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Damn Hospitals lol


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I was told if my Temperature went above 38.2 that i'm supposed to go to the Hospital right then any time of the day or night, well yesterday at noon it was 39.3, off to the hospital I go, they did white cell counts & said they don't like to see them below 1 & my are .5 figures lol, so I'm admitted until my Temperature comes down & stays down for 48 hrs, looks like I'm here for the weekend, I'll let everybody know what's happening as I find out

Thanx & Tight Lines RichardGonefishing.gifGonefishing.gif

Hope everybodies been busy catchin the big ones, I'll try & get caught up on what I've been missing the last 1/2 week

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Sorry to hear that Richard... but don't say I didn't tell you so ! :whistling:


You have no immunity.. don't let anyone near you with a sniffle. Be vigilant that staff are gloving and gowning!


At home... hand sanitizer at each access to your home. DO NOT let anyone past that dispenser without using it... no matter how many times they say "I'm just here for a quick hello". If they're not healthy they don't come in the door...period... that includes family so be sure they have alternative places to stay if they become the slightest bit ill.


If people have dry hand issues there is a moisturizing sanitizer mfg by Gold Bond. We had to bring it up from the USA.. but recently saw it in the Rexall Drug Store in Mount Sinai.

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As Wayne has stated, you gots to be extremely dilligent. And here's my two cents worth of experience;

'Positive Recovery Attitude/Behaviour' will be a game breaker in you winning this thing. BUT, there is a fine line between PRAB (hmmmm, I like that acronym) and overdoing it. Conversely, you don't want to go to the opposite end either; negative recovery attitude/behaviour (which BTW it sems you are not capable of).

If you think about, you've probably gone and done something you shouldn't have?? whistling.gif Pushed the envelope a little too far perhaps???rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif


Get that cell count righted and stay well !!




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I've had more than a few hospital stays over the last few years Richard, while no one wants to be there I'll admit they treated me like royalty! I hope you are receiving the same treatment. Worry not, you'll be out soon and as right as rain. thumbsup_anim.gif

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Hey Irish

I was thinking the same way, they told me i would need to wear a mask when someone came in to see me, I just laughed & said so they can come in here & spread their germs in my room & leave then when I take my mask off I'm Breathing in what ever they left, I said as of now if I leave my room I'll wear a mask, but know one comes in to my room with out a mask Period & they went & got a box of masks & put them at the door, so I didn't listen to your advise about that idea I want to do, but I sure did about the Medical stuff, know if I could just remember everything, I just asked the nurse if they have a sign that could go at my door saying hand sanitizer needs to be appied before entering & a mask needs to be put on or stay out & she's gone to get them.

Thanx & Tight Lines RichardGonefishing.gifGonefishing.gif

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Hope your temp comes down soon. I remember when they told me the same thing, and then when my temp went up over what it was supposed to be, I did not want to go back to the hospital. But in the end I did and they were right and it is for your own good.


As Wayne said, be diligent in staying germ free and you'll be out of there in no time.


Take care and be well.



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I believe sometime you need to go over & beyond so when I got home I went down to work Gay Lea Foods our Dairy plant & ordered 4 Chesse basket Trays one for each of the wards I stayed at in Wingham & KW Grand River Hospitals & they will be delivered by me, I thought the next time the main nurse i had at Wingham was working to be shared with all the staff & 3 for KW Grand River Hospital wards I was on, will be taken down on my next treatment day which is Aug 19th, to say THANK YOU for the 1st class treatment i received while in hospital, the Store Manager just Deliverying the basket so they can have it for their Lunch & Break, that nurse is working too, lol, should have seen the look on the faces of all the staff, it was priceless, the basket has to be $75 to $100 worth of Cheese, Meat, Crackers & Dipps & Gay Lea Foods is Donating it for Me SWEET

Thanx & tight Lines Spinnerbaitking Gonefishing.gifGonefishing.gif

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Been in the Wingham hospital a few times. Great bunch of people :worthy:.. Mighty fine of you to show some appreciation with the cheese platter!


Hang in there man. Plenty of fishing left for this season.

Edited by N.A.W
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I was here in the Wingham Hospital for the 1st 3 days of the Diagnoses but just knew I had a growth & they we're sure it was Cancer but we don't know what it was until 2 weeks later, when you get to the KW Grand River Hospital you will have a byopsy take as well other test & they'll be able to tell you what it is. there are 3 more backets waiting to go to the KW Grand River Hospital, i was on 3 of them, hopefully I can deliver them on Aug 19/11.

SBK Gonefishing.gifGonefishing.gif

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I had some really bad news yesterday, I nurse said it looks like I'm loose my Beard & I could litterally pull Hands full of it out man did it look scruffy & know I didn't get a picture my cameras at home lol, so I just finished shaving it off, picture to follow when I get out of here, 2nd time in icon_cry.gif 26 years my beards been shaved, that was the one thing I really didn't want to do, oh well I guess it'll grow back next year I hope lol

Thanx & Tight Lines Richard

PS: Is there such a thing as a beard wig lol icon_cool.gifGonefishing.gif

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hey "beardwigman"..... your story of the kindness of your employer, GayLea foods, will sway my decision to purchase their products the next time I go the grocery store.


Lovin the positive attitude you are bringing to the board too.


I should be in your neck of the woods on labour day weekend.... lets hit your "in laws lake"

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Give me as much notice as possible I have another place in mind if it works out but if you get a bigger entry for your team there we may have to have an agreement that it costs you a Diet Coke or something, I hait to see you kick my but for nothing lol

Thanx & Tight Lines Richardclapping.gifthumbsup_anim.gifGonefishing.gif



Hi Richard,,,,, I can work around your schedule on the labour day weekend... pm me when u know what u want to do.

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SBK...I have been reading the threads about what you are going through and I find it amazing the positive attitude and fresh sense of happiness I sense in your posts! Keep it up! I hope you get out on the water real soon...you deserve it!


X 2 I'll keep looking for a beard wig but so far no luck. ;)

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I have heard of a Beardwig before but this is a PG place so I better leave it there. Hope ya get out of there soon Richard and on the right track home heck fall is just around the corner so that good fishing and cool weather is calling you. Good Luck were thinking of ya

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I know EXACTLY where your comin' from,I lost my beard after falling and breaking my neck...was the first time 27 years ,I woke up to find they left me a 'stash and inmperial,gee thx,but you did save my life....lol...Not to worry bud,it'll come back,just leave it alone....TC and all the 'Best'....Chuck...

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