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Perhaps this is why Chrysler is in trouble...


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Just because someones high they forget to put a part on.... I'm sure it wouldn't happen to someone who's just bored doing the same repetitive task over and over again.... that couldn't happen eh?


Has to be the drugs.


Also... what about Quality Assurance? They don't ask the guy screwing nut A on bolt B to make sure the car is 100% at the end of the line...


come on...

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i'm glad people get caught when endangering their coworkers. there are millions of people that would love that job.


but like spiel said, addicts are everywhere.

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Especially in your case..... :tease::tease:

When I was a young foreman in the landscape industry, my crew, (45 - 60 year old men), would have some of their homemade wine with lunch. I asked my employer about it and he said to ignore it. These were men who did the best work I have ever seen. Sometimes it just is the way it is.

Now we need to worry about them smoking crack. That is the line that I draw.


I've seen this as well and I believe its a cultural thing with the Europeans. They have their wine with lunch...cause its what they've done since they were 12 at the farm back home. I've never seen them binge drink...nor have I seen it affect their work. In fact, as you say, their productivity, craftsmanship and loyalty to the company was second to none.


As a guy that works in the office...I've had a beer or maybe a glass of wine if the meal calls for it, usually with visiting clients, but its a rare event. I'm typically useless after even one beer as I find the energy level just plummets so I generally avoid it.


But the guys in the video, they are just binge drinking and getting high for the sake of getting high, like kids in high-school hiding at the park. I suppose their jobs are unimportant and boring to them so the look for an escape to get them through the day. I'm not one to judge...but it just seems dumb to me. In fact dumb enough to get their intoxicated mugs plastered over national television. Looks like its gonna be food stamps for them for a long time. Feel bad for their kids and families

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Also... what about Quality Assurance? They don't ask the guy screwing nut A on bolt B to make sure the car is 100% at the end of the line...


come on...




...of course not...But is it too much to ask that he make sure nut A is screwed properly on bolt B?


Being bored at work is no excuse for a half-arsed job. Find another one.

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Pounding a beer like that would just be a lil tease... for us Canadians anyways! ;):P


Kidding aside, it is sad really.


I'm not one to judge...but it just seems dumb to me. In fact dumb enough to get their intoxicated mugs plastered over national television. Looks like its gonna be food stamps for them for a long time. Feel bad for their kids and families


Don't worry about them. Here's how it will go...


1. Personal life stress

2. addiction

3. Peer pressure

4. tramatic life changing event

5. injury


They will keep their jobs.


It's obvious that some of them have a sickness and/or problem. Hopefully now they will get some help.

Edited by Harrison
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sad but true. 1 factor. these folks are on their own time. does this mean we will hang the doctors, lawyers and all workers that have a drink on their own time. how about having a barbecue with family. your kids running around but you and your family friends consume alchol while there playing. in reality its a society issue not just blue collar workers. oh ya bye the way. i own a jeep. its never been back for any defects or warranty issues in 2 years of driving.. the media constantly wants to endorse witchunts for ratings.

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Pounding a beer like that would just be a lil tease... for us Canadians anyways! ;):P


Kidding aside, it is sad really.




Don't worry about them. Here's how it will go...


1. Personal life stress

2. addiction

3. Peer pressure

4. tramatic life changing event

5. injury


They will keep their jobs.

I'd agree with that if this wasn't internationally publicized with video evidence. They're done like burnt toast.

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well...since most people are forced to work so much due to the high cost of living and the government constantly raping us via taxes im not surprised. quite frankly i dont have a problem at all with people having a drink or toke at lunch to make the day go by quicker. i also think its Bull that the world revolves around money and most are slaves until retirement.

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All but two were fired,the two were on admin leave without pay.I cant understand how someone would jeopardize their familys well being for a toke and a drink at lunch.They know the rules about proper workplace behavior and yet they feel that a little buzz is worth their job...dumasses!So many sober unemployed people but these donkies need to get a workday buzz.I dont think I want these guys making my shoelaces!The sense of entitlemant of some of these union guys knows no boundries!I have no problem with drinking and smoking but do it afterhours.


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Chrysler is in trouble because they design crappy cars that no one wants. You think the workers at every other major car company or other industries are any different? And having a Union makes no difference in what the workers will do during company time. They just hide it better and can still not be fired if they say they have a problem (Alchoholism/drug addiction). I've done factory work since 1983 and construction before that. If I ever worked a shift where no one indulged in some vice or another, it would be a shock. Some of you need to get out more :blahblah1: .

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I used to work for a parts supplier to Honda and others. All the boys liked to have a good time but we waited until after work. Like it or not it decreases production when your not on your game. They demanded top quality parts delivered with annual cost cutting measures thrown in. I certainly hope we weren't busting it just so guys like this can mess it up and make twice the money we were.

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i fix peoples cars for a living. do you want me to go out to the parking lot, smoke a joint and smash a few beers before i fix a car that your kids, wife, parents or anybody else on the road are driving?


just because it happens lots, everywhere throughout lots of industries hardly makes it something thats alright to do.




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i fix peoples cars for a living. do you want me to go out to the parking lot, smoke a joint and smash a few beers before i fix a car that your kids, wife, parents or anybody else on the road are driving?


just because it happens lots, everywhere throughout lots of industries hardly makes it something thats alright to do.




I said " if it is not dangerous, like selling shoes", not fixing cars, yes that would be 100% wrong

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Cant say that I would want a glassy eyed, stinky alcohol breath person looking at my feet....what if they start sucking on my toes!!! I could accidentally kick him in the mouth and knock out some teeth.

Work is work, play is play. And as sad as it is for those 13 families...what in heck were those men thinking!!! Every now and then there needs to be a big wake up call....but some will never wake up...until its too late.

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What a bunch of loooossseerssss!!!

What a tough life to live, getting paid large to toy around cars all day, not to mention sweeeet benefits... Fire them all.


This is very irritating to see, I'm glad this news station is doing these types of reports, exposing morons that have no idea of how lucky they are to be working in the auto industry in the USA.


On another note, I found it quite funny that they can buy,chug beers, and blaze it down and be back at work in 1/2 hours... Hardcore to say the least. These guys must be great to party with.

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Funny, I thought this was a FISHING FORUM!


Maybe we should talk about the Toronto Mayor's race? Peace in the Middle East? Anyone???


It IS a fishing forum but most here become friends and talk of other things as well.

The thread title (subject) is identified as "NF". That means "non fishing".

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they can buy,chug beers, and blaze it down and be back at work in 1/2 hours... Hardcore to say the least. These guys must be great to party with.



After a day of boozing it up on the job ..These hillbilly's go home and pass out on the floor , Probably haven't even got the will power or energy to put the garbage out.. :blink::blink::unsure:

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This is very irritating to see, I'm glad this news station is doing these types of reports, exposing morons that have no idea of how lucky they are to be working in the auto industry in the USA.




Just amagine how lucky that reporter and camera guy are? Those guys could of taken them out instead of turning tail.Then no report. :whistling:


Many here, make it sound like every worker in this world, should be a god christian soldier for crips sakes. Open your eyes.It,s all around. Is it right,Hell no,but it happens. It,s not a perfect world.

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