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Conservative Majority

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Death of the Liberal party is also symbolic of the death of the middle class. Now we have a split of big money vs. the little guys. Once the liberal party finally disappears, the politicval scene will either go 2 party, or the Italian chaos model.

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Isn`t that the truth, our NDP candidate in Dufferin County also worked in a bar in Capreol of all places. That probably has something to do with her not bothering to show for the debates or photo opps, no office,no signs nothing.


I am sure the NDP never expected to do so well so there were a lot of "throw away" canadidates that ended up winning by default. One thing you can say though is the house of commons is an equal opportunity employer!!!

I am guess the good member because of her travel experience will have a shot at being the new foreign affairs minister. :rofl2:


Question period could be a very interesting place.

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The NDP results scare me too Terry, but as already mentioned, they kicked the Bloc out of Quebec.

That was a huge step towards stability. The Bloc no longer have party status and don't qualify for funding.


The Conservative win was no surprise, but whether or not they got the majority was the question.

The opposition parties forced an unnecessary election, spent hundreds of millions of dollars (our money) and in the end,

2 of the 3 were punished severely by the voters by giving the Conservatives a majority and NDP official opposition status.


I love it !!!..........well, all except the money spent on the election.



Exactly, I could not have said it better myself.

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Its funny it will be stable in terms of no elections but I bet as a country we see more change in the next 4 years than we have in the last 15 years. It personally worries me but its the mandate of the people, hopefully Harper delivers what you expect of him.


congratulation to Stephen Harper and the conservative party I look forward too some stabilty in the house for a change!!!

And while I do not agree with most of the NDP`s platform I must say bravo to Jack Layton for decimating the Bloc heads in Quebec.


I would also like to wish the visiting professor a long and healthy retirement!!! :clapping:

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It scares the hell out f me, how many seats the NDP got, I might have to leave the country if they ever get power...get out of the country before the money and jobs leave....


oh and good bye long gun registry...we will see



You are so right Terry it is scary on so many levels but if the yanks can have wrestlers and actors in politics we can have our single mother bar maids in politics.

I hope Ms Brosseau can find her way to her new office.


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Bob Rae will be the new Liberal leader... then we will have two NDP leaders!



That would be the nail in the coffin for the Liberal Party in Ontario...We are not all senile yet and can remember him as Premier...




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Bob Rae will be the new Liberal leader... then we will have two NDP leaders!


Bob Rae is no labourite. Anybody remember the service cuts made by "Rae Days" and public service layoffs. Hospital budgets were frozen and entire wards were closed to make up the shortfall. Hospital beds that never reopened.

He is a political opportunist capable of speaking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time. He had that skill mastered by the time he left the U of T. Give him enough prep time and he could give a convincing debate as a proponent of the Nazi party or the Monarchist League.

He was quite entertaining to listen to when debating.

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Ignatieff got exactly what he deserved. Call an election no one wants, and you will be the one to take the fall. Even a child could have seen that coming.


The Liberals need to get their house in order. They haven't had any kind of leadership since Chretien, and let's face it - Bob Rae or Justin Trudeau are not the answer here. The Libs need to figure out who they are and what they stand for. They went into this election with no platform. None! Asking people to vote for you "because you're not Stephen Harper" is not going to do it. That's not leadership, and it isn't offering a vision that people can grasp on to. No wonder they got so few votes.


The only reason the NDP got as many seats as they did is because there was no one else to vote for if you didn't want the Conservatives. If the Liberals can get their act together over the next five years, they will send the NDP back to having maybe 30 - 40 seats, max. But if they can't do that, or if they trot out another loser of a leader, then they'll be finished.


God help us if the NDP ever get into power.

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Nice work Craig thumbsup_anim.gif . I particularily enjoyed your summation of Elizabeth May.clapping.gifclapping.gif

Have you ever thought about reporting for the G&M??




No way man, that sounds too much like work!


Thanks though - glad you liked the pics. We have to have some kind of fun.

Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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Bob Rae will probably be the next leader of the Liberal Party and like mentioned above, Justin Trudeau will lead one day. The Liberals got what they deserved this time around, they brought down a semi functional Parliament for no good reason other than a power play. Jack Layton squeezed himself in between the Liberals and thankfully brought down the Bloc, they won't qualify for federal funding next time around if there is one for them. It's because of the Bloc that we have had 3 successive minority governments, they split the vote in Quebec.

At least Layton will be in Ottawa to keep the Tories honest. The Greens have a seat and Elizabeth May should make things interesting any time the environment is brought up in the Lower House.

I hope the first order of business is to bring down the Long Gun Registry. The Second to be the elimination of Federal funding for qualifying Political Parties, I don't believe that my tax dollars should fund them especially a party that wants to separate from Canada. I'm not a firm believer of cutting my own throat.

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It scares the hell out f me, how many seats the NDP got, I might have to leave the country if they ever get power...get out of the country before the money and jobs leave....


oh and good bye long gun registry...we will see


I voted Conservative because the thought of an NDP lead coalition was way to scaryyyy!


The overall results were great. A stable Quebec = a stable country in the worlds eyes, meaning our economy should do better as more investment money flows into the country. Perhaps now Quebec will see an economic boost, it is a very pretty and historic province,,, oh and the food is awesome.


Was glad to see TO finally come to their senses. Hopefully TO votes blue when the provincial elections happen in October.

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Ignatieff got exactly what he deserved. Call an election no one wants, and you will be the one to take the fall. Even a child could have seen that coming.


The Liberals need to get their house in order. They haven't had any kind of leadership since Chretien, and let's face it - Bob Rae or Justin Trudeau are not the answer here. The Libs need to figure out who they are and what they stand for. They went into this election with no platform. None! Asking people to vote for you "because you're not Stephen Harper" is not going to do it. That's not leadership, and it isn't offering a vision that people can grasp on to. No wonder they got so few votes.


The only reason the NDP got as many seats as they did is because there was no one else to vote for if you didn't want the Conservatives. If the Liberals can get their act together over the next five years, they will send the NDP back to having maybe 30 - 40 seats, max. But if they can't do that, or if they trot out another loser of a leader, then they'll be finished.


God help us if the NDP ever get into power.


I am pretty sure the Cons wanted this election they are masters at the political game and I think they played the Liberal party well.


I don't know the NDP at the provincial level (outside of Ontario) has done well a running government. Manitoba under Doer and Saskatchewan under Romanow probably being the best examples.


I didn't see any vision from Harper either, he just played doomsday scenarios and tried to scare people. He first got elected with a vision of accountability and transparency but never delivered on it.


Just to be straight with everyone I am not a member of any party but I am liberal with a small " l" in my beliefs. I will never be able to wrap my head around conservatism.


Thats it for me on this topic back to fishing :Gonefishing:

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congratulation to Stephen Harper and the conservative party I look forward too some stabilty in the house for a change!!!

And while I do not agree with most of the NDP`s platform I must say bravo to Jack Layton for decimating the Bloc heads in Quebec.


I would also like to wish the visiting professor a long and healthy retirement!!! :clapping:

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I hope they can finally get rid rid of some stupid spending....Starting with the Gun Registry. Maybe with any luck they can squash that algonquin Land claim as well. The OFAH has strong ties with the PC party both federally and provincially, and as an outdoors guy, these two issues are front and center for me.

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Bob Rae will probably be the next leader of the Liberal Party and like mentioned above, Justin Trudeau will lead one day. The Liberals got what they deserved this time around, they brought down a semi functional Parliament for no good reason other than a power play. Jack Layton squeezed himself in between the Liberals and thankfully brought down the Bloc, they won't qualify for federal funding next time around if there is one for them. It's because of the Bloc that we have had 3 successive minority governments, they split the vote in Quebec.

At least Layton will be in Ottawa to keep the Tories honest.

This is the best response i read of all these diatribes.

Hmmm the last conservative majorities federally and provincially i can think of were Mulroney and Mike Harris here in Ontario. The legacy of debt and recession left by them is sickening. Sort of like anti- Robin Hoods take from the poor and give to the rich.

Harper looks like such a nerd. Couldn't picture him ever fishing unless it is photo-op.

Oh well....

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