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crime stories. cops are to darn slow!

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well I got two of them.


1) The other night I was at a friends house. we went for a walk to the store. when we left the house there was two ladies walking up to the neighbours house. one was a bigger lady cursing and yelling and the other was a bit smaller. she was saying something about her dog. well, we passed the corner and heard yelling and beer bottles (full ones) being thrown and smashed. it was the male neighbour throwing them. well she was screaming "lay a hand on me I dare you" (of course I took the swear words out to keep it clean). well she ended up punching him in the head 5 times and he throw her away. she got her dog back but called the cops. now the guy is hauled in on assault charges. but in my opinion she should be to.


2) About an hour ago we had a younger male on drugs walk up our drive way. I guess he was on magic mushrooms. He was looking for trouble of course with racist comments. (I have black relatives) he was told to leave the property and refused. he threatened to smash the van and what not. So of course me being on the young side myself got caught up in the action and took a run at him. he turned around and ran down the street. It was actually quite funny to hear him speak and his insults afterwords. but anyhow he took off to another house down the street and started trouble down there. no physical altercations tonight but it was damn close with a few people. he kicked their house and hit their van and eventually removed his jogging pants. the cops eventually came after 30 mins on the dot. called them 3 times!!! gave them crap for their slow response too. they ended up chassing this guy down the creek and caught him with out further issues.


If you guys wanna rant then go for it! thats pretty well why I created this thread. I would like to hear peoples stories and opinions on this stuff.




Edited by pike n' whities
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roy is right. my cousins a cop and he goes thru alot of crap on a daily basis. i can understand how it could make you upset at their response time but its the weekend and all the crazies come out (as you have witnessed). had you said "weapon" or "fear for my life" then you would have had emergency response there in a matter of minutes.


LOL @ the shroomed up kid..

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Oh, you can also see how many officers your service is short. With how busy I am and my shift is, I can say we are at least 5-10 ppl short, plus add on vacation, people being injured and sick... I have friends with other services in cities with about 90-100,000 ppl that have less than 10 officers on the road at one time. Then throw in a domestic that takes 2 ppl off the road, then a emotionally disturbed person, that takes another 2-3 ppl off the road which leaves 5 people to cover the entire city...

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Sort of reminds me of the story:


Farmer hears a noise in the middle of the night, looks out his window and sees a couple of guys breaking into his garage so he calls the cops. Dispatcher told him that there wasn't anyone available, it would be an hour before they could get there. Guy hangs up, waits about a minute, calls back and tells the dispatcher not to hurry, they weren't going anywhere, he'd just shot them and hangs up. Within 5 minutes there are cops all over the place, they catch the guys stealing the stuff. Cop says to the farmer " you lied, you told the dispatcher you shot them". Farmer says yup, and the dispatcher told me no one could get here for an hour!


All kidding aside, have you ever looked at the number of non emergency calls that get made to 911 every day? No wonder there are delays in getting to real emergencies sometimes.

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Including the silent 911s we get where every kid at wonderland and vaughan mills mall and every public place that has a pay phone and prank calls 911 which forces us to show up...????


Yeah I've sat with call takers and people call 911 for the stupidest stuff...plus all the "adults" in this world that can't get along with their neighbours...its rediculous. Out of the 30-40 calls that I'll do in a block (4 shifts) maybe 1 or less are an emergency...

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Oh, you can also see how many officers your service is short. With how busy I am and my shift is, I can say we are at least 5-10 ppl short, plus add on vacation, people being injured and sick... I have friends with other services in cities with about 90-100,000 ppl that have less than 10 officers on the road at one time. Then throw in a domestic that takes 2 ppl off the road, then a emotionally disturbed person, that takes another 2-3 ppl off the road which leaves 5 people to cover the entire city...


You forgot my drunken buddies. ;)

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On a positive note:


March 8,1998 was the day before my youngest child was due to be delivered(scheduled c-section on the 9th). My wife and my oldest child went out for our last supper together as a threesome.


It was sunny Sunday afternoon and we were only gone from 4-5pm.


When I was opening the front door of the house I saw two punks running out the back door ! :w00t:


I immediately blocked my wife and daughter and told them to get back in the car. Then ran in to the house and grabbed the phone and dialed 911.


As I did this, my wife and daughter came in to the house to see what had happened and i told them that I think we were robbed by the punks that i saw. Then I saw one of them hi tail it down our driveway between the house and i went after him.

I dialed 911 again, but this time on my cell phone and told them i was gonna run the bugger over if i caught him. By the time I got to the end of the street the punk was gone. :dunno:


As i was turning around I could hear sirens coming our way. Police and ambulance were dispatched ! I must have told them my wife was HAVING the baby :blush: too !


It turns out that because I had visual on them, they prioritized our call and also sent the k9 unit :worthy:


The k9 officer immediately told me that we had been hit by pros ???? huh :unsure: ( wires were cut from TV's and stereo and computers etc and all the windows were open on March 8)


Needless to say, we were very shaken by all this and thoroughly distraught by such a horrible violation just before the biggest day of my life ( birth of my only natural child).


It was a horrible night for us. We all slept in the same bed and just cried our older daughter to sleep. (They stole her video collection as well and all my wifes jewelery but somehow missed a bag of the weekend deposits from our store right on the coffee table)


At 6:00 am the next morning my father arrived to watch the house for us. And a few minutes later, two service men showed up to secure the house. :unsure: They showed us a police report and were wearing name tags. We called the insurance company to confirm that they were supposed to be there !


When we got to the hospital, there were flowers waiting for us from the insurance company :dunno:


The nurses already knew what we went through the night before as well. :mellow:


It turns out that the K9 officer took it upon himself to call our insurance company that night after he finished his shift. ( i was wondering how they knew already since i hadn;t called them yet) :worthy:


There was also more flowers delivered while our baby was being delivered. That same officer again !


I cannot say enough this am about that experience with the London Police services and that particular officer. ( i never did remember to get his name and have long lost the report to find it.)


It was because of his thoughtfulness that alot of the tension was lifted that morning.


And it was from my wife's true sense of what i RIGHT in our world when she rolled over to me and quietly said as the doctor tolf us what our child was:


" Honey, everything we lost last night, God just gave us back this morning".



Thank you God for my wife and that officer as I am not sitting in a jail cell today doing time over killing a PUNK ass robber.

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I live in a townhouse complex and last summer I had some younger neighbors which one late night started a fight on their front lawn. (There were 2 or 3 couples living together in that unit -probably rented- and one couple I guess was moving out, because they were throwing stuff out when the fight began.)

He was wearing only a pair of shorts and was yelling, swearing at her, then punched her in the face a couple of times, then he started dragging her by her hair, finishing the round by kicking her in the ass or stomach. She was crying and asking for help.

I called 911 and tried to explain the situation, but apparently the operator was more interested to establish my identity/location, although I told them that I need no help myself. Anyhow... As we were speaking, the guy started round 2 of beating up his wife/gf and the operator clearly heard the young woman crying for help. Now the operator asked about these guys address and I couldn't tell which unit number was, being in the opposite corner, but I mentioned that there is a lot of junk on their lawn an a moving van parked on the driveway. The operator said they will dispatch a unit and when I found that I was the only person calling in about the incident, I mentioned that I don't want the cops knocking at my door. I gave them my phone number and I said "call me and we can discreetly meet in my backyard, if you need a witness for your report". Call me a woos, but I had obvious reasons to do so...

20 minutes later -when everything was calm- a cops cruiser arrived, they drove by, couldn't figure the suspect's unit -obviously the junk and the van were still there- and they came straight up knocking to my door. I had to answer and indicated them where the incident took place, but they didn't bother to go and check. They said something like "call us again when they start fighting".

Now I was wondering what's in the store for me in case the wifebeater figured I called the cops on them, but luckily they packed and moved the next day.


I think that this was an exception having to deal with the only pair of the laziest cops I ever seen, but I am still shocked what a bunch of chickenass neighbors I have. How is it possible to hear and see all that "horror show" and still do nothing???

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cant even get started on this issue but in my highly populated fully serviced area (in a high income area as well) the police are a minumum 45 minutes or just never come at all. i dont want to lie to the dispatcher but you almost need to in order to get tiered within the week. its never the officers fault of course but there is definitely a problem with the system when punk kids vandalize a neighbourhood for an hour and no police ever show up......

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When my brother-in-law and best friend passed away 2 years ago, I was the one that found him. I didn't know what to do, I have had extensive training in first aid, CPR, and we have a defibrulator here at home because of Sue, a couple of quick checks and I knew he was gone but I had never been in this situation before so I called 911.


The dispatcher had police, fire rescue, and ambulance there within minutes. The one officer that was first to respond was Cliff Tate, I'll never forget him! He was wonderful! He helped me way above and beyond what he had to! Made sure I was OK, helped me to arrange to have someone come to take care of Sue, told me what I should do about securing Herb's stuff. He stayed with me until every thing was taken care of and he and I were the last two people out of the door. He shook my hand and told me that if I needed ANYTHING, to call him!


The Cliff Tates that serve and protect us deserve a lot of respect which they seldome seem to get! people are always so ready to find fault. I'd stand shoulder to shoulder with any one of them any day of the week at any time!

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imagine how bad it would be with out them?????? Imagine the G20 black hooded chickens if the force wasnt out in full force?


Now imagine areas like scarboarough, Detroit, St louis, miami etc..... if they where not patroling our streets? Also imagine how many cases like bernardo would still be on the street without them.


For your case, yeah it sucks but for everyone of the cases you posted there are 30 cases we never hear about that the cops do deal with.


Lets cut our boys and girls in blue some slack and appriciate the fact that they put there own lives at risk everyday they step out there front door to go to work!



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When my brother-in-law and best friend passed away 2 years ago, I was the one that found him. I didn't know what to do, I have had extensive training in first aid, CPR, and we have a defibrulator here at home because of Sue, a couple of quick checks and I knew he was gone but I had never been in this situation before so I called 911.


The dispatcher had police, fire rescue, and ambulance there within minutes. The one officer that was first to respond was Cliff Tate, I'll never forget him! He was wonderful! He helped me way above and beyond what he had to! Made sure I was OK, helped me to arrange to have someone come to take care of Sue, told me what I should do about securing Herb's stuff. He stayed with me until every thing was taken care of and he and I were the last two people out of the door. He shook my hand and told me that if I needed ANYTHING, to call him!


The Cliff Tates that serve and protect us deserve a lot of respect which they seldome seem to get! people are always so ready to find fault. I'd stand shoulder to shoulder with any one of them any day of the week at any time!



There are people in all professions that are in it for the right reason. Sounds like you found one of them in Officer Cliff Tate!

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Police officers are just like any other people. A few losers, a few very special people and a lot in between.


I have come into contact with some robots and it makes you shake your head. I have also seen some really excellent cops do some extraordinary things.


The police officers that have irked me are the ones that have a general distaste for the population, there are a bunch of them around.


Then you have to think of the guys who get crazy old men taking pot shots at them and they do not have the opportunity to go home and see their young children and wife ever again.


Or the guys that are running into a situation when everyone else is running from it.


Some of them act poorly (like the two mid 20's cops I saw laughing and racing there cars at 170 on the 407 last year, 1 was an OPP 1 was a Yorky.)


Some of them act incredible.


I just hope that none of them have to act incredible around me. If that ever happens I doubt I will ever complain about the other ones again.

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The accident i saw the other night had four cruisers, four firetrucks and two ambulances arrive within minutes.

I think things like imminent danger should take priority and I have no issue with that.

Nothing but praise for the police here. Well except for that one who gave me a ticket when I was 18 for 'excessive noise' violation for spinning my tires :P

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The accident i saw the other night had four cruisers, four firetrucks and two ambulances arrive within minutes.

I think things like imminent danger should take priority and I have no issue with that.

Nothing but praise for the police here. Well except for that one who gave me a ticket when I was 18 for 'excessive noise' violation for spinning my tires :P

yeah cops in the 1920s were harsh :jerry:

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