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On this day that several major sites are shut down due to the SOPA PIPA controversy, I am surprised no-one has said anything about it yet.

What are your opinions on this topic? Is it a dangerous piece of legislation, or do you feel that it is warranted?

Or if you just want to say HI, that's fine too. :devil:


Hi Albert thumbsup_anim.gif

Dont know what it means, but it sounds dangerous.The online privacy part i can see may hurt certain people, but the intelectual privacy part wont affect me at allblink.gif


Greetings sir.


In my opinion, SOPA/PIPA is a horrible piece of legislation. A way of governing and policing the internet. Luckily, we don't live in the States so it won't effect us... however if it does pass, that means Canada would immediately start working on passing the law.

  On 1/18/2012 at 8:51 PM, manitoubass2 said:

Must be too many videos and website publishing materials about chem trials and HAARP whistling.gif



Oh Jeez...HAARP is some scarey stuff !!!I watched a program called Preppers, on Discovery or Nat Geo the other day. It was a contest between people/famillies preping for doomsday scenariosblink.gif

I start my shelter in April.ohmy.gif

  On 1/18/2012 at 8:51 PM, manitoubass2 said:

Must be too many videos and website publishing materials about chem trials and HAARP whistling.gif



Mmm... indeed. Have anyone seen those videos of the "strange sounds" from all over the world? I don't quite know what to think of them yet. They are all over youtube.



  On 1/18/2012 at 9:32 PM, Locnar said:

Mmm... indeed. Have anyone seen those videos of the "strange sounds" from all over the world? I don't quite know what to think of them yet. They are all over youtube.





Do you mean ''The Bloop'' ?

i cant read all those things. I get caught up in it, and start to get paranoidblink.gif


You mean this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



Two bills going through Congress right now could CENSOR the Internet. Join ProBoards in saying NO to Internet censorship:

Posted (edited)
  On 1/18/2012 at 9:32 PM, Locnar said:

Mmm... indeed. Have anyone seen those videos of the "strange sounds" from all over the world? I don't quite know what to think of them yet. They are all over youtube.






and yes, HAARP is .......

Edited by manitoubass2

If this isn't the topic that starts a revolution in the U.S., I don't know what will???


Your certainly not going to get the truth out of the government about why they want to pass this bill, or how it will be used, that's for sure.


I'm sure it has alot to do with control of content, but moreso about the money that could be made... (outta thin air I might add, lol)


Ok so now I'm very confused..Before today I had never heard of SOPA, so I looked in to it..Ok so it seems WAYYYY out of line and now you guys hit me with HAARP.. Can I say what the hell? I looked it up on YouTube and now I'm even more confused..All kidding aside is this HAARP real? Can it do everything "they" say it can? I'm not joking here..I'm concerned...


HAARP is a real thing. There is a huge "research facility" up in Alaska. Who knows what they are doing up in bum-damn-nowhere, Alaska. It's the secrecy that scares people. If they are just researching the Ionosphere, then why not release news feeds about what they've found.


And personally, I do not know if it can do everything "they" say it can... And I, too, am concerned.


Also, with SOPA/PIPA ... The only two countries that currently censor, govern and police the internet are .... -insert drumroll- ... North Korea and China.

  On 1/18/2012 at 10:19 PM, tb4me said:

Ok so now I'm very confused..Before today I had never heard of SOPA, so I looked in to it..Ok so it seems WAYYYY out of line and now you guys hit me with HAARP.. Can I say what the hell? I looked it up on YouTube and now I'm even more confused..All kidding aside is this HAARP real? Can it do everything "they" say it can? I'm not joking here..I'm concerned...


if "THEY" say it can, you can be sure it can, and alot more we may never find out about through official channels.

Try googling "Chentrails", if you want to get the poop scared out of yourself.ohmy.gif


The scary thing about chemtrails is you can watch it happening everyday, almost anywhere in the country... And it correlates strongly to aluminium and the diseases/health concerns aluminium contributes to and/or causes.


And if you look into HAARP in detail, you'll stumble across government statements/videos in regards to the government tampering with the weather.


Alot of scary stuff the governments don't tell us about.


This legislationis very dangerous....as it stands it means if one person posts a link to an illegal download on either facebook/twitter/YouTube etc...etc.., the US government can then shut the site down. 1 PERSON.....there is no way a site like wiki or YouTube could control that.


Now wouldn't this just be an awesome little law for any country (read USA) that didn't want its dirty little, illegal secrets hung out and posted on sites like Wikileaks?


For those who are saying 'Its a US problem'.......WRONG! If you access Wiki, YouTube etc, those sites could be closed once something illegal was uploaded or linked to.


I think its becoming harder and harder to trust authority (mostly politicians) to act without bias or self interest anymore.....republican or democrat, conservative or liberal....they are all owned...whether you like it or not, and the very sources of the info that highlights the hypocrisy, greed , self-interest which needs to be exposed are under threat from this legislation.


I just did a search for who the congress men and women are that are supporting this bill. Seems a guy by the name of Lamar Smith is the big Kahuna of SOPA.


A REPUBLICAN....you know...the ones in America at the moment lying about the virtues of 'small government'... WELL SOPA sounds like pretty BIG GOVERNMENT TO ME!!!! HYPOCRISY!


My search also turned up Lamar Smith's top 20 political contributors.....surprise surprise.....in that top twenty are some of the world's largest communications and media EMPIRES!!!! Wow...I wonder what they would gain from this bill going through.



But wait.....there's more.....these very same corporations that bemoan online piracy are complicit in selling the very software that enables us to do it....


watch this clip.....




<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/WJIuYgIvKsc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>




It's amazing what you can search up on the net in 20 mins....I managed all this while still surfing OFC ....this is all at risk if SOPA gets passed.

Anyways.... Beiber is a bigger crime against music than piracy and the loss of access to free porn will be catastrophic to society.



Damn...i gotta get my sled fixed....get out on the ice!

  On 1/19/2012 at 12:43 AM, manitoubass2 said:

That's a very good post Limey! thumbsup_anim.gif


All the government biased is based on one thing, the monetary system...


Ron Paul for Prime Minister! Oh wait...whistling.gif



Ron Paul 2012! thumbsup_anim.gif

  On 1/19/2012 at 12:43 AM, manitoubass2 said:

That's a very good post Limey! thumbsup_anim.gif


All the government biased is based on one thing, the monetary system...


Ron Paul for Prime Minister! Oh wait...whistling.gif


I agree and then we could merge the two countries together and I could save on my Ontario fishing license.....oh, wait...I don't buy one because there too expensive....never mind... :wallbash:


Great post Limey :thumbsup_anim: I was going to post the exact same video.


I find it sad though when people can't debate facts so they resort to ridiculing the presenter.


All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. -Arthur Schopenhauer


If nothing else, the fact that this legislation is being seriously considered very clearly demonstrates that the interests of Congress lies not with the everyday citizens in the country it represents, but the corporations that line their pockets. The internet is essentially the last truly democratic news source, as there are no corporate interests at stake by some kid posting on their Tumblr or Facebook.


Nothing exemplifies American corporate degeneration better than what we're seeing now, as far as I'm concerned. Very unfortunate.

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