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Wild Browns – Traveling the backroads the last 2 weekends


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…It comes quite easily with some extraordinary finds


In the brush-lined stream there's something I seek

Ice cold water flows down the creek

My nuts are cold, the waders leak :o

I see a shadow, my interest peaks


Quiet, silent and stone-like still

Beneath the surface a spotted thrill

It lies awaiting for its belly to fill

A beautiful predator with a license to kill




Wading the stream I tread with care

I tie on a streamer of feathers and hair

Squinting my eyes to cut out the glare

Casting the fly, I give it a prayer


My fly swings down, the trout gave a look

"Holy dude! it actually took!"

I lifted the rod and set the hook

Just like I read in Craig Ritchie's book :D


This is the place that makes my heart-beat race

Down into rapids and I hastily give chase

Horsing the trout so I can see its face

Slipping and falling without much grace :(


Into the net I try to pop out the fly

Locked in its mouth I give it a pry

It bit my finger! It wasn't shy

Beautiful spots, seemingly painted with dye






Around the bend was this bright, spotted thing

This is the thing that makes my heartbeat sing

Baring the brunt of a nettle's sting

I'm glad that my hook didn't fail to cling




Switching to spinners and a variety of spoons

The vibration of metal seductively croons

Flashes of copper and thumping tunes

Victory is sweet in the bright afternoon












It's getting dark, I'm tempted to stay?

Some amazing fun I had today

The bugs are out, I'm mosquito prey :(

I'll make my return at the first light of day



Some more – From this Saturday…Ironically FrozenFire and I (both into photography) forgot our cameras at home…Some pics taken with a camera phone.










Double header brookie action



I must admit that I've become obsessed with brown trout reading every journal, diary, book, message board post, stocking record, topographic map, hydrographic map, road map, top secret hand-drawn map I could get my hands on and following every lead graciously sent to me via PM …I also will shamefully admit I bought a steak dinner (…and dessert) for one of the old timers I met at the tackle shop and picked his brain on catching monster browns :whistling: …I guess there's no cure for STI (Salmo-Trutta-Itis) :w00t:


I think I just screwed myself for life :thumbsup_anim:


All smiles

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Thanks guys for the comments…Those browns fought surprisingly well…A good number of them pulled drag and most tried to swim towards just about anything wood. A few jumped almost as high as my head – Pretty amazing to see. I’ve never seen browns do anything like that before…I wish the lake run browns would do that.



When did you catch that Steelhead?


Hey Laz...I got that one last Sunday (May 30)...That particular river is notorious for having steelhead in it going into June (and massive swarms of bugs!). I also got another smaller one just before it. Both times when they hit, I thought I finally hooked into the brown I was looking for :lol:




Nice report Mike, you can keep going after them trout and leave the carp alone.


Seriously though, it's heating up. Went down to the Hammy today and topped my PB by....1-lb lol.


The fortune cookie said I shouldn’t fish for anything else until I landed a 10lb resident brown… :(


I think next weekend I’ll be breaking out the carp gear…After I catch my 10lb brown sometime this week :D


Congrats on the PB

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You know what I realized? I didn't lose ANY tackle on the outing! Not even a hook! :D


That’s because you crossed the river to get it spooking all of the fish :angry::lol:


I probed the log jams to their fullest extent...GO FOR THE GLORY! :D


Great report Mike.

That is a lot of nice Browns man. I cant imagine the footwork you put in! Nicely done.


Great Browns man! I've recently discovered myself (with a little guidance) just how much bushwacking is needed to find some sweet spots.


The footwork and bushwhacking is all part of the fun…Except for the poison ivy…I accidentally tripped into some of that which was downright scary...I vividly remember thinking "things are going to get worse before they get better" :lol:

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