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Baby Teething!

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Get some Freezes and pop them in the freezer... the little ones, not the big ones... give'm to the kid... un-opened! They can't chew throught the plastic and will give relief

Toast some bagels, cut them up into bite size wedges and freeze them... give'm to the kid

Get a soft wash cloth, soak it with water and freeze it in a zip lock bag... give it to the kid...

All this will pass, but these remedy's don't require any chemicals for your child.



PS... a rubber mallet will not leave a mark... just sayin! :P


There's no emoticon that depicts me shuddering in fear...little one is 4 months....I know it's not long before all this starts. My son is going to be 10 years old soon...I don't even remember the teething debacle...so I guess that means that yes, you will get through it and like DouG says, it won't be a blip on the radar.


Keep on keepin' on!


Ahhhh, teething, thank God my two little ones are waaaay past that. They both had a tough time, rashes, fevers, grumpy, crying, etc...etc...etc...

My wife found some naturopathic stuff but the name escapes me, it was little tablets of chamomille extract. You could try a bit of cold chamomille tea.


Mine will be 6 months on the 19th. He's yet to burst a tooth but the drool over the past month has increased ten fold and you can tell his gums are getting sore how he jams everything in there to suck on. You hold the little bugger up and your shirt is drenched.


He was also sleeping through the night (9:30-7:30) for the last couple of months, but since last week for whatever reason he's now waking up at 4am. A feed and back to sleep works, wife and I are just taking turns on the 4am call.


Fun times ahead I'm sure.....

  Headhunter said:

Get some Freezes and pop them in the freezer... the little ones, not the big ones... give'm to the kid... un-opened! They can't chew throught the plastic and will give relief

Toast some bagels, cut them up into bite size wedges and freeze them... give'm to the kid

Get a soft wash cloth, soak it with water and freeze it in a zip lock bag... give it to the kid...

All this will pass, but these remedy's don't require any chemicals for your child.



PS... a rubber mallet will not leave a mark... just sayin! :P


I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 4 month old. The advise above is exactly how me and the wife got through it the first round. You can try massaging his gums with your finger ( wash it first, i had to be reminded a few times by the wife)



have a 2 1/2 year old and a 4 month old. The advise above is exactly how me and the wife got through it the first round. You can try massaging his gums with your finger ( wash it first, i had to be reminded a few times by the wife)






So quickme... what size rubber mallet do you use? :o:lol::D



Dr. Sal, let me clarify my thoughts on this.


Your child, who depends on you for everything, is currently experiencing the worst pain of his life. I remember the look from the BigKid at 6 1/2 months that said very clearly, 'I thought you looked after all this pain and need stuff for me, you are clearly not the parents I hoped you would be. I am going to be as brave as I can, but I'm just little.' I was frantic too.


That stuff doesn't go away for the parents, but it does go away for the kids. They don't remember that stuff, thank goodness.


Just do what you are doing. Ask advice from others, use what works for you, support each other, and know that at the same moment you are walking the floors with Nummer chewing on your finger, that there are very likely 100,000 families experiencing the same as you, prolly worse, in Ontario.


Best of Luck, where the heck is the owners' manual for this thing anyway. Honey?


Frozen teething ring dude.

Best it can get....

Baby oragel...the premeasure swabs are even better then the loose goop.

Way less messy, and easier to target the exact area...

But don't rule out infant Tylenol or Advil if its bad.


Not sure if you know this but you can piggy back infant Tylenol every 4 hours over and

above the Advil every 6 hours in the event its really bad, or the fever gets to high.

Just make sure you follow the directions for doseage based on weight, not age...

(If you don't beleive me call telehealth Ontario, or your Dr.)


Sometimes a good nights sleep for the little one can make the next day a little less intense.

  Roy said:
I have 5 kids.....mostly in their 40's now and 11 grandkids. The average age for kids in the US to leave home now is 34. If you think teething is bad news, try finding Halloween costumes for your 30 year olds every year.


lol, u owe me a keyboard Roy.


Teething is a temporary thing. He'll be back to his usual self in no time. You ain't a real dad until you've been peed on, pooped on and vomited on. I learned the hard way to not laugh with mouth open when changing a diaper or getting up to close for a kiss on a baby that just ate exactly 1 spoonful more than her belly can hold.


It's all good. You can sleep when you're dead. You will miss these times in a few years - I know I already miss those days of holding a sleeping baby enjoying the quiet and therapeutic effects therein. I'm already hearing "daddy I can do it myself" a lot and can see myself being completely irrelevant in about a year. :(

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