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Ontario hunters' personal data stored in U.S.


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by the way........that just a everyday procedure up here.


Ya,I have a lot of American friends,via on line with poker stars. It,s amazing how many have had triple by passes done. Nice eats you have down there.LOL

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Two for you and six for me,and were even. :rofl2:


OH, you like to indulge in the adult beverages......tell you what....when we meet...and it will happen someday.....we sit down and we'll share some adult cocktails together......the first one to say enough cleans ALL the fish next next morning/day..... :whistling:

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OH, you like to indulge in the adult beverages......tell you what....when we meet...and it will happen someday.....we sit down and we'll share some adult cocktails together......the first one to say enough cleans ALL the fish next next morning/day..... :whistling:


Cocktails are for ladies. :rofl2: :rofl2:


I,ll have you screeched in,and yer done. DEAL

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Some of the anti US commentary that has invaded this thread is ridiculous. I am not going to waste any time apologizing for it. This is not what this thread is about.


I am not a paranoid gun owner (I know the type), in fact I do not even own a gun nor do I hunt. I do fish however and the same bunch are doing the fishing licenses. My beef is with the information sharing in general. It doesn't sit well with me that if I purchase a hunting or fishing license in my country that a foreign country's federal anti terrorist agency could obtain it. It is not the American company that is handling this contract that is at fault. They would only turn over the information to Homeland Security if asked (which they certainly would be). It is not Homeland Security's fault (I think the citizenry of the USA have lost many freedoms after the inception of this organization but that doesn't matter here), they would be just doing what they do, gathering every piece of intelligence on every little thing. It is our MNR's fault for giving this contract out to a foreign company. That is where my annoyance lies.


More than likely the real problem with this situation may lie not with the American company handing our information to Homeland Security but with the fact that a private company (American or Canadian) is doing it in the first place. More than likely the info will be sold to marketing interests and that is another pet peeve of mine.


Our provincial government has been doing a fine job for years taking care of our licensing. The only real problems that have taken place have occurred this year under the new set up. There was no need to privatize it.


Anyways, that is my 30 cents. I hope that I have made it clear that in no way did I start this thread so people could bash on the States.

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Lets hope it will stay on track I like to see what people think on many of the issues that effects both Nations but have very little tolerance from either Nationality on loud statements with NO substance. I will be the first to say that 9/11 has changed the way many of us think and act and it is an issue that we all have to contend with...for better or worse.




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This is the BIGGEST bunch of BULL CRAP I have ever heard.....yes...I do have a co-pay.....$10 FRIGGIN DOLLARS to see ANY doctor I go to INCLUDING all my specialist....and NOTHING when I go into the hospital........what you are hearing is about the people that don't work...NEVER worked....don't want to work....and don't need to work because they are on government programs....they have been on government programs the whole lives....they are 3rd generation people that are on government programs that have never PAID ANY TAXES but want MORE AND MORE from us working folks......how would that work if EVERYONE did that...... :whistling:


SORRY..........again.....our health is second to none in the WORLD....NEVER heard about any of our government official going to Canada (not there is nothing wrong with Canada) to have a medical procedure......HOWEVER, Many other high profile people from all over the world come here for our health care....please explain that.... :whistling:



So if you're pensioned off from a career with say...the railroads...or some other (likely union represented) job...you probably have decent insurance, or can afford decent insurance...great! At the same time, if you've "never worked", then you can't expect very much. But what about the millions and millions of people that can be described as the "working poor"? There are a lot of individuals that work as long and hard as you and can barely afford rent, let alone medical insurance. What about people who find themselves suddenly laid off and without insurance? For these people, a trip to the doctor...even the ER...is at best a severe financial hardship, and at worst simply out of their budget. Whether or not your health care system is the best in the world is totally irrelevant to them, because they can't afford to access it. So like I said, IF you can afford it...

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I just came across this article and found it a little unsettling.




Ontario hunters' personal data stored in U.S.

The Canadian Press Posted: May 16, 2012 6:35 PM ET Last Updated: May 16, 2012 6:34 PM ET


The personal information of Ontario residents who apply for hunting and fishing licences is being stored in the United States, where it is subject to the American Patriot Act.


A Tennessee-based company won the contract to implement an automated licensing system for Ontario for hunters and fishers, and stores the personal data it collects in the United States.


The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters says its 100,000 members are "deeply concerned" about the potential loss of privacy inherent in having their personal data stored in the U.S. Natural Resources Minister Michael Gravelle says the firm, Active Outdoors, signed a contract with very specific terms on abiding by Ontario law to protect personal information.


However, the anglers and hunters worry Homeland Security will use the Patriot Act to access the personal data of Ontarians that is stored in the U.S.


The Progressive Conservatives say the data should be stored in Ontario, while the NDP say the issue is another reason why they flatly oppose privatization of government services.


I think people should be more worried about what Facebook and other companies like that are keeping every time someone posts a message or photo on Facebook. You don't think those companies follow where you are and where you've been and use it for commercial purposes? You think that when you use "the cloud" that info stays in Canada?? Just sayin'.

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I am not a paranoid gun owner (I know the type), in fact I do not even own a gun nor do I hunt. I do fish however and the same bunch are doing the fishing licenses. My beef is with the information sharing in general. It doesn't sit well with me that if I purchase a hunting or fishing license in my country that a foreign country's federal anti terrorist agency could obtain it. It is not the American company that is handling this contract that is at fault. They would only turn over the information to Homeland Security if asked (which they certainly would be). It is not Homeland Security's fault (I think the citizenry of the USA have lost many freedoms after the inception of this organization but that doesn't matter here), they would be just doing what they do, gathering every piece of intelligence on every little thing. It is our MNR's fault for giving this contract out to a foreign company. That is where my annoyance lies.




You say, "It doesn't sit well with me that if I purchase a hunting or fishing license in my country that a foreign country's federal anti terrorist agency could obtain it."...why is that? What could happen? How might your life be impacted? Also, why would Homeland Security conceivably want a list of Ontario residents that applied for a fishing license? Even if they did, what would they do with it? Why do I need to keep secret from "a foreign country's federal anti terrorist agency" the fact that I fish? Why would H.S. care that I fish, and why would I care that they know I fish?


I don't like seeing government services privatized either...and if they are, you'd think they could find a Canadian company (with Canadian employees) to do the job...the fact that Homeland Security might compile a list of Ontario residents that fish though, is not a valid argument against it, or (that I can see) a reason to get upset, worry, or feel "unsettled".

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The "land of the free" has the least data privacy of any country in the free world (most european countries/businesses will not host ANY data there), but i still wouldn't be too worried about whether or not your fishing and hunting licenses are documented there. Who cares?


For all we know this site his hosted there and all of this data is accessible. Same thing.

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So if you're pensioned off from a career with say...the railroads...or some other (likely union represented) job...you probably have decent insurance, or can afford decent insurance...great! At the same time, if you've "never worked", then you can't expect very much. But what about the millions and millions of people that can be described as the "working poor"? There are a lot of individuals that work as long and hard as you and can barely afford rent, let alone medical insurance. What about people who find themselves suddenly laid off and without insurance? For these people, a trip to the doctor...even the ER...is at best a severe financial hardship, and at worst simply out of their budget. Whether or not your health care system is the best in the world is totally irrelevant to them, because they can't afford to access it. So like I said, IF you can afford it...




Did you know we have Medicare and Medicaid in this country....did you that many undesirables who have no intention on working EVER not only get free health care, but also FREE cabs to and from the doctor.... :whistling: ...well free for them, I pay for it in my taxes....just like you do in your 13% sales taxes on everything you purchase....not to mention paying about 25% more for the same products then we do.



How much do you pay for prescriptions, eye glasses and exams, dental....remember nothing in this world is FREE....except a FREE Gift....what other kind of gift is there if it's not FREE.... :rofl2:

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