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Steelheading The Last Few Days


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Good god.... you certainly got them steels dialed in B)

Sweet reward for your effort Mike :thumbsup_anim:

Thanks for sharing!!!


P.S. Was checking the QMNR site today and looks like they have set a slot size for walleye :blink: Up here in zone 10, between 37cm and 53cm are keepers :blink: anything below or above must go back :blush:


Just thought I pass on the info cause I know you have a cottage up North of Quebec, check it out :)





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Good god.... you certainly got them steels dialed in B)

Sweet reward for your effort Mike :thumbsup_anim:

Thanks for sharing!!!


P.S. Was checking the QMNR site today and looks like they have set a slot size for walleye :blink: Up here in zone 10, between 37cm and 53cm are keepers :blink: anything below or above must go back :blush:


Just thought I pass on the info cause I know you have a cottage up North of Quebec, check it out :)







Jacques my camp is in zone 13 west. No slot implemented there unfortunately.


Limit is still 6 but they've upped the minimum size by 2cm.


An absolute joke and a very dissapointing decision in what's a very heavily fished area.


At least I still have my back lakes. :)

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Dude you're doing it again. Pin is just a short form of pinner.



Hey Solo....I gotta a join the 20th freaking centry and join the centerpin crew hahahhaahhaa......it's just to much like perch & crappie fish'in, I like bottom bouncing a pool, or dift....it's like a wierd ole school thing for me, I mean steelheading was such and art before pins&floats and now every dude gets a $700 set-up and is a steelheader.I fished steelhead up north for 20yrs, I walk into a pool now and bottom bounce I'm the idiot, untill I limit out twice hahahhaaha.It 's a different game out there now, never under estimate the value of a good bottom bouncer hahahhah

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Jacques my camp is in zone 13 west. No slot implemented there unfortunately.

Limit is still 6 but they've upped the minimum size by 2cm.

An absolute joke and a very dissapointing decision in what's a very heavily fished area.

At least I still have my back lakes. :)


I wasn't sure about the zone your camp was.... just checked and your right.... no change :o I just never thought it would get to this in my zone.... ah well... looks like a measuring device will now have to be part of the tackle box when fishing :(

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Regarding the way that Solo treats his CENTERPIN (is that the correct term ??) I figure he has done this a lot more than I have and may know a thing or two about what he is doing...

And dang, those is some mighty fine looking fish. Probably still swimming too.

thanks Mike!

Edited by HTHM
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Hey Solo....I gotta a join the 20th freaking centry and join the centerpin crew hahahhaahhaa......it's just to much like perch & crappie fish'in, I like bottom bouncing a pool, or dift....it's like a wierd ole school thing for me, I mean steelheading was such and art before pins&floats and now every dude gets a $700 set-up and is a steelheader.I fished steelhead up north for 20yrs, I walk into a pool now and bottom bounce I'm the idiot, untill I limit out twice hahahhaaha.It 's a different game out there now, never under estimate the value of a good bottom bouncer hahahhah


I'm not disagreeing with you. Everyone who picks up a centrepin these days is an instant hero.


It's just another tool in the box for me.


I bottom bounce and throw hardware all the time. Whatever conditions dictate.



Damn pinners.


I have taught you well grasshopper.

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Regarding the way that Solo treats his CENTERPIN (is that the correct term ??) I figure he has done this a lot more than I have and may know a thing or two about what he is doing...

And dang, those is some mighty fine looking fish. Probably still swimming too.

thanks Mike!

not to get off topic, but all our fish in niagara are still swimming, the tricks down here are weight control. Lots of guys come down here and can't hook-up because you think bottom bouncing is as simple as putting on pencile sinker and bouncing bottom.The secret is to carry a variety of lead, somtimes I bounce bell weights, somtimes round ball, sometimes lindy weights, sometimes penciles. Not only is the size of the weight important but the presentation from the weight is big time important. When I fish Port D or the Niagara I carry 3 or 4 different types of 3/4 and 1 oz weights, my drift from a bell is diferent then my drift from a pencil.I get a more agrresive bounce from a pencle weight, less agressive from a ball, lindy weight or bell some where inbetween. Somtimes in norhtern tiribs I used to run only shot, I've changed to running 3/8 and 1/2 bottom bouncing lindy sinkers, I'll go dowm to 1/8 oz but the secret is to get the bounce.Bottom boucncing is an art form not many steel headers still do it, but is as good if not better then pinning, the problem is reach a pool and 10 guys are pinning what do you do? Sneak in check out the drift and weight, cast to the sweet spot bottom bounce your fish( it only takea a cast) then let the pinners damn around hahhahahahaha

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Oh No…..I just opened OFC and there it is, another post from Solopaddler. This is the point where I ask myself…….”Do I really want to open this knowing that with one click of the mouse comes the feelings of envy, the emotion of jealousy and an ensuing depression?”. Yet every time I ask myself this, it makes no difference, I click the mouse. As always I will lose sleep tonight wondering how and when and if, one day I will have enough steelhead knowledge to constantly have days like this.


As always Mike..........AMAZING!

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I bottom bounce all the time with my centerpin. Just because it's under a float doesn't mean it can't bounce across the bottom :)

True but thats a float zinging under while you smashing bottom is not the presentation you want, a float hinders the bounce. Bottom bouncinig corectly is a science my friend, it takes alot of drifts and knowing whats happening on thise drifts. It may look easy when I'm hooking-up but sometimes it aint so easy thats why some days I get 8-10 fish and others go home.If your float is hooking on bottom your not getting crap, if I'm bouncing right I'm catching thats a fact dude.Float fishing is a science aswell, you need the right drop and such, it's the same bottom bouncing, no different the key to the whole thing is give the fish the bait they want to hit. Whether your bottom bouncing, Center Pinning, throwing spoons, spinners......the key to the big game is getting the fish to hit. We may all go about differently, some like it that way....others this way it all ends up thr same ENJOYMENT

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If your float is 'zinging' under anytime you touch bottom you are A) either running way to long, or B) You have way to much weight and it's not setup correctly.


On certain rivers you can run shot close to your bait and not hang up (Lake Erie south shore tribs for example) where the bottoms are fairly clear and not to snaggy. Do that on the Notty and you'll have a very crappy day. Different rivers call for different setups (obviously), but if you think I'm running 1-2ft above bottom and not just tumbling along like you are, you'd be wrong.

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Dude's I fish Port Dalhousie & the Niagra..so I bottom bounce, guys from toronto to london come down hereing how good the fishing is thinking all you gotta do is throw on pencile weight and fishing is great.Then they get here and the fishing sucks, but I got 3 or 4 Why because I'm running round ball weight, different drift from the round ball, slower, what ever its diferent. Somtmes I run bells, or bottom bouncers, I always change because I get a different drift, if there not hitting change up after i go through different weights and no hits it's time to go home hahahahhaa. Bottom bouncing is the same up north, there's agresive bouncing and not....lots of times you just know by the water, but that will you fool you. Trust me the thing is trouties are no harder catch then perch,just learn their crap

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Bill, running a long lead under your float and ticking bottom is not bottom bouncing.



Rock I think we need to get out together again soon.


Easy on the platitudes. :whistling:



Hey Mike great report and pictures as usual, I keep thinking I`d like to try this trout fishing thing but the Dude makes it all sound so complicated!!! Me thinks if I showed up at the river with my baitcaster and a flip`n stick the Dude may toss me in the river!!! :rofl2: HAHAHAHAAAAAAHAAAAAHAA :blahblah1::blahblah1::lol:

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