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Posted (edited)

It's been way tooooo long since the 4 Amigos got together to fish. Dano has been laid up with a bad leg and an antibiotic resistant bug and came near death too many times in the last year because of it. I've been busy being "dad" to a daughter with bone cancer since October '10 and we all just need some good laughs.


Lloyd had a last minute cancellation and Terry is always game. The whole deal worked out perfect with Jennifer's next chemo to start Monday 8am on the 9th. Leah threw me to the curb going thru hwy 400/9 on Saturday May 7th at noon and continued on to Sarnia to visit her cousins. Fern did the same to Dano shortly there after. Terry picked Dano and I up at 400/9 and the three of us headed for Picton to meet up with Lloyd for 3:30pm. First stop was the wonderful motel Lloyd got us in Belleville. We've gotta really thank him for all the effort and a full day on the phone trying to find us a spot on opening weekend.




Once to the boat we told Danb to get the hell out of our boat... and here he is pouting about that !




Dano and Terry talking to Vinnimon on the dock.




So we hit the water about 4:30 and wouldn't you know it.. guys give me first rod and what is it. Terry is off the hook as our Sheepie man...




Then Dano... and then Terry.. and myself again that we didn't get a picture of. 3 pickeral'eye before calling it a night.




The love'm and leave'm fish !! LMAO !!






Out for supper to Gus's and then Lloyd hit the boat for the night and we hit the motel. Wish I had video going.. .a 200 car train crossing the road at 11pm.... horn honking for minutes on end... A Red Fox walking in front of us while we sat in a couple of lawn chairs taking in the night and starring across at the cemetary!! .. lol After it was done trashing the motel garbage can it walked right back in front of us again... we could have pet'd it on the way by !!


Up for 5 am.. boat for 6 and another stellar day.


The original "bubble boy" !




Nice eater




and the rest of the day..




















Remember.. you need a nice thin, flexible knife to fillet fish ! :sarcasm:






Thanks for the weekend out lads !!! Really needed it. Also much thanks to Terry for doing the driving and going out of his way to drop me down to Jennifer's apartment. Black Creek drive was no fun stuck beside that livestock truck taking cows to the slaughter house.. that's for sure!


Great to see and fish with the three of you again... lets not make it another year and a half before we do it again!


I have a couple videos of the 45 second fillet job Lloyd does.. I'll try to get those up later today (seeing it's after midnight)

Edited by irishfield

Excellent report Wayne and nice shootin guys...you may not all land on the same boats at the same time ....but im sure your always with each other when ever a fishing rod is in any one of your guys hands




it is always a great time getting together with you guys.....


a little longer drive made no difference at all..it's all good...


great report Wayne great to see you guys out having fun. Like you said you need that time away to refresh the brain. Hope things go well for the next round battle


There doesn't seem to be a lot of room under that bed for you guys to sleep.

Thanks for the report, Wayne. It's especially nice to see Dan out and about.

And Terry...nice shirt.


Nice day on the water guys ! Great fishin too.Plus, you got to see Redd Foxclapping.gif

I Thought he was deaddunno.gif

Thanks for the report Wayne, and great pics too.




Great report Wayne, glad the 4 amigos got out and about.


Looks like it was an overdue good time for all of you :thumbsup_anim:




Yes indeed, it was nice to be out fishing again as it has certainly been a long time coming for me. Great to spend some time with friends as well, the catching part is simply the icing on the cake (as opposed to the ahem....icing that fish shot all over Terry, opposites attract?). Thanks guys!

  On 5/15/2011 at 4:25 AM, irishfield said:





Did they make you sleep on the floor Wayne. Nice morning view :lol:

Posted (edited)

someone took this picture with my camera


<a href="http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b71/mrbeeeeMrbeee/?action=view&current=terry1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b71/mrbeeeeMrbeee/terry1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



someone was hungry


<a href="http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b71/mrbeeeeMrbeee/?action=view&current=DSCF4184.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b71/mrbeeeeMrbeee/DSCF4184.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


I'm glad I didn't bend over and look under the bed


<a href="http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b71/mrbeeeeMrbeee/?action=view&current=bed1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b71/mrbeeeeMrbeee/bed1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

Edited by Terry®

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