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What's with the ads?


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Im sorry but Im with Raf on this , not that I will be missed ,but the reason I liked this site so much (I have it on all day at work and at home on the weekends so I can follow all the threads Im interested in , was because of the professionalism of the site , now with the ads and such and the huge avitars etc. etc.I can go on for pages (you lost mooses blogs !!!) when I click back,( I WISH I ONLY HAD TO DOUBLE CLICK) but i just get the page not available thing and have to go back and log in again ????

Come on guys be honest I know the ass kissers are all saying good work etc. well IM sorry but this site in appearence and operating is gone so down hill really I will try other broswers but OFC MICKEY MOUSE should be the new name. Again I will say IM sorry BUT REALLY GUYS BE "!!HONEST!!" I konow I have no standing here but RAF has and I must agree with him THIS IS NOT AN IMPROVEMENT and IM sure you will see that most of the guys will be (IRISH and such I mean people with lots of imput)disappointed with these so called improvements . As I said I will not be missed but I will tell you when a new guy clickes on this site he /she will not be want to join . my one cent but i ask please ask your self guys is this better than before !!! not not not .....

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Wow... who pissed in you're cornflakes?


As with everything change is inevitable, it cannot be avoided.


I still think the site is professional, and other then the odd growing pains things run pretty smooth here.


if you are having technical issues we have an area for that.. just post you're issue there and someone will reply.


But to call all the hard work everyone has put into OFC over the many years "Mickey Mouse" is an insult.


Once you start to pay the bills perhaps then you're opinion will have more clout.



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Wow... who pissed in you're cornflakes?


As with everything change is inevitable, it cannot be avoided.


I still think the site is professional, and other then the odd growing pains things run pretty smooth here.


if you are having technical issues we have an area for that.. just post you're issue there and someone will reply.


But to call all the hard work everyone has put into OFC over the many years "Mickey Mouse" is an insult.


Once you start to pay the bills perhaps then you're opinion will have more clout.



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Im sorry but Im with Raf on this , not that I will be missed ,but the reason I liked this site so much (I have it on all day at work and at home on the weekends so I can follow all the threads Im interested in , was because of the professionalism of the site , now with the ads and such and the huge avitars etc. etc.I can go on for pages (you lost mooses blogs !!!) when I click back,( I WISH I ONLY HAD TO DOUBLE CLICK) but i just get the page not available thing and have to go back and log in again ????

Come on guys be honest I know the ass kissers are all saying good work etc. well IM sorry but this site in appearence and operating is gone so down hill really I will try other broswers but OFC MICKEY MOUSE should be the new name. Again I will say IM sorry BUT REALLY GUYS BE "!!HONEST!!" I konow I have no standing here but RAF has and I must agree with him THIS IS NOT AN IMPROVEMENT and IM sure you will see that most of the guys will be (IRISH and such I mean people with lots of imput)disappointed with these so called improvements . As I said I will not be missed but I will tell you when a new guy clickes on this site he /she will not be want to join . my one cent but i ask please ask your self guys is this better than before !!! not not not .....


Your opinions are appreciated Capt Bruce and changes to remove ads from the threads are being implemented. Try and hang in while we tweak the new format, it's not easy or perhaps even possible to please everyone but we are listening and we are trying.

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G im only replying to this because of the respect for you I have developed over many years ,I am not a new be here. I asked you to be honest , and if Im haveing what you call tech diffecultes how about some one who is not a engineer with experence in the net from day one ??? why not question Terry Irish, RAf ,fish, etc. Its not the problems its the look , and do not think for a minute I question the work of Roy, Speil ,Rick etc. they have hours and hours put in and I enjoyed their work ... enough I starting to sound like a Garry two RRs nobody loves me post .I just said it like i see it and sorry but Im being Honest ask yourself the same ..keep up the gtood work guys but I think in your quest to be so tech savey you lost what is is you are , as I said just my 1/2 a cent a i see not worth much ..but i did not mean it as an attack on anyones work or effort , B

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Im sorry but Im with Raf on this , not that I will be missed ,but the reason I liked this site so much (I have it on all day at work and at home on the weekends so I can follow all the threads Im interested in , was because of the professionalism of the site , now with the ads and such and the huge avitars etc. etc.I can go on for pages (you lost mooses blogs !!!) when I click back,( I WISH I ONLY HAD TO DOUBLE CLICK) but i just get the page not available thing and have to go back and log in again ????

Come on guys be honest I know the ass kissers are all saying good work etc. well IM sorry but this site in appearence and operating is gone so down hill really I will try other broswers but OFC MICKEY MOUSE should be the new name. Again I will say IM sorry BUT REALLY GUYS BE "!!HONEST!!" I konow I have no standing here but RAF has and I must agree with him THIS IS NOT AN IMPROVEMENT and IM sure you will see that most of the guys will be (IRISH and such I mean people with lots of imput)disappointed with these so called improvements . As I said I will not be missed but I will tell you when a new guy clickes on this site he /she will not be want to join . my one cent but i ask please ask your self guys is this better than before !!! not not not .....


Sorry you feel this way Bruce. But would you rather we had the site hacked and lost completely? Each time we upgrade people dont like it, but each time people get used to it. Eventually everyone wonders how they lived without the new version.

We could get rid of the ads completely by charging a membership fee if that is more palatable. As has been explained MANY time, the avatar block can be changed by altering the page size (CTRL and mouse wheel scroll).

As far as the blogs go, it was a two part problem. One...it was not being used enough to warrant the licensing fee. Two, it had been attacked dozens of times, once resulting in us getting kicked off a server.

I have an option for those who do want to blog that will be coming soon.

The initial page does not look much different than the old one...but it does looks much cleaner to me.

And I guess anyone who disagrees with you is an ass kisser?

Here's a hint..if no one else has the same problem as you.. IT IS NOT ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE SITE.

I can log in and run the whole site without issue using IE8, Firefox, Opera and Chrome.

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So its been a whole THREE days of the new and improved site and things have changed a little every day.Some things work out and some don't and there is nothing wrong with expressing your opinion on things in general BUT it has taken the OFC 10 years to get this far why not wait a week or two for the dust to settle and then see if you are OUT OF HERE...




Edited by vance
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Bruce, that's a shame really.. you will be missed, and theres no reason to leave. Theres a couple of reasons we went to the upgrade, mainly spambot/hackers/speed issues. The main look of the board has always been the club skin so we bought the updated version of it. Did you try the default skin???


One of the main issues is that its difficult to see what its all gonna look like till its installed... we tried some ads in the threads.. some people didn't like it, so we are going back to the old style. Its not that we aren't listening, we are definitely doing what we can. BUT the bottom line is (and we held off doing this for a long time) is that we had to upgrade to the next version. There really wasn't much of a choice. I had a photogallery a few years ago. It ran three years and had thousands of pictures on it. It got hacked and we lost everything, all because everything was "working fine" so I didn't bother to upgrade the software... till it got destroyed, then it was way, way too late.


I won't learn that lesson again, especially here.


"OFC MICKEY MOUSE" ... after 10 years of trial and tribulations here, hours and hours of good work and deeds for other people... well, that just hurts my feelings.

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I understand what you are saying Bruce, and I agree to a point.. Perhaps it was the delivery of you're msg? Sometime it is hard to express through the written word, what it is you mean..


Are things different now? Yes they are..


Were the changes needed? I believe they were..


Understand IPBoard (The software we are using) is not written just for us.. there are millions of forums just like our out there.


As new versions are designed they are designed to appeal to the mass audience, not just our little niche in the market.


From a security stand point the upgrade was required, to keep up with the ever changing threats the internet imposes.


are there some things I dont like?? Sure there are.. but I also have to remember I do not own this place, it is a privilege that I am able to come here and talk to like minded individuals, such as yourself.


You should have seen the old board at the beginning.. I remember those days.. if you think this is bad.. you should have seen it then! pure and utter mayhem! ;)


with every upgrade things will change, some good some bad. But every individuals taste is different.. and not everyone can be accommodated,


we all have to deal with the changes,


no matter what this site looks like, I am here for the friendships I have made, and the chance to meet a few more with people that enjoy the same things as I do...


Regardless what this website looks like our love for the outdoors has not changed.



Edited by Gerritt
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"OFC MICKEY MOUSE" ... after 10 years of trial and tribulations here, hours and hours of good work and deeds for other people... well, that just hurts my feelings.


For every comment like the above Teej, there are many many more who acknowlegde and appreciate all you and the partners have done.

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It's nice to have the option to turn off members' signatures in their posts - it reduces the clutter and makes for cleaner reading.


I don't know if that feature was there in the old software, but I found it and took advantage of it now.

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I've been a member of this board for a very long time, probably 8 years anyways, and in that time we've had several major overhauls around here to improve both the look and operation of this place and everytime it's the same thing. It always feels strange and awkward trying to navigate the new format and figure out how things work, but after awhile it all just becomes 2nd nature and in no time I forget how the "last board" even worked.


Give it some time guys, TJ and his boyz are obviously working double duty to get everything tweeked just right but it's not all gonna happen overnight.


OFC is a great place to hang out, but give the powers that be some time to iron out all the wrinkles.

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no matter what this site looks like, I am here for the friendships I have made, and the chance to make a few more with people that enjoy the same things as I do...


Well said Gerritt I guess its someting in my frustration I forgot


And TJ who would want to hurt your feeling (Terry you break me up like allways , but mickey was a steam boat captan i recall) after what G said I will beg forgiveness and try different broswers and wait till things get sorted out and trust in Rick

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I am with Gerritt on this. Some good some bad, had to be done so that's life. I hate ad bots it is like spam that is paid for. I love the way it works with my Iphone. It is so fast. I say give the boys more time to tweak it, they barely have there trousers off with the new rig.


Now the really burning question is..... What does the Mayor of Rice Lake think of it?

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Now if my sister-in-laws brother had never written the programming, that Google bought from him, to do the advert bot bull... we wouldn't even be discussing this. Guess I'll call him up and give him proper hell instead... anybody know what it costs to call California.. they even moved the bugger there after buying him out.. he went from near broke to living the high life.. only took 25 years of coding to get there....


As for Captain Bruce.. I hear what you are saying, and as you obviously saw from my posts... I was questioning similar tangents of what you are saying. Give the lads a bit.. and they'll sort out what they have to have, what we will tolerate and what the happy medium ends up being.

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Some people are making it sound like we've upgraded from a totally different board. I'm only noticing minor changes on the front end, none of which get in the way of the most valued and important thing about the forum, the content of the posts. Same thing happens when you buy a new car, don't like where some of the dials are on the dashboard, seats feel different and foreign, etc. Should we give up driving? Of course not. You'll get use to it quickly.


edit: The pros far outweigh the cons of the new board. Security is so important these days especially when an insecure forum can be destroyed by hackers so easily. Thanks guys for the "new" forum. My only negative is that the new board is lacking french fashion models. We always need more of those.:P

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