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5 smokes left !!!


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Retodd makes very good point it's the habit things that will crush you. Mine jump in the truck fire it up light a smoke OOOOOOOOOOOOps can't do that how does this thing go in to gear without a smoke. Of course eat than smoke. Unfold the newspaper and can't get the 1st paged turn without a smoke.

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Well, i pissed 1 cistomer off, accidently hung up on another.Forgot what i was looking up for anothers appliance.Put 2 others on hold and walked around the store until i could talk clearly.

Its amazing what i want to say to some people right nowdevil.gifbiggrin.gifblink.gif 3 hours 18 munutes.I can make it for another minute for sure.



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WOW!!! What a great support group. :clapping: It was about 32 ago when I hauled on my first Cig. At 43 I have half heartedly tried to quit a couple of times with limited success but something that helped while trying to quit was this. The feeling of accomplishment of getting past each day without one was Quasi Euphoric because all the reasons I wanted to quit were what kept me going." I'm doing it for my Family, my health, the extra coin in my pocket", and with falling off the wagon came a feeling of utter failure because all I could think of were those same reasons. Find your reasons and try to honor them. Stay Strong and Good luck.:good:

Edited by moxie
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Sure you can Paul... don't use any of that as an excuse to grab a stick. Turn the answering machine on.. tell them to send you an email and you'll get right back to them and go for a walk and get some air.


Yes And Dont Stop In The Local Corner Or Gas Station For That "slim jim" :whistling:

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One day at a time Paul - I quit 20 + years ago; two packs a day to nothing. The first week is rough, but after that its all in the head, not the body. And its really just a matter of saying, no I don't need one now. You can do it - just remember,soft water season comes soon - do you want to be steering this with your wife / friends or (think of all the gas you can buy and no difference to your bank account) : mercmansboat.jpg?t=1296863962

or sucking on this.... by yourself...


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My triggers are Coffee, after meals, and when im stressed at work. I stopped smoking indoors at home 3 years ago when my wife quit. I dont smoke in the car, nor at my desk, since its illegal.Another trigger is when i'm working in my workshop. I am going after supper to the pharmacy to get some nicorettes gum to try and ease the shakesth_ththweirdsmiley1.gifWhat a friggin drug !!!!!th_wall.gif

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yeah work stress is a killer. keep using smokes as a crutch. if you find yourself back to square one I have a book I would like to recommend to you. Its called allen carr(its been two years since ive read that book) Easy Way To Quit Smoking. Ive had friends who read this book and swear by it.

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Hang in there man, been just over 3 months for me. My last one was just before i suffered a heart attack. Apparently high stress and high cholesterol and smoking will in fact shorten your life. All three are under control now but having a heart doctor ask if you had a will made up was enough to convince me i didnt need to kill my self with smokes.


Good luck, lots of support here if u need it.

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One year for me after about 30 years of a pack a day.

My hints:


-if you slip the first time you quit, learn from it. Used Champix twice, first time thinking I'd wake up one day and not smoke. Next time, read directions and set a target date. Can still remember last smoke and after got rid of ash trays etc. Chew gum like crazy.


-biggest problem is filling in psychological hole in life - i.e. have a smoke while considering a task or problem, take a smoke break during completion of task, have a celebratory smoke when done. Had an awfully hard time getting started on things as a result of not having smoke to start! (As an aside, never bet on a professional sport player who has just returned to the game from rehab at least for a while.)


-didn't want to give up coffee, so switched to 'heartier' specialty stuff from Starbucks. Had extra kick.


-the urge to smoke is still there, but a lot less. (still, second hand smoke is enjoyable from time to time!)


-the dangers of smoking outweigh those of extra weight (which will come) but give yourself a few months before worrying unduly about this. Beat one thing at a time.

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Been a year this week for me But I cheated I used Champix great stuff best invention since Cialis!!!


The hard part was gaining the weight I put on around 35 pounds but I have gotten rid of about 20 of that.


If you really want to quit I would suggest Champix it worked miracles for me,I would not have ever been able to quit with out it.


Good luck too you!!!


So you quit smoking, gained weight and take Cialis?


Awesome. I'm spending a week in the bush with a big fat horny guy. :rofl2:

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I was a pack a day smoker for 20 years. I quit 13 years agoa when a pack cost just over $5. My fist child use due soon so it was time.


I took a shoe box and I put $5 in it every day before I went to bed. After that first year I had over $1800. I wanted to get an Angling Specialties ofset float reel and a new custom float rod. Every day I put that $5 in the box I got a little closer to my goal.


When I walked into the store a year later, I was Mr. Moneybags for about 20 minutes. I knew what I wanted and money was not an issue. Nice feeling. Geared up and went fishing the next day. Even now when I use that outfit I chuckle and think, "I used to smoke this away".


My kids have NEVER seen dad with a smoke.


Things that helped me a lot was to stay away from caffine loaded drinks. I switched to Diet Sprite and 7-Up. No chocalate and I ate a lot of salads with my meals. Weight went up anyways. I tried to stay busy all the time too. I was lucky that I had a lot of friends to support me too. I found if I didn't think about it it was easier. (I know....don't think about a pink elephant). The hardest for me was the inactive time. I used to fill that up with a smoke. So I took up fly tying. Got pretty good at it too.ake all my own flies now.


Second hand smoke didn't bother me at first but now I cough constantly when I'm near any cigarette smoke.


Hang in there. Never,never ever give up!



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Your over-thinking this Paul, it's not nearly as hard as you think it's gonna be. Just don't ever light up another smoke, get on with your life and forget about cigarettes, it's that easy.


It's been 20 years now since I gave up those filthy stinking things cold turkey and it was the best thing I ever did.


If you keep thinking and talking about cigarettes, their gonna be on your mind constantly.


The only person who can't quit smoking is the person who doesn't really want to quit.

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Good Luck Paul!


Question: How long does weight gain normally last? Does it go away? Anything you can do to prevent it or minimize it?



Well, i"m gonna try not gaining.I have a gym in my basement.Weights, treadmill, stairmaster and recumbant bike.I am already on weightwatchers, so hopefully i can maintain the weight aspect of it.

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Your over-thinking this Paul, it's not nearly as hard as you think it's gonna be. Just don't ever light up another smoke, get on with your life and forget about cigarettes, it's that easy.


It's been 20 years now since I gave up those filthy stinking things cold turkey and it was the best thing I ever did.


If you keep thinking and talking about cigarettes, their gonna be on your mind constantly.


The only person who can't quit smoking is the person who doesn't really want to quit.



I here ya Lew. I am trying to turn my experience into possibly a help to some others on the board who may be thinking about quitting.So far other than a few anxious moments, its been ok. I tossed and turned alot last nite, and didnt get much sleep, but nothing unmanageable.I will nap a few times today.24 hrs, so far.

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