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Critter parade


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I was sitting here at the computer an hour ago and glanced out the window to see a small herd of deer wandering down the road in front of the house and was able to get a few pictures of them. It was interesting as they were all walking in single file as if on parade :lol:


There's only a few of us that live around here in the winter months and there's only been a couple cars down the road all weekend so I guess their taking advantage of no people, plus the easy walking on the road compared to the deep snow back in the woods.








There's a doe with 2 younguns that we see quite often and this is Mom with one of the kids.




And this is the other little guy running down the road to catch up to Mom.




I dunno if anybody else is interested in this kinda stuff but I think it's really entertaining and anyways, when a feller isn't interested in ice fish'n, it's something to do on a Sunday morning :D

Edited by lew
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Very nice, Lew. Heaven knows you and Diane worked hard enough all your lives that you more than deserve the quality of life you're now blessed with. Keep the pics coming though....us underprivileged folks need something to look forward to from time to time. :D

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Most I've seen so far this winter is a bunch of turkeys and a fox that used our back yard to get to the woods out back...


Usually there are deer tracks all over the lawns but maybe whoever was feeding the deer up the road gave it up this year seeing as he can be held liable for damages if a car hit one or maybe they are avoiding the cement barriers the township put in place to stop vehicle traffic down the fire route road on the south side of my property...


I've seen tracks on Taits Bay Road where some deer have crossed the road to get to the woods on the east side so they are still around...

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Very nice Lew nice spot you have there!


Not much of the four legged wildlife in our yard as we live right in town but we live rather close to a wooded area with a small creek and there are tons of birds, I put out some bird feeders and the parade of birds is terrific,Cardinals,Bluejays,Chicadees,Waxwings,Juncos, various Finches and a few we have not identified yet.

The Chickadee`s are cool they show no fear they will land on your shoulder and eat food out of your hand.

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Keep posting those picture Lew!!!!!!!!!

Thats one thing i love about riding the snowmobile trails, wild life :thumbsup_anim:




yer a lucky man Lew. Other than a few squirels, a couple of wabbitsglare.gif and my dogs,thats all wildlife i have around here.

Nice to see though, Thanks




Look in the mirror Paul. :whistling:

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