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A Blast From The Past - Picture Heavy - Dialup Beware


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Haven't been posting reports much this season but thought I'd share some pics of the past..... this goes back into early 90's..... the good old days :)


I was going through my photo albums yesterday and thought I'd share some..... well maybe a lot :lol: Had to scan them to upload to Photobucket and didn't think there was that many :w00t: But for what it's worth..... sharing is what the intent is and hope you guys enjoy :)


First pic is the hunting portable camp my dad and I build for deer hunting..... it was 16' x 20' x 9'1/2, in 4'x 8' panels that was secured with bolts..... no floor required.... just plastic tarp and carpet :)




Here's another shot of it, all painted and hanging is my first buck B)




Inside was nice and causy..... notice the man on the far right, my dad, my best friend that taught me the great outdoors :thumbsup_anim:




This next pic is me and my daughter with my first buck when we got back from the bush and she was excited to see rudolph that close :w00t:




The next photos are from different season but one that I truly enjoy is this one of my dad and I with my second buck




and another favorite of mine with my bro and dad




This one we were getting ready to cook deer liver from the kill.... oignons, bacon and patatoes was on the menu :)




My brother's first deer




another shot of the camp




and another




Now that does it for hunting..... into fishing

Well not quite :lol:

Had some huge rocks removed from the back yard to make place for a shed.... daughter posing after they were removed




Building the shed




The crew




and the end results




OK now onto fishing.... I promise :D


Ice fishing is what I truly enjoy and in my younger days was a real fanatic about it..... didn't matter what temperature, I was all out enjoying freedom :)


Here's me and a friend of mine.... notice the big fish on the stringer in front of me :w00t: first biggest eye that I got mounted




Here's the mount




next is a sturgeon I caught.... 49" :w00t: and here I'm trying to hold it but he didn't like it :lol:




Now that he was behaving




Specks on ice are my favorite's




and double headers doesn't happen often




Next few pics are random....




How bout it for running & gunning






Limit of walleyes




Softwater shots random.... Goin Reservoire, a few








My biggest eye up there




and the take home lunch




A couple of stringer shots with the brother in law






Well that is it, and hope you guys enjoy :)

Tight lines


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The years have been very kind to you Jacques!


Thanks Simon!!! They sure have :)


That was a blast from the past... wasn't even my past and I still enjoyed it!

Looks like fun man! I hope to have pictures of me and my kids like that to look back on.


Thanks TC10Z!!! It sure was B)

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T'as une maudite belle barbe mon grand!! :worthy:

L'Auberge Pepin me rappelle des souvenirs d'enfance de notre vieu camp de chasse..

Gros merci! B)


Merci Fidel!!! Ont était situés près du lac Pépin just en dehors du Zec St-Patrice au Nord de Fort Coulonge..... une cristi belle place pour placer notre camp B) Le pite de sable nous protègait complètement du vent B)


C'était surper!!! La pancarte a été dessiné par mon beau-père free hand.... beaucoup de bon souvenirs de ce camp là :)

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Merci Fidel!!! Ont était situés près du lac Pépin just en dehors du Zec St-Patrice au Nord de Fort Coulonge..... une cristi belle place pour placer notre camp B) Le pite de sable nous protègait complètement du vent B)


C'était surper!!! La pancarte a été dessiné par mon beau-père free hand.... beaucoup de bon souvenirs de ce camp là :)


Mets-en!! :clapping:

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