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The MNR is a joke


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People actually "poach" turtles?? What for? Snappers or painteds?


Turtle poachers? wow


Huge market. Turtles (Snappers and painted) and bull frogs.


If you run into a rope tied off to wood or brush with a big siwash hook on the end of it. Chances are it is a turtle poacher rig. Report the area right away.


Only reason I know this is I found some in the back of a Kawartha bay once in the spring. Yellow nylon rope painted black.


Bring in big money in certain markets.

Edited by Harrison
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Huge market. Turtles (Snappers and painted) and bull frogs.


If you run into a rope tied off to wood or brush with a big siwash hook on the end of it. It is a turtle poacher rig. Only reason I know this is I found some in the back of a Kawartha bay once in the spring. Yellow nylon rope painted black.


Bring in big money in certain markets.

Another great reason to carry a pocket knife...

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MNR is not a Joke they are doing what they can do with what they have its a tight world and for the most part bureaucrats haven’t got a clue just a sharp pen. Don’t blame the CO,s

As for CO's I have seen 4 this year in the Oakville area and last year had them out on the boat I can guarantee they will be up the creek in Bronte this year and allot of people that shouldn’t be doing what they are doing are going to get a rude awakening we have been bending their ear a whole lot and its going to get ugly.

As for pictures Ill take a picture of whatever the hell I want doesn’t mean I will make people crazy with it goes into the files.

And yep I have ruffled feathers on here in the past and really can’t say for sure whether it won’t happen again.


Just Fish Dammit



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Huge market. Turtles (Snappers and painted) and bull frogs.


If you run into a rope tied off to wood or brush with a big siwash hook on the end of it. Chances are it is a turtle poacher rig. Report the area right away.


Only reason I know this is I found some in the back of a Kawartha bay once in the spring. Yellow nylon rope painted black.


Bring in big money in certain markets.


Say, what do you use to unhook a turtle?

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Say, what do you use to unhook a turtle?


The probably leave the hook in the turtle and cut the line.... Maybe remove it once it's dead?


I've caught snappers while fishing for catfish with worms... But dont worry everyone...I won't post pics of OOS turtles... Wouldn't wanna get torn apart...lol

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Say, what do you use to unhook a turtle?


Use a stick... a snapper will not let go of a stick, if you are holding it. Should you be unfortunate enough to hook a snapper, grab a stick and wave it in front of the turtle. It will grab and hold onto the stick. You can now remove the hook (assuming it not in it's mouth!)but never let go of the stick, until you have the hook out.


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Use a stick... a snapper will not let go of a stick, if you are holding it. Should you be unfortunate enough to hook a snapper, grab a stick and wave it in front of the turtle. It will grab and hold onto the stick. You can now remove the hook (assuming it not in it's mouth!)but never let go of the stick, until you have the hook out.




I hope all the snapping turtles know about this rule! biggrin.gif

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got my license checked by the OPP last night... at least they are helping out the MNR...in my area anyways...



Yeah,but 90% probly DONT,know the regs. It happens here to with the local police. Yep, I got a licence.Ok TY. :whistling:

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CO was at the river last night in my area...he was writing a fine up for someone fishing too close to the dam....i didnt get checked because i was out in the middle of the river...i would have gladly waded back to him if he would have asked...its refreshing to see them out and about.


If i had of noticed the guy fishing too close i would have said something to him and it would have saved him the fine...so to all that never speak up...keep it in mind your just trying to help someone else out

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I don't remember if I mention this or not.....back in late March I fished lake Erie for perch.....we were at about 1.5 away (east) from the pack of boats that were directly off Sturgeon Point.....we were anchored and another boat started to come in close to us....even before this happened we kept hearing a loud noise from the Canadian shore......as the other fishing boat was cruising around very close to us I looked behind us and could see a boat with something on the top of it closing VERY fast....I figured the U.S.A. Coast Guard.....I YELLED to the other boat to drop anchor and if they have to, put on PFD's......(before May 1st the new law requires this)....they did and as their boat settled in the Coast Guard went right on by us to check them out.......I said to my fishing partner "were next".....but after close to 30 minutes and everything was OK with other boat....the Coast Guard left and headed back to Buffalo....they had (3) two hundred horse outboards on that puppy.....that is what we heard from a distance.......As they pulled away I thought, that doesn't make sense...we are about 18 mile from Buffalo and there is about 30 boats less then 2 miles away and can be easily seen......but then as they were about 1/2 mile away, I looked at my watch...it was exactly NOON...lunch time I would guess... :rolleyes:


So there goes your government agencies.....more waste then results I thought AGAIN... :wallbash:


BTW the other guys thanked us for the warning as they did not have any PFD on.......




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