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Habs - Bruins Game - Awful Hit


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I still think the thing that many are missing on this hit, is the fact that Chara saw the opportunity to take this guy out. His head was up, he knew where "patches" was going to hit...he didn't hit him too hard, or in the head, but he made the conscious decision to put the guy into the stanchion. To me, this is intent to injure...and if Chara played for my team, I would still believe this.

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Not often I agree with the NHL's decisions on such matters, but I feel they made the correct one on this one.


It is hockey not RINGETTE.


The only thing I will say is I feel Chara knew 100% what he was doing. He saw the opportunity to bang up his opponent and he took it. Hockey is a rough game played by rough men.


I however don't think in a million years he would want to end someone's career. He is a tough physical player/but not a goon, and the league recognized that in there decision.

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The reality is he rode him out of the play in a dirty interference hit. He got a penalty and a game misconduct. Thats about what is to be expected from that hit. If it was on the other side of the rink I doub't he would have even got a penalty. Its very unfortunate he got hurt, but I don't think the league can go and hand out suspensions for Interence plays. It was dirty yes, but he got the penatly for the late hit. It wasn't a suspendable hit. But the result was very very unfortunate. I am sure the March 24th game in Mtl will be a blood bath for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if chara is a healthy scratch.

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I agree with what said a few post ago, if you played hockey or even know the game a little........Chara knew exactly what he was doing


I would agree with that IF the Montreal player was standing still. He wasn't and neither was Chara.


Fact is he was trying to blow by Chara along the boards and Chara reacted at high speed by trying to angle him into the boards.


The entire episode was played out at high speed.


All you guys claiming foul who supposedly have played the game and know it inside out, well you're wrong.

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I have not read the whole thread guys so forgive me if someone has brought this up, but why is there a stanchion to be hit into? Nets were put on pegs because of injuries to players running into (or checked into) them, why not a break-away stanchion (or something that eliminates the opportunity)?


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All i have to say is that was a clean hit. If anything that useless section of glass shouldn't even be there..its only there to protect the useless commentator like Healy or Maguire. I say loose the glass shove the bums up in the press box where they belong and this never happened. Just imagine how poor Chara feels after breaking a guys neck. As for the habs fans, bring on the cheese to go with the wine. As for Max Pacioretty I hope for a speedy recovery. Good clean hit and a good call by the league..For once the NHL made the right decision

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I wouldn't be surprised if chara is a healthy scratch



I dont be thinking so.They (montreal) can bring who ever they want to make the pay back.Anyone goes after Chara,thier in the box. It happens all the time.







As for the hit, IMO, he rode the guy to the boards like many do. Just happen that that STANCHION got in the way.Dosent mean it was intent.


Too bad it wasnt Avery. :tease: Now theres a guy that needs a STANCHION. :dunno::jerry:




Anyone ever watch Stevens hits?

Edited by Misfish
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Who are the habs gonna send after Chara next game? If they call up another guy like White the league will not let him play and fine the Habs. If they're gonna poke the big man they better bring more ambulances than they usually do. Only Hall Gill is close to his weight class but he wouldn't stand a chance against Lucic let alone Chara.

Maybe Habs fans will get the picture when they remove that stretch of glass from the Bell Centre.

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I would agree with that IF the Montreal player was standing still. He wasn't and neither was Chara.


Fact is he was trying to blow by Chara along the boards and Chara reacted at high speed by trying to angle him into the boards.


The entire episode was played out at high speed.


All you guys claiming foul who supposedly have played the game and know it inside out, well you're wrong.

Exactly. If you watch it on slow mo you might think it is on purpose but the game is not played at that speed. Chara might have given him an extra little shove but there is no way he could have planned that. At the speed they were going no chance. It was unfortunate but not intentional.

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Isn't it amazing how much passion hockey inspires? It truly is a part of the fabric of our culture. Whether we agree or disagree it's a glue that helps bind our nation together.


Born in Montreal and raised as a Hab fan here but i don't think Chara was making an effort to injure.


Wow, are people ever getting riled up here.

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