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How I spent my week at the cottage


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For the first time in about 3 years, I actually had a whole week off. I’ve taken extended weekends here and there for fishing trips, but this was the first time since my honeymoon that I had a whole week off with the family. Laker Jessy’s parents graciously offered us the family cottage near Minden to ourselves, starting with the August Long Weekend, and the following week.


There wasn’t a whole lot of structure to the week...just lots of relaxing, playing with the kids, entertaining a few friends...and of course a little bit of FISHING :D


The weekend started with Bicephalic, his wife and dog, and another couple, the manly part of which, Scott, hadn’t fished in years, since moving here from Manitoba. He had his license, and we supplied him with gear.


Saturday morning, the 3 of us were up at 5am sharp, got the boat rigged up for bass and lakers, and headed out.




Didn’t take too long with the extra body in the boat to get down to a weedy corner, where Bicephalic pulled in a solid largie to start the day.




I’m pretty sure I had a couple rockbass after that....but I try not to think about that....Scott started to get the hang of the shallow running crank we loaned him....and got himself an Ontario bass! Not big, but better than nothing.




We worked our way quickly through the passages of connected lakes and stumbled onto a nice little boat launch full of docks...Bicephalic was happy to take advantage of me playing tackle shop and boat driver with yet another chunky largie




Don’t quite remember what I got this guy on.....wacky worm I think....put me on the board at least




Pretty sure that was the end of our first outing....we tried trolling around for some lakers....but to no avail. Our second outing yielded a couple more bass....and a nice one for Scott, but cameras were forgotten.


Here’s one that taught me the value of working docks....caught him while handlining a wacky worm...maybe 10 minutes after the swimmers and suntanners left the dock. Was quite a surprise coming nose to nose with him as I was lying on my stomach, peering into the water experimenting with the worm’s action.




My son got in on the action when he showed up....he’d been at his grandparents for the weekend. He’s not huge on fishing (I may have pushed it a TAD much when he was younger...but am playing it cool now so we’ll see if he comes back to it)




By this time my bro-in-law had arrived, so the rockbass fest continued. Grrr!




After our guests left, I had the boat to myself....and I started fixating on one particular piece of structure....we had already pulled a couple decent bass off it during the day, but I knew there were lunkers on it, as well as lakers on the deep side. I got a few reasonable results, and have a much better handle on this piece of structure.


Lakers hit cheaters at the 35’ mark....spin’n’glows and body baits at the 75’mark....








This was the big bass I was looking for....got out pre-sunrise after I started to suspect they were burying themselves in weeds or cruising for baitballs during the day. Before it got too bright, I had a nice drift setup over a shallow weedbed and watched him inhale my buzzbait...then jump about 4 times before he hit the net. I was pretty pumped :D Self-pic was crappy....but if there’s any doubt about the size...you can see that he measured out pretty good.






That pretty much wraps up the fishing at the cottage....I didn’t pound the water, but, I don’t think there were any fishless outings....and the weather was superb.


Check this shot out....I had a deathgrip on the phone to get it....but I was at full speed, trimmed right out...which is about 39km/h in the tinner. You can see how flat the lake is....and I believe it was around 4pm.




The rest of my time was gloriously spent playing in the water....snoozing on the dock....driving to town for ice-cream and beer runs...I gotta say I really liked it. I keep thinking of a way to make that a permanent job description...but keep coming short on how to make any money at it.


Here’s a pile of pics just for the fun of it....
















Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading.



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Thanks for the kind words, folks :)


Awesome report, looks like an amazing vacation, what go do u got on that tinner? 39 is awesome


It's just an older Honda 9.9....but we had a small engine guy up last year who did some tinkering...says it's sold around the world as high as 15hp depending on what the regs are...in my limited understanding, he "un-governed" it....I played with the trim and the boat pretty much sits level with no spray out to the side until the last bench, where I'm sitting.

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Great report JB!


I'm still wiping tears from laughing at your "very serious and slightly scary' pic of you holding up that smb.


blush.gif Yeah...the wife said I should've deleted it laugh.gif "I can see right up your nostrils....and it looks like you're trying to make out with the fish" rofl2.gif

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