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Hi all,


Well i made it out to my local trout lake, first trout session of the new year. Pretty slow start, well, pretty slow for this lake for the whole 3 hours. Lots of small fish with one big Ling. Lost plenty of fish too.


At one point the bells on Carmon's rod went outside, he ran to get it and thought he'd lost it. At that precise moment his rod inside the hut tries to disappear down the hole.


It was in fact on the inside rod and had twisted in his outside line some 20 feet away making the bells go off. I grabbed his rod....and whaddaya know, i get one on. Because Carmon is outside alls i can do is hold onto both rods, couldn't reel...nuffink. WE LOST BOTH FISH!



WE were fishing in 65'FOW, small brown (1/4oz) jig and medium minnow did the damage, the trout were fussy today, lots of different presentations tried...the usual suspects, white tube jigs, powerbait double twister tails(white), jigging raps, whistler jigs, even tried my clackin' Rap...but in the end it was the jig and minnow that produced. The ling hit a stationary white powerbait twister tail with a dead minnow piggybacking.






Great morning out, really good fun, cut short because of my night shift tonight.


Her's some vid and a pic of the Ling.



<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6lzgqfs-Ho?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6lzgqfs-Ho?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6lzgqfs-Ho?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>




Edited by limeyangler
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Thanks for the replies gang, was awesome to get out for trout again, even if they were little 'uns.



Now fishing gets easier for me to juggle around Jack and work. Because i dont have many whole day fishing opportunities i am kind of limited to a few close by lakes. Before trout is open that means walleye,but either the lake at the bottom of the yard or the nearby ones are evening bite lakes, which further restricts fishing time. Now with trout season open i'm still limited but i have a day time opportunity too now :thumbsup_anim:



Beauty stuff, Simon! I hope you kept the ling for eating. Oh, and tell your Bud to lose the Rapala reel. :D


LOL....cant tell him much...he's a friggin know it all (just kidding Carmon :whistling: )


Nope, did not keep the Ling, i was hardly gonna have enough time to clean the trout when i got home as i headed straight to bed....i'm on night shift now as i write :(



Fun vid to watch.




Thanks Brian B)



AWWWWWWW nice to see that crystal clear ice! Great work there Limey, I can't wait for this lake down here to freeze up so we can get into the lakers and whities!


Rob C


yeah, the ice was sooooo clear, that part of the lake remained open for all the snow we got, it then went down to -30C for a week before the next snow fell so there was no slushy layer at all, 15" of clear black ice.



looks like a lot of fun :clapping:


Thanks splash, was a real hoot, was even better once i got my temperamental heater to work.....brrrrrr....windchill was -32c today.



Nice ling. Did you think you had a nice trout? How did it fight?


Yup,we did think the ling was a trout, it went nuts for a few seconds about half way up, then dead weight till it saw us!




Nice ling. I love them - you cut the fillets into little strips and cook them skin-side-down in a casserole dish in the microwave ... just a little butter and garlic salt ..... the stuff comes out like lobster! Awesome eats!



MMMMMMMM...thats sounds good, will have to try that. Basically Ling is freshwater cod, and being an Englishman who misses `real`cod and chips, thats how i usually do it. But yeah...Ling is the best tasting fish out there, walleye does not even come close!


Simon , i always love watching your video's.

you do good videos, even if you did loose a few right at the hole. :wallbash:


LOL...i dodnt mind losing a few if i get a few...its when the bite is really slow and the only hit you get you lose at the hole....AAAARRRRGH :wallbash:



Excellent video Simon, looks like you two had alot of fun, and the fishing was great :thumbsup_anim:




Cant wait to see you get out on your new toy Joey...damn thats a sweet ride.



nice video as usual Simon, love seeing the fish through the clear ice like that,


will have to wait till next Saturday for the first Laker outing of 2011



Where you going for trout JDS

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