishing report in about 3 years.


I still fish lots although not as much as a few years ago, but taking pictures is low on my to-do list.


I'm sure many guys who have been fishing as long as me feel the same and perhaps that's why you don't always see alot of pictures from some members.

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I will be honest. I do not post my reports because I do not want to be famous. lol. I will PM people as I often do with help but I no longer post reports because this site is just too bloody big and I do not want people to recognize me at the boat launch.


I still try to contribute with advice and help but I do not want to slather pictures of myself here with fish as I have nothing to promote.


I often speak out against the shills on here but am often ridiculed by the sycophants who believe that the Pro (motional not fessional) Staff that shill here are doing it in the best interest of the membership not themselves. I equate these people with the guy in the strip joint that thinks the broad really likes him.


I respect many people on this board. I have friends on this board but I think it is just to big to be posting pictures of myself on it. Like I said, I have nothing to sell. If I PM you with info. you know it doesn't come at a price.





i find this interesting....


first that you think so highly of yourself that youll be mobbed at the boat launch...


and second... theses shills you speak of.... YOU will never REALLY know which members do things to be a nice guy or have other motives... like mercman... he speaks very highly of the trips he has taken with me... is that because i give him a deal to do so...?... because he hopes to help his new found friend find success...?... or because he wants to let OFC members know about the great times he has had so they might experience the same...or many other possible reasons... YOU will never know the truth but can make all the assumptions you want... a site as big as this will get members of all sorts with all kinds of reasons for being here... assuming that members are making posts to sell themselves or a product is a crappy way to look at things and i feel bad that you like to see the world around you in this manner... i like to assume the best about people...i like to think everyone here is primarily here to help and share and in the end if that helps them in their work life then thats a bonus for them... i think having business owners that can be considered experts in their line of work around here is very helpful to our members...

















and as far as the OP


if this wasnt a public forum i wouldnt be here... thats for sure... i definatly wouldnt sign up for a forum to read the one article i searched for on google... but google kept showing hits to my searches on the OFC site...and i was getting some really good info... so i figured i should become a member so i could ask as well as answer questions and be a part of a community...




Edited by Musky Mike
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I can write on here and ramble on as good as the next guy but i think its only human nature that people are the way they are , we've all been told that it takes all kinds to make the world go round and that will never change and thats why we must put up with our fellow man no matter how much we don't like him . Some thing that would be hard for all of use to amagin is , what if we were all the same and if so , how boring would things be then . It needs to be looked at like this for a moment by each member here . We are all readers , people in general, members or not . We all search at the start of our day for what ever media intrest us , Wall Street Journal , Toronto Sun ,The Montreal Gazzet .....ect , I like many here just happen to like picking up the Ontario Fishing Community as my prefered reading enjoyment , and i am glad that its there to do so in more ways then one . I bet there are very few who ever contribute to the morning paper they read every day but they have our subscription just the same . Perhapes what i am saying here to remind us all , is readers are first lurkers and that i beleive until they are compelled to write their first story we must wait and give them fair chance just like the way it was given to me . "Mossebunks idea dose hit the nail on the head in solving all conserns to its OFC memebership" .

Edited by Skipper " D "
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My dad introduced me to fishing waaaaay back around 1950 and I've been an avid angler ever since. Infact everyone in my family were anglers and we always had boats my entire life and I couldn't even to begin to know how many fishing trips we took. Thing is though, taking pictures of fish was never a priority and was only reserved for an exceptional fish. I fished Quinte for decades but don't think I ever took a picture of a pickeral.


I joined this board about 10 years ago and noticed how everyone was interested in pictures so I posted the few I had of muskies. After that I got a 1/2 decent camera and started taking pictures to post and continued like that for a few years.


Thing is though, one fish looks just like all the rest and again I lost interest in taking them and only took the odd pic of a bigger fish. I took some pics last year of a couple decent muskies I caught on Nip and posted them for my 1st fishing report in about 3 years.


I still fish lots although not as much as a few years ago, but taking pictures is low on my to-do list.


I'm sure many guys who have been fishing as long as me feel the same and perhaps that's why you don't always see alot of pictures from some members.


I'm one of those many guys. Usually out in the boat 2 to 3 times a week and rarely take a picture.

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I can write on here and ramble on as good as the next guy but i think its only human nature that people are the way they are , we've all been told that it takes all kinds to make the world go round and that will never change and thats why we must put up with our fellow man no matter how much we don't like him . Some thing that would be hard for all of use to amagin is , what if we were all the same and if so , how boring would things be then . It needs to be looked at like this for a moment by each member here . We are all readers , people in general, members or not . We all search at the start of our day for what ever media intrest us , Wall Street Journal , Toronto Sun ,The Montreal Gazzet .....ect , I like many here just happen to like picking up the Ontario Fishing Community as my prefered reading enjoyment , and i am glad that its there to do so in more ways then one . I bet there are very few who ever contribute to the morning paper they read every day but they have our subscription just the same . Perhapes what i am saying here to remind us all , is readers are first lurkers and that i beleive until they are compelled to write their first story we must wait and give them fair chance just like the way it was given to me .

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@Musky Mike. No I don't think that much of myself that I think I would be mobbed at a boat launch. That is a ridiculous, assinine, and knowingly false statement by you. I have been vocal about shills and people that use this site for monetary gain and we have crossed swords here a few times about how I view people promoting their guiding service and taking advantage of the site. You do not appreciate my view on the subject so you are using hyperbole to try to discredit me. My commentary was made without you in mind but now that you bring it up I don't believe telling OFNers that you caught 1000 walleye in a season helps anyone catch any fish unless of course they purchase your services as a result of that statement. Making alot of reports and throwing up pictures all the time with little mention of what techniques were used is considered by many to be an excellent contribution but to me teaching and sharing knowledge of certain situations is more valuable. Even if there is no pictures. My idea of what makes a good contributer on this site is different than many others I guess but no less valid. Promotional staff really get under my skin. My defense against what I consider to be people taking advantage is done out of respect for this site.


In response to your knowingly false assertion that I think so highly of myself that I would be mobbed at boat launches: On the contrary, I am the complete opposite, that is the heart of my point. I just don't want to be recognized anywhere. There is HUGE amount of traffic here, HUGE. My comment was related to the amount if traffic this site gets not to any perceived sense of self greatness. I recognize OFNers at plenty of boat launches and I just don't want to be launching at Port Credit lets say and have half a dozen people know who I am because they lurk on this website. It would have zero to do with being a good or bad fisherman. It has to do with unwanted exposure on a website with massive amounts of traffic.


My experience here is also greatly enhanced by the PM function. I share my tips for free.


I think this is a great forum for many reasons. Lots of great info is shared. I like sharing and recieving tactics for several different species on several different bodies of water so long as it is not too specific to a fishing spot in particular. This is the essence of a good fishing forum. Sharing tactics is a more healthy way to promote fishing on the Internet than sharing spots.


I just don't find it necessary plaster my face all over a fishing report. Like I said, I don't need any, however small, notoriety from it and I have no interest in gaining monetarily from it.


Anyways, I love this site, maybe for different reasons than many others but I love it all the same. I have gained valuable information here from members and shared it alike and that is what I believe to be the spirit in which it was created.



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@Musky Mike. No I don't think that much of myself that I think I would be mobbed at a boat launch. That is a ridiculous, assinine, and knowingly false statement by you. I have been vocal about shills and people that use this site for monetary gain and we have crossed swords here a few times about how I view people promoting their guiding service and taking advantage of the site. You do not appreciate my view on the subject so you are using hyperbole to try to discredit me. My commentary was made without you in mind but now that you bring it up I don't believe telling OFNers that you caught 1000 walleye in a season helps anyone catch any fish unless of course they purchase your services as a result of that statement. Making alot of reports and throwing up pictures all the time with little mention of what techniques were used is considered by many to be an excellent contribution but to me teaching and sharing knowledge of certain situations is more valuable. Even if there is no pictures. My idea of what makes a good contributer on this site is different than many others I guess but no less valid. Promotional staff really get under my skin. My defense against what I consider to be people taking advantage is done out of respect for this site.


In response to your knowingly false assertion that I think so highly of myself that I would be mobbed at boat launches: On the contrary, I am the complete opposite, that is the heart of my point. I just don't want to be recognized anywhere. There is HUGE amount of traffic here, HUGE. My comment was related to the amount if traffic this site gets not to any perceived sense of self greatness. I recognize OFNers at plenty of boat launches and I just don't want to be launching at Port Credit lets say and have half a dozen people know who I am because they lurk on this website. It would have zero to do with being a good or bad fisherman. It has to do with unwanted exposure on a website with massive amounts of traffic.


My experience here is also greatly enhanced by the PM function. I share my tips for free.


I think this is a great forum for many reasons. Lots of great info is shared. I like sharing and recieving tactics for several different species on several different bodies of water so long as it is not too specific to a fishing spot in particular. This is the essence of a good fishing forum. Sharing tactics is a more healthy way to promote fishing on the Internet than sharing spots.


I just don't find it necessary plaster my face all over a fishing report. Like I said, I don't need any, however small, notoriety from it and I have no interest in gaining monetarily from it.


Anyways, I love this site, maybe for different reasons than many others but I love it all the same. I have gained valuable information here from members and shared it alike and that is what I believe to be the spirit in which it was created.




as someone that uses PMs i find it interesting that you assume i dont... i have to clean out my PM box on a regular basis from all the questions members ask me... and i do my best to answer all their questions to the best of my ability... and if i cant give them an answer im confident in... i tell them they should start a thread and see what the other members say...


and as far as how i catch my fish... most people here know 90 percent of my fishing is structure trolling... for musky or walleye... and that i fish the st.lawrence river...


and yes i have some secrets... and i keep these secrets among close friends and family... and im sure a lot of people here have techniques and patterns that they havent smeared all over the internet...


if your gunna ask what launch i use every day... or ask me to explain in detail my exact pattern and locations i fish... i think im being reasonable in not answering those questions...

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I never said that you didn't use PM's. I also didn't say that you should be telling people what launch you are using in fact my position on that is, as I have repeatedly stated is just the opposite.


I made a general statement about my OFC experience. You used that to draw me into a one on one melee with you which I am not going to waste any more time on.


A general statement to the forum


If I became a guide tomorrow (which I will never do) I would have too much respect for this forum to turn around and shamelessly promote myself on it.


There are plenty of guides on this forum that act well within what I believe to be the boundaries of good taste. A young man on Lake Simcoe comes to mind, as he has been posting reports and helping people from day one, before he was a guide, and now that he is a guide he has altered his postings in a respectful way, even though if he didn't, I certainly think everyone would look the other way due to his great track record.


A few years back, we had a group of guys guiding on a certain large body of water and when anybody asked a general question was asked that body of water one of them would chime in the thread and just to say "If you want to catch fish there we would love to take you out for a day of guided fishing PM me or contact me at this number". That was, in my mind, one of the most blatant and disrespectful uses of the forum in my recent memory.


That is my position on people selling themselves on the forum. You want to advertise call TJ and buy a strip, I am sure the price is reasonable, you get to expand your client base and our forum benefits from the help. Everyone wins.



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