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Baby Teething!

Guest ThisPlaceSucks

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

so my son has his two bottom front teeth busting through the last few days...man...i had no idea.

when we first had the kid and never slept every one said "it gets better!"... well they must not have been around when their children went through teething!


my son, whom normally plays and smiles all day long has turned into an angry, fevered, rashed, diarrhea flowing monster! poor guy! it's like the wheels completely fall off when they start.


as a result, me and mom have barely slept in days, and find ourselves more tired than we have ever been!


not looking for advice, just looking for some sympathy from all you mothers and fathers out there...



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My kids are 25 and almost 23. Turning into fabulous young women.


Teething is not a big deal due to the fact that it is time-limited. We have all survived teething as children. As exhausted as you and your wife might be, there will be more stuff that keeps you engaged as the spawn mature. Good Luck, Pa.


Teach em right and hope for the best.


PS: Don't worry at all about the teething. Poopy pants, runny noses and a little cranky will not even leave a mark, looking back a while from now.


You can get these teething rings that you can pop in the freezer. Sore gums need some stimulation, and these work. I've heard that rawhide bones can help, but I'm not real clear on the species. Anbesol helps, and so does gravol in a pinch.

Edited by douG
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Hang in there it will get better. Before you know it they`ll be all grown up and moved out before the age of 30 if your lucky,and then they will only call you when they want to borrow money,borrow the boat,borrow the tow vehicle,co-sign a loan,pay for a wedding,help with a downpayment for the first house,baby sit.

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Been there and going thru it again!


My 2nd daughter is 5 1/2 months old and it's not pretty..


A couple of suggestions:




Tempra is Acetaminophen based and Motrin is ASA based. What does that mean? Well you can give the 2 in shorter intervals (ever 2 hours) with no harm to your little one. This will help with the discomfort as well as the fever.


Gripe Water.


We love it. It's natural, cheap and it zonks them out. Great for stomach aches as well. Word of advise, get the alcohol based one. It's just a fraction of alcohol in it and help them (and ultimately you) sleep! Besides, just think of all the keggers he will attend in the future - you are preparing him!!


Those got us through the first time and seems to be doing the trick now.


But now I must sleep!

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Same thing here man.


Hyland's Teething tablets.


Camilia Teething solution


Gripe water.



All of them are all natural.


Stay away from that numbing ambesol stuff, they swallow it and the throat goes numb and then they choke on their own drool (that's what I heard anyways).


We have 4 bottom teeth and 1 coming in on the top now.


Cheers Man

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks
Wait 'till he hits 12 or 13... !!


I keep hearing this very thing...

That and "Wait until he's driving"...I'm not sure what that means but I'm sure I will...

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I have 5 kids.....mostly in their 40's now and 11 grandkids. The average age for kids in the US to leave home now is 34. If you think teething is bad news, try finding Halloween costumes for your 30 year olds every year.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks
If you think it will work...but I can think of better ways to slip away



i was more implying that as a result of saying that, you were in big trouble. lol

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