Tarzan's Jane Posted June 13, 2010 Report Posted June 13, 2010 (edited) Hi all....wanted to share a little experience of mine with you. I triple dog dared Photoz almost 3 years ago to take me carp fishing with him. It finally happened yesterday. (by the way....this is my second attempt at posting...I was done and I hit some stupid button and lost it all So here's my story.... Photoz and I became email buddies back in August 2007. We email each other pretty much every day and have become good friends. We live quite a piece apart and have never met in person. We have tried for the past two summers to get together and carp fish but it never happened until yesterday. My significant other, Dave joined us and I just want to say thank you to Dave for supporting me 100%. So on Thursday we leave work early and drive a few hours. Went to our Motel but the room wasn't ready and so decided to drive to the spot and see if Ron (friend of Photoz) was there. Ron had emailed me directions to the fishing spot previously. We drive up and I see a few gentlemen fishing...after a quick look around and spotting what I think could be Ron's truck, we pull up and ask the gentleman if his name is Ron...he turns around and nods his head while eating a banana. After chatting with Ron for a few minutes, Dave and I head to the grocery store and pick up some fruit and veggies for lunch tomorrow. Photoz was treating us to some wicked sandwiches. We head to the Motel then out for dinner and then in bed by 9:00p.m. I had been up since 3:30 a.m. and the plan was to meet Photoz for 6:00 a.m. I hardly slept. Woke up once and laid there waiting for the alarm....I didn't want to sleep in and I didn't want to be late. We left the Motel at 6:00 a.m., picked up coffees at Tim Hortons and got to the spot at 6:20 a.m.....I'll blame Dave for being late. I spot a van and see the licence plate, it reads "PHOTOZ" and I see this tall man standing there, smiling. It was a great feeling to finally see you Photoz and it felt wonderful to hug you. Photoz gives me a quick run through and gets me to cast out....I think I did not too bad. Ron soon showed up, and then a nice surprise visit by another OFNer - BEANS. It was great. After about two hours, Dave decided to go golfing after seeing that I truly was in good hands with Photoz, Ron and Beans. He wasn't gone 10 minutes when the alarm goes off on one of Photoz's rods. Next I hear "grab the rod Nancy"....oh dear, here we go. Most of what happened next is a blur with the exception of a few details. I don't remember picking up the rod....I just recall feeling very hot after about a minute. I had my jacket on and wanted to take it off so bad. The fish was giving me a fight and I was fighting back. When that gold, chubby bugger would kick it up a notch I would laugh and that caused me to lose strength, but I hung in there and wasn't going to let it get away. Beans was there with the net and Photoz was taking pictures. I really didn't think I was going to be able to do it. Me fighting goldie and Beans with the Net. Me and goldie - 19.5 chubby pounds Now I had just brought over the scale to Photoz when I hear Ron's alarm and him telling me to come over and bring this one in. I thought "you gotta be kidding". I was done - I just wanted to sit. But I went and again started laughing when he fought me....but I was struggling even more with this one. My arm was killing me, but I hung in there and the darn little bugger was only inches away from the net when - nothing - he got away. I felt ripped off - still do. I took a look at my arm and saw the swelling just above my right wrist. Oh and Beans....I do have a bruise the size of a dime on my upper thigh. I think I got beat up!! Here are a few other pictures of the day Ron, Photoz and I Photoz, Dave and Beans It's been awhile since I posted - with pictures and so will need to start a second page. Edited June 13, 2010 by twilight
Tarzan's Jane Posted June 13, 2010 Author Report Posted June 13, 2010 (edited) Beans....check out the can beside him Photoz pulling in a drifting log It seems I am having trouble uploading a few more...but at least the important ones are here. Thanks so much Photoz for the experience and for being such a good friend to me. It was truly a pleasure Ron and Beans meeting you both. Thanks Dave Beans....send me your email address and I will forward you all the pictures. Edited June 13, 2010 by twilight
lew Posted June 13, 2010 Report Posted June 13, 2010 On 6/13/2010 at 2:16 AM, twilight said: I triple dog dared Photoz almost 3 years ago to take me carp fishing with him. It finally happened yesterday. I remember that post Nancy and it's good to see it finally happened, even though it took 3 years to bring it all together You were certainly fishing in good company and congrats on your 1st ever carp !!
Big Cliff Posted June 13, 2010 Report Posted June 13, 2010 What a fantastic report, you couldn't get better fishing partners but bruses???? How did you explain those to Dave?
bigugli Posted June 13, 2010 Report Posted June 13, 2010 Well done. Get together with some good folk and some fish in the mix. Sounds like a great day to me.
Beans Posted June 13, 2010 Report Posted June 13, 2010 (edited) On 6/13/2010 at 9:35 AM, Big Cliff said: What a fantastic report, you couldn't get better fishing partners but bruses???? How did you explain those to Dave? All is OK Cliff...I explained that same thing happened to Debbe (Crappieperchhunters wife) after she landed a carp on Steve's birthday a couple of years ago... Great report Nancy Twilight...It was a pleasure meeting you and Dave...Too bad he didn't take my carp rod...you may have ended up with matching bruises... Did anyone catch more after I left ??? I'm now on my way to meet-up with CPH for more carping... Edited June 13, 2010 by Beans
DMASSE Posted June 13, 2010 Report Posted June 13, 2010 Congrats Nancy Hope all is well, I remember your first steelhead, you caught, good times.... DAve
Photoz Posted June 13, 2010 Report Posted June 13, 2010 Yeah h h h . . . . I got outfished Friday, but not 10 minutes after my guest's tail lights disappeared from the shores of beautiful Lake 'X,' in the Kawarthas . . . BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP . . . there went MY buzzer, and I managed to land one about 13 pounds. I was amazed at how quickly Twilight caught onto using a big, heavy 13' rod, (she's not a very big gal) first shot, she gets the bait exactly where I suggested it go, and when the buzzer went off, she thought I was going to grab it! Hah! THIS is the best way to learn, I said as I told her THIS one's for her! She immediately got the rod tip high, as the big carp peeled out line . . . it was 100' out in no time, but then, inches at a time she leavered him back in, until Beansie got the net around it, and hauled it up on the grass, where it was admired by all. After a photo session (Twilight's arm was too sore to lift it right up) he was gently slid on the grass back into the lake where he was instantly off like a shot! (To warn his friends?) We had just started to relax again, when Ron's alarm went off, and the rod was promptly handed off to Twilight, who did her best to land this one, sore as her arms were . . . Ron was just about to slide the net under him, when the hook pulled out . . . goodbye carp! Oh well, she had this one subdued anyway, score 2 for her! This was a great day . . . Dave, her significant other, managed to get some golf in, as he's not a fisherman, but still drove all the way from Ottawa just so Nancy could meet a few OFC'rs and get her fish. We even pooled our resourses and had a good picnic lunch. The carp fishin' all through the Kawarthas has been VERY poor this year . . . . spots where I was able to easily bank 8 to 10 fish, now yield 1 or 2 if you're lucky, NOODNIK if you ain't. That had to be one of the most enjoyable days I've put in, in recent memory, and thanks again to Dave, and his incredible patience, it was much appreciated, and Twilight, for going all this way, just to take me up on a dare!! (I fortunately didn't have any money riding on it!(Return match NEXT year?)
Fisherman Posted June 13, 2010 Report Posted June 13, 2010 There's an awful lot of good people on this board and outings like this one complete with the story and pics make my day. I was beginning to wonder where the old postie was hiding.
aplumma Posted June 13, 2010 Report Posted June 13, 2010 cool deal congratulations on the overgrown goldfish I am glad to see that you and Dave got up to seeing the goldfishin crew if anyone was going to get you a fish it was them. Art
Tarzan's Jane Posted June 13, 2010 Author Report Posted June 13, 2010 Thanks a bunch everyone - getting ready now to go out and golf. I think Dave was rather impressed when he saw the pictures, he even kissed my bruise (too bad I didn't have more)
Rattletrap2 Posted June 13, 2010 Report Posted June 13, 2010 Great post and adventure Twilight! Those are some of the finest Carp Fishermen (and all around good people!) that we have on the board. Good on you for hooking up with them.
Rage Posted June 14, 2010 Report Posted June 14, 2010 It was very nice to meet you Nancy and also you too Dave, a Delight to see Beans show up, and Photoz well we are old hands at this hobby. Nothing gives me a bigger thrill than seeing the excitment and surprise when a Newbie carper takes the rod for the first time. No matter what type of fishing they do carpin is an altoghther NEW experiance....barring being a Salmon fisherperson as Salmon pound for pound are the only fish that stack up to a 30lb carp of equal weight. The other day while fishing one of my favorite haunts a young lad maybe 17, 19 shows up, from our conversation i learn he lives in Huntsville has friends in the area. I had just landed a carp maybe 17lb and the first words from him were HOLY CARP what a huge fish....after telling him it was small compared to the size of carp that inhabit the area he is impressed. As we sit and chat....my question was are there any carp in Huntsville....Dont know he says, but wish there were. Moments later the Bite alarm goes crazy, Do you want to give this one a go i say....eyes as big as golf balls as he takes the rod...a bit of foul language follows about how hard they fight etc, etc and i give him instructions on how to place the rod to get the most leverage on fighting the carp. Anyway to my surprise when he finally gets it close enough to get a look at it...it is a full scalled Mirror...a bit of a rare species. To non Carpers we have at least four types of carp that i know of, the Common, the full scalled Mirror, Mirror carp with a lateral line of scales down there side, and the Mirror with spotty scales on there body...once in the net and on the bank,of course pics had to be taken,and the weight was discussed, at least 22lbs was my estimation....braggin rights in Huntsville to his bud's with pics of a 22lb carp made his day. And you know what it made mine also. Last year while carp fishing a favorite spot i had the privilage to meet with a couple of kids, maybe 9yrs and his brother 7yrs...to make this story short the same thing as above happened...only the 9yr old was having a birthday on that day and his dad was taking them fishing before the party...this i did not know until later. Anyhow as i landed a carp they show up wide eyed and, Whats that Mister, Carp i explain. While they are watching i chuck out my line again and within minutes the bait alarm is screeming...i ask the oldest, the Birthday Boy, do you want to give this one a go...SURE CAN I...it is very difficult to try and tell a child how to handle a carp rod but he does quite well...after a lot of reeling and pumping the carp is in the net...maybe 14lb....his little brother standing off to the side is a bit dissapointed that he did not get a turn.....well that came shortly after. Carp back in the water...bait cast out...bite alarm again screeming...so now i have a half pint fisherman who wants to land a carp...with my help on rod and him trying his damnest to show he can be as good as his brother, between the two of us the carp is in the net in minutes....after he stops jumping around a screeming with glee...i estimate this one to be a bit over 14lbs maybe 18...but not a word said about who beat who. And here is Dad standing back taking in the whole deal...of course pics of both fish with the anglers had to be taken, and Dear Dad was so pleased that i would take the time to give his boys probably an experiance they will never forget and especially on his son's birthday he could not thank me enough. A few days late i recieve the pics via my email after exchangeing emails and i still have them today....i often look at them just to give myself a pickerup...not than i am a hero but to see the joy and excitment on these kids faces is what fishing is all about and at some point 50 years ago i would have acted the same had some one handed me a carp rod and said, Sony do you want of give this one a go. Tight lines....and if you have kids...take them fishing. Rodpody.
Beans Posted June 14, 2010 Report Posted June 14, 2010 It is things like this that make me proud to call Ron "my friend" Cheers...Mate !
MJL Posted June 15, 2010 Report Posted June 15, 2010 Great report Nancy...Congrats on catching your first jumbo goldfish Looks like fun times
Tarzan's Jane Posted June 15, 2010 Author Report Posted June 15, 2010 On 6/14/2010 at 4:04 AM, Rodpody said: It was very nice to meet you Nancy and also you too Dave, a Delight to see Beans show up, and Photoz well we are old hands at this hobby. Nothing gives me a bigger thrill than seeing the excitment and surprise when a Newbie carper takes the rod for the first time. No matter what type of fishing they do carpin is an altoghther NEW experiance....barring being a Salmon fisherperson as Salmon pound for pound are the only fish that stack up to a 30lb carp of equal weight. The other day while fishing one of my favorite haunts a young lad maybe 17, 19 shows up, from our conversation i learn he lives in Huntsville has friends in the area. I had just landed a carp maybe 17lb and the first words from him were HOLY CARP what a huge fish....after telling him it was small compared to the size of carp that inhabit the area he is impressed. As we sit and chat....my question was are there any carp in Huntsville....Dont know he says, but wish there were. Moments later the Bite alarm goes crazy, Do you want to give this one a go i say....eyes as big as golf balls as he takes the rod...a bit of foul language follows about how hard they fight etc, etc and i give him instructions on how to place the rod to get the most leverage on fighting the carp. Anyway to my surprise when he finally gets it close enough to get a look at it...it is a full scalled Mirror...a bit of a rare species. To non Carpers we have at least four types of carp that i know of, the Common, the full scalled Mirror, Mirror carp with a lateral line of scales down there side, and the Mirror with spotty scales on there body...once in the net and on the bank,of course pics had to be taken,and the weight was discussed, at least 22lbs was my estimation....braggin rights in Huntsville to his bud's with pics of a 22lb carp made his day. And you know what it made mine also. Last year while carp fishing a favorite spot i had the privilage to meet with a couple of kids, maybe 9yrs and his brother 7yrs...to make this story short the same thing as above happened...only the 9yr old was having a birthday on that day and his dad was taking them fishing before the party...this i did not know until later. Anyhow as i landed a carp they show up wide eyed and, Whats that Mister, Carp i explain. While they are watching i chuck out my line again and within minutes the bait alarm is screeming...i ask the oldest, the Birthday Boy, do you want to give this one a go...SURE CAN I...it is very difficult to try and tell a child how to handle a carp rod but he does quite well...after a lot of reeling and pumping the carp is in the net...maybe 14lb....his little brother standing off to the side is a bit dissapointed that he did not get a turn.....well that came shortly after. Carp back in the water...bait cast out...bite alarm again screeming...so now i have a half pint fisherman who wants to land a carp...with my help on rod and him trying his damnest to show he can be as good as his brother, between the two of us the carp is in the net in minutes....after he stops jumping around a screeming with glee...i estimate this one to be a bit over 14lbs maybe 18...but not a word said about who beat who. And here is Dad standing back taking in the whole deal...of course pics of both fish with the anglers had to be taken, and Dear Dad was so pleased that i would take the time to give his boys probably an experiance they will never forget and especially on his son's birthday he could not thank me enough. A few days late i recieve the pics via my email after exchangeing emails and i still have them today....i often look at them just to give myself a pickerup...not than i am a hero but to see the joy and excitment on these kids faces is what fishing is all about and at some point 50 years ago i would have acted the same had some one handed me a carp rod and said, Sony do you want of give this one a go. Tight lines....and if you have kids...take them fishing. Rodpody. Hey Ron.....great stories....never did ask you if you had any kids/grandkids - how blessed they are if you do.
Moosebunk Posted June 15, 2010 Report Posted June 15, 2010 Warm report. Good of Photoz to show you the ropes. Carp fishing is fun and relaxing fishing, unless they're really biting... Congrats on your first. Solid goldfish for ya Twilight.
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