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Actually, it doesn't take long to find names of resorts and about people on the internet.


I googled Susan Irving-Cogar and this is what I got:


Rice Lake ice fishing problems feared Brendan Wedley, Peterborough Examiner January 21st, 2010

print.gif email.gif Allowing ice fishing on Rice Lake and limiting the number of panfish caught from the lake will cause problems, a local tourist association representative says.


Susan Irving-Cogar, the owner of Sunshine Cove Cottage Resort and a Rice Lake Tourist Association member, urged county council Wednesday to complain about the new fishing regulations to the provincial government.


Council plans to raise the issue with newly appointed Natural Resources Minister Linda Jeffrey at the Rural Ontario Municipal Association conference that runs from Feb. 21-24 in Toronto.


A panel put in place three years before the regulation changes to research the fishing situation and make recommendations found there should be a 500-panfish limit, Irving-Cogar said.


“Overbreeding of this invasive species is something that will happen,” she said, “Overbreeding is a serious concern.”


Previously, there wasn’t a limit on the number of panfish a person could catch, Irving-Cogar said.


A panfish is a small fish that generally can fit in a frying pan. Examples of species of panfish include sunfish, crappie and perch.


With the new regulations, the limits are 300 sunfish with only 30 more than 18 centimetres long with a sport licence or 15 sunfish of any size with a conservation licence; 30 crappie with a sport licence or 10 with a conservation licence; 50 perch with a sport licence or 25 with a conservation licence.


The Ministry of Natural Resources brought in various new fishing regulations across the province on Jan. 1.


Among the regulation changes, the fishing season for sunfish, yellow perch, black crappie and northern park has been extended to year-round; the catch limit for walleye between 35 and 50 centimetres is four with a sport licence and one with a conservation licence; and the bass, muskie and walleye season is extended to Dec. 15.


There has been no winter fishery on Rice Lake in more than 90 years, Irving-Cogar said.


“Ice fishing brings a lot of problems with it,” she said.


Irving-Cogar listed problems such as Rice Lake’s reputation for unstable ice, the current in the lake with inflow from the Otonabee River and outflow at Hastings into the Trent River, putting emergency staff at peril if they need to rescue people fishing on the like in the winter, walleye poaching and the lack of conservation officers.


Irving-Cogar asked council to push the Ministry of Natural Resources to create special area for Rice Lake with its own set of regulations.


The bulk of resorts around the lake aren’t winterized, Irving-Cogar said.


“We are seasonal and quite frankly we don’t have funds to make ourselves a year-round business and quite frankly we don’t want to,” she said.


Concerns put forward at a public meeting on the regulation changes fell on deaf ears, Havelock-Belmont- Methuen Reeve Ron Gerow said.


“I share your concerns,” he told Irving-Cogar. “I don’t think that MNR actually listened to anybody.”




Rice Lake: A Specially Designated Waterway


The Rice Lake Tourist Association has won support from the County of Northumberland to declare the Lake a specially-designated waterway. The resolution, which also has the support of Peterborough County and its municipalities ... will be sent to the Ministry of Natural Resources. One of the association's members, Susan Irving-Cogar says it's a complete contradiction to permit winter ice fishing while imposing limits on panfish Rice Lake: A Specially Designated Waterway


The Rice Lake Tourist Association has won support from the County of Northumberland to declare the Lake a specially-designated waterway. The resolution, which also has the support of Peterborough County and its municipalities ... will be sent to the Ministry of Natural Resources. One of the association's members, Susan Irving-Cogar says it's a complete contradiction to permit winter ice fishing while imposing limits on panfish.


The next 2 are the best ones... talk about a double edged sword...


County Backs Tourist Association on Fishing

The Rice Lake Tourist Association has won support from the County of Northumberland to declare the Lake a specially-designated waterway .


The resolution ... which also has the support of Peterborough County and its municipalities ... will be sent to the Ministry of Natural Resources .


One member, Susan Irving-Cogar says it's a complete contradiction to permit winter ice fishing while imposing limits on panfish .


Irving-Cogar says winter ice fishing ... which tends to leave mounds of garbage on the frozen surface ... amounts to a flagrant disregard for true conservation .







<H3 class=status-headline-big>Susan Irving-Cogar</H3>






<H3 style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 4px">About </H3>Member CPS since 1978. My husband and I own a cottage/fishing resort on Rice Lake. Been boating my entire life and still love it. Actually, we own about 15 other boats, but "the Hawg" is my baby and mine alone. She's loud (has thru hulls) and fast .. about 70 mph. Makes me smile :)


I'd buy a Donzi .. now there's a dream come true. Fast and loud .. did I mention fast .. and loud .. lol.


All of the above is from googleing her name. Seems to me she is a real coservatoinists herself with that nusience boat on the waterways... :rolleyes:




On a good note, at least it appears that northumberland Tourism is accepting the thought of promoting Icefishing. I see Mike Ferguson is promoting his business on the same page, right above BJ Tackle.




Kinda kewl, even OFC made this link!


Cheers, Ron...


I will have you know Mike Brown I do support Ice fishing I fished Rice almost every single day I fished more this past winter than I have in my whole life I also believe their should be a pan fish limit what that number is I don't know.I also know our CO made the statement our lake Rice Lake was the cleanest lake left after the huts were removed. How ever when people try to mis represent them selves I will speak up if telling the truth makes me a big mouth so be it. I can tell you for a fact our fish presentation was liked and excepted a lot better than yours People really believe your fish were going to be wasted so i guess you should take a good look at trhe littlr picture at the bottom of your little write up Michael Ferguson

Posted (edited)
  On 3/22/2010 at 12:33 AM, Mayor of Rice Lake said:

I will have you know Mike Brown I do support Ice fishing I fished Rice almost every single day I fished more this past winter than I have in my whole life I also believe their should be a pan fish limit what that number is I don't know.I also know our CO made the statement our lake Rice Lake was the cleanest lake left after the huts were removed. How ever when people try to mis represent them selves I will speak up if telling the truth makes me a big mouth so be it. I can tell you for a fact our fish presentation was liked and excepted a lot better than yours People really believe your fish were going to be wasted so i guess you should take a good look at trhe little picture at the bottom of your little write up Michael Ferguson


How concerned are you that literally thousands of fish per boat cross the border are potentially wasted??? or are your concerns only with Canadian anglers?

Edited by Twocoda

I hope the Mayor of Rice Lake, isn't actually a mayor because his comments are a total contradiction of what the ASS. is saying.

Guest ThisPlaceSucks

the mayor acts on behalf of himself, not the association, not anglers, and certainly not the good of the fishery.

our resources are not your cash cow.


Mayor of Rice Lake is just a display name that he uses on here. His name is Ferguson and sells bait at Gores Landing. Ferguson's live bait. Which explains why he's really on no ones' side but his own.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/6/2010 at 12:38 AM, Mayor of Rice Lake said:

Randy is a good person. My comment was directed at four people only sorry for the misunderstanding I am not a miserable person but when people show up at a meeting trying to influnce people with deciet weather it be fishing or anything else I will intervine. Had they have not tried the pail stunt which I will be overturning in the newspaper come Monday have already contacted the press. I would not have eaposed them for their real agenda. I do not represent The Rice Lake Tourist Acc. in any way shape or form I have resinged from the board so I can deal with this in the same manner Mr. Brown and company are doing it I would never involve a well respected Acc. in this type of gutter fighting The Mayor


Maybe you can inform us on how walking in to a meeting with the legal amount of fish to show just what the true magnitude of the imposed 300 fish limit is, and how in fact is this deceitful. I commend you Mike Brown and Ron for having the courage to do this. I can't speak for everyone, but I KNOW I can speak for real fishermen and fisherwomen that the day I come home with 300 fish for the freezer Armageddon must be very close behind. Is your argument Mayor the fact that there is now a limit where there previously was not one your not selling enough bait anymore??? Or are you simply so hung up on your American dollars you will continue to bash and slander the people trying to keep a great fishery for you, me, and our families, great? Still to this date in all 12 pages of this report there is not one post urging any of us to come and fish your backyard, to take any initiative to promote your ice fishing season, or the cottages who are providing these services...


Looks to me like your flailing, and now for me atleast its too late...I will never contribute to your cottage services, bait, boat rental or any other service you may provide strictly on principal alone... There are far too many magnificent lakes and outfitters in this great province to support. Why would I waste my money on such a small group who's whole argument is based on greed. I take 4-5 trips a year to numerous locations, accounting for thousands of dollars out of my pocket book alone, not to mention that of my friends and colleagues that I can assure you will not be coming to your community! If you are the Mayor may the good Lord help the people of your town sir.....

Edited by tightline
  On 3/22/2010 at 5:48 PM, tightline said:

Maybe you can inform us on how walking in to a meeting with the legal amount of fish to show just what the true magnitude of the imposed 300 fish limit is, and how in fact is this deceitful. I commend you Mike Brown and Ron for having the courage to do this. I can't speak for everyone, but I KNOW I can speak for real fishermen and fisherwomen that the day I come home with 300 fish for the freezer Armageddon must be very close behind. Is your argument Mayor the fact that there is now a limit where there previously was not one your not selling enough bait anymore??? Or are you simply so hung up on your American dollars you will continue to bash and slander the people trying to keep a great fishery for you, me, and our families, great? Still to this date in all 12 pages of this report there is not one post urging any of us to come and fish your backyard, to take any initiative to promote your ice fishing season, or the cottages who are providing these services...


Looks to me like your flailing, and now for me atleast its too late...I will never contribute to your cottage services, bait, boat rental or any other service you may provide strictly on principal alone... There are far too many magnificent lakes and outfitters in this great province to support. Why would I waste my money on such a small group who's whole argument is based on greed. I take 4-5 trips a year to numerous locations, accounting for thousands of dollars out of my pocket book alone, not to mention that of my friends and colleagues that I can assure you will not be coming to your community! If you are the Mayor may the good Lord help the people of your town sir.....


I am in this for the money talk to any body who sells bait if they tell you they havn't scratched to make a living I don't believe they are telling the truth and I will tell you I have worked my self to death in this buisness once and thanks to modern medicine and the grace of God I have been given a second life. I fought against ice fishing before it opened why would I if I was only in it for the money. When I seen all the people get off their couches including myself. families out on the ice. skating barbecueing and having a great time my daughter included.People asked me every day if it was only last one year I assured them I would fight like hell to keep it open. It had not one thing to do with money.Why I am refered to respectfully as the Mayor of Rice Lake. is because of the people in our area call me when they see boats on the water in the off season or see any thing going on on the lake that may be suspicious. I analize the sitiuation and respond to it in a proper manor weather a call to the police or M.N.R. I have even had people call me to get holes fixed on the road in front of their houses. I also just spent two days at the sportsman show pushing ice fishing ice huts and I don't even own a personal hut I don't believe I will make much off of any ice hut rentals I wonder why I


I am in this for the money talk to any body who sells bait if they tell you they havn't scratched to make a living I don't believe they are telling the truth and I will tell you I have worked my self to death in this buisness once and thanks to modern medicine and the grace of God I have been given a second life. I fought against ice fishing before it opened why would I if I was only in it for the money. When I seen all the people get off their couches including myself. families out on the ice. skating barbecueing and having a great time my daughter included.People asked me every day if it was only last one year I assured them I would fight like hell to keep it open. It had not one thing to do with money.Why I am refered to respectfully as the Mayor of Rice Lake. is because of the people in our area call me when they see boats on the water in the off season or see any thing going on on the lake that may be suspicious. I analize the sitiuation and respond to it in a proper manor weather a call to the police or M.N.R. I have even had people call me to get holes fixed on the road in front of their houses. I also just spent two days at the sportsman show pushing ice fishing ice huts and I don't even own a personal hut I don't believe I will make much off of any ice hut rentals I wonder why I


Mayor (??);

Make up your mind already! You've claimed to be on both sides of the fence - both for and against ice fishing, for and against the limits. Fer crying out loud, which is it? Seems like every time you or others from the RLTA post anything, someone here (myself included) has indicated the Rice Lake area has NOW lost yet another ONTARIO anglers interest in fishing this wonderful lake. What is it going to take for you and the RLTA to recognize that your incessant whining is multiplying the amount of business you are losing NOW, as opposed to saving the potential business you blindly assume you MIGHT miss because of your misplaced perceptions of lawful Regulations?




Hey the Mayors back for a cameo good for you Bud now if we can get Nanna back we can have two people crawfish.( back peddle for all of my none Cajuns). I am sure if you'll keep up the performance we can muster up the votes needed on this go round for you to win the oFN Emmy. I would have more respect for you if you had stuck to your original opinions/beliefs at least you could have pretended it was done out of ignorance instead of the hunt for the almighty dollar. I still have an open mind on the Rice lake as a fishing destination but Fergusons baitshop and Sunshine Cove will not see one American dime from me and my fishing group.




  On 3/22/2010 at 7:12 PM, Mayor of Rice Lake said:

I am in this for the money talk to any body who sells bait if they tell you they havn't scratched to make a living I don't believe they are telling the truth and I will tell you I have worked my self to death in this buisness once and thanks to modern medicine and the grace of God I have been given a second life. I fought against ice fishing before it opened why would I if I was only in it for the money. When I seen all the people get off their couches including myself. families out on the ice. skating barbecueing and having a great time my daughter included.People asked me every day if it was only last one year I assured them I would fight like hell to keep it open. It had not one thing to do with money.Why I am refered to respectfully as the Mayor of Rice Lake. is because of the people in our area call me when they see boats on the water in the off season or see any thing going on on the lake that may be suspicious. I analize the sitiuation and respond to it in a proper manor weather a call to the police or M.N.R. I have even had people call me to get holes fixed on the road in front of their houses. I also just spent two days at the sportsman show pushing ice fishing ice huts and I don't even own a personal hut I don't believe I will make much off of any ice hut rentals I wonder why I


My guess is they call you the "Mayor" because the "Journalist" didn't fit....they call you the "Mayor" because the "Ambassador" didn't fit...they call you the "Mayor" because the "Association Rep" didn't fit....they call you the "Mayor" because you think you are and you 'AREN'T"..


First of all to tell the truth here your leaders failed to present themselves properly. They walked into a meeting with a bunch of pails trying to make american harvesters look bad but there efforts back fired on them. General public the only thing they got out of it was fifty fish died and were wasted to make a point, Even though I as well as others know these fish could still be used for consumption. from all the calls and e-mails I recieved from that picture in the paper calls as far away as Oshawa all they cared about were the fish they felt were wasted.I didn't feel it was my place to correct them yous caused the mess.After the picture of the packaged fish appeared which I got credit for but was someone elses Some councilors said that had put things in better precpective.I talked to my friend on this matter the one with the fish he is a resort owner but does not write on this site we came up with a plan that would be a win win plan for all parties involved. all we need is a meeting with the minister which I am working on know I have met with Minister befoe Dave Ramsey when he was in power.. To my American responder the only thing I have had a turn about on is the ice fishing and if you are a panfisherman fron the U.S. you probably bring your own bait anyway as for Billy Bob I think your jealous when was the last time any body thought enough of you to refer to you any more than just BILLY BOB OR WILLIAM ROBERT

  On 3/22/2010 at 10:24 PM, Mayor of Rice Lake said:

First of all to tell the truth here your leaders failed to present themselves properly. They walked into a meeting with a bunch of pails trying to make american harvesters look bad but there efforts back fired on them. General public the only thing they got out of it was fifty fish died and were wasted to make a point, Even though I as well as others know these fish could still be used for consumption. from all the calls and e-mails I recieved from that picture in the paper calls as far away as Oshawa all they cared about were the fish they felt were wasted.


Apparently math isnt a strong subject for you Mr Mayor ...50 fish as opposed to unlimited in the thousands that cross the border....let me reiterate....how concerned are you for the thousands of potential wasted fish that cross the boarder...you seemed very concerned for 50 fish that were caught legally by avid fishing Canadians in Canada that probably enjoyed a healthy meal with friends and family....please Mr Mayor ....are you saying that our American friends have bigger families then us Canadians to accommodate thousands of fish????...or are you saying that 50 fish is still a healthy limit that no one could possibly eat and would end up wasting them ?


I didn't feel it was my place to correct them yous caused the mess.


Of course you wouldnt correct them...because you are too busy MISrepresenting the RLTA and fixing potholes on the road...because your Mayor duties require you to speak for the speechless....

NEWS FLASH MR Mayor - your communication skills suck and personally i would rather have the Late James Brown speak on my behalf then you.


After the picture of the packaged fish appeared which I got credit for but was someone elses Some councilors said that had put things in better precpective.


Fishinana speaks for the Mayor ? who knew?




I talked to my friend on this matter the one with the fish he is a resort owner but does not write on this site we came up with a plan that would be a win win plan for all parties involved. all we need is a meeting with the minister which I am working on know I have met with Minister befoe Dave Ramsey when he was in power..


If you have friends ...please post their business names so you could help them through the potential drought that is inevitable for your business



To my American responder the only thing I have had a turn about on is the ice fishing and if you are a panfisherman fron the U.S. you probably bring your own bait anyway

Very good idea for EVERYONE that will fish Rice Lake





as for Billy Bob I think your jealous when was the last time any body thought enough of you to refer to you any more than just BILLY BOB OR WILLIAM ROBERT


Your true colours are showing Mr Mayor....



IN the words of Forest Gump "stupid is as stupid does"

  On 3/22/2010 at 10:24 PM, Mayor of Rice Lake said:

First of all to tell the truth here your leaders failed to present themselves properly. They walked into a meeting with a bunch of pails trying to make american harvesters look bad but there efforts back fired on them. General public the only thing they got out of it was fifty fish died and were wasted to make a point, Even though I as well as others know these fish could still be used for consumption. from all the calls and e-mails I recieved from that picture in the paper calls as far away as Oshawa all they cared about were the fish they felt were wasted.I didn't feel it was my place to correct them yous caused the mess.After the picture of the packaged fish appeared which I got credit for but was someone elses Some councilors said that had put things in better precpective.I talked to my friend on this matter the one with the fish he is a resort owner but does not write on this site we came up with a plan that would be a win win plan for all parties involved. all we need is a meeting with the minister which I am working on know I have met with Minister befoe Dave Ramsey when he was in power.. To my American responder the only thing I have had a turn about on is the ice fishing and if you are a panfisherman fron the U.S. you probably bring your own bait anyway as for Billy Bob I think your jealous when was the last time any body thought enough of you to refer to you any more than just BILLY BOB OR WILLIAM ROBERT



The assumption of whether or not I bring my bait... I do not think transporting native species from the U.S. to Canada is a wise idea besides if their is a savings it is minimal once you figure in the death rate of the bait. I also purchase the Sport fisherman license not because I harvest fish but to make sure Canada has the money to keep the ministry funded and the fishing as great as it is for years to come.


I did take the time to reread your posts and you are correct the only one you crawfished on is the ice fishing...The portions other than that were full of rash statements and inflammatory comments that would not be said by someone trying to attract customers. "The avid fisherman are in my eyes some of the most crooked people in the mix". I am sure this quote from your previous post did not win you any new customers/ friends or help you explain the RLTA's position. I tried to keep it in context but the whole quote can be seen in this thread. I can find more examples if need be but since you are being polite to me I will extend you the same courtesy and limit it to one example.


I hope that you can repair the damage you have done to your business but the first step will be to identify and apologize to the correct people. The second step is to attempt to be seen as an intelligent/rational/literate person from that platform your passion can be exhibited and respected by others. The people will not rally behind an incompetent leader.




Posted (edited)

Unfortunately, I think this thread is going to come to an end. Too bad, I thought it was going rather well.


Mike if you have accusations against me, please bring them forward. I would love to see your evidence. Be careful though, slander is an indictable offence. Your efforts on making people think I am a poacher, over harvesting, spoilage of game fish and cheating for a profit in a derby does not reflect very well with my peers.


To Rice Lake Tourist Association,


From what I gather and summed up on this thread is this, and I feel other members in this angling community would agree:


The Rice Lake Tourist Association is against the extended angling opportunities.


The Rice Lake Tourist Association is against the catch limit of 300 panfish of which 30 may be larger than 18cm (7.1) and feel that a 500 limit of which 0 (zero) may be greater than 18cm (7.1) would be better.


Your representatives are accusing all local anglers for contributing 0(zero) dollars into the local economy, you are accusing anyone who is fishing on the ice are poachers.


With the regulations you are proposing you are going to make every "new to fishing" fisher person, a poacher. Think back to when you were a kid, what was the first fish you caught? Chances are, if you are with the majority of people, it was a Sunfish.


For your information, when I referred to catch limits, I was not misleading anyone. The following text is copied out of the fishing regulations:


Catch and Possession Limits – The catch limit is the number of fish you are allowed to catch and keep in one day and includes fish that are retained for any period of time and any fish eaten or given away. The possession limit is the number you are allowed to have in your possession on hand, in cold storage, in transit, or anywhere. Possession limits are the same as one day's catch limit except where otherwise specified.


Edited by Ron
Posted (edited)

All right Mr. Ferguson. You win. I give up. We will go with "your" new position. Lets leave ice fishing open for everyone to enjoy and lets have a sunfish limit that supports tourism and a healthly fish population. Since your not sure about a number, how about 300 of which only 30 can be larger than 7.1 inches to protect the large males that are important to the fishery.


I figure I should join with you on this issue because when I stood up to represent my support of the absurd idea of leaving ice fishing open and a sunfish limit of 300/30, I and the other concerned anglers in attendance were called anti-american racists who should have white sheets and pointy hats.


I'm not sure what you didn't like about the photo in the paper. Maybe the fact that it represented the truth. That was exactly 50 legal caught perch from Rice lake that overflowed one pail. The remaining pails represented the additional 330 panfish that could be kept as part of one anglers limit.


So now that we are on the same side. What size sheet do you take?


I just wish that Susan Irving Coger had spent 1/10 of her time promoting her business instead of misrepresenting the RLTA at every meeting and media outlet that would listen to her. She wouldn't have time to complain because she would be serving customers.



Spring is here and the panfish are starting to show up in the warm shallows. Grab a kid and a rod and get out fishing. Not sure where to go? Try Rice Lake if you can find a dock or a friendly cottage owner that will let you fish.

Edited by Michael Brown

MR.American Sir I am glad you buy your bait in Canada no matter who you buy it from I am also glad you buy a Sportsman lic. I never believed in a conservation Lic. for a non resident ever when a Canadian goes out of the Country there is not a whole menu of lic to purchase and that is the way it should be of. As far as buisness goes I have enough to last me a life time actually to much I have been retired since Nov. 11 1990 and I just want to do more fishing and hunting so you go ahead and quote anything you feel you must

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