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stitches or staples?


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Hey all.


I ask this as I got a decent cut on Saturday and had the option for stitches or staples. I didn’t want the needle for freezing and maybe spend an hour or more getting the stitches so I opted for the staples. Now that I have them (yes they do feel like a fish hook in your hand) I’m thinking how should I get them out when the time comes? I know I can go to my DR or back to the hospital but the ½ day or full day spent will drive me nuts if I can do it on my own. The other thing is, I’m not liking the look of my finger all that much and am growing a bit concerned. I’m thinking I want to pull the staples and use the “butterfly tape” that works like a stitch. Yes I’m keeping it clean and doing all I need to do for it but part of the gap is far from looking like it’s going to heal anytime soon…


Oh, I didn’t tell you how I got the cut… Some person tried to “brain” me not that long ago so when I went by to say “hi” I was told “keep back or I’ll cut ya!”. I said “um, okay, are you feeling okay? Is this a bad time?” and he slashed at me with a pocket knife. Pic’s can be added but, they are of an open hand would so it’s you call there.


Now, who was it I went fishing with last… ;)


J/K on the whole he cut me thing…but the post is real…


PS, no fishing for me now for another 10 days! ARRGGHHH!!!

Edited by GBW
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Best to have an MD remove staples and inspect.


There are usually 3 options. I would not think staples to be a good idea on the hand. Stitches would be preferred. On a less mobile part of the hand or fingers (not too deep) I would suggest steri strips which are very effective in keeping wounds drawn tight.

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tks big, i can post a pic or 2 in the next 24 hrs from the day after it happened to about 1.5 hrs ago and how it's looking...

BTW, trying to type on a keyboard ia a royal pain when you are down an index finger...

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I've had my fair share of stitches bud...

Lots of knife cuts from working as a chef, and a few hockey scars to boot.

Enough to know the stitches are way better in my opinion.

Less intrusive, and a hell of a lot easier/less painfull to remove.


That and to be brutally honest...i've never seen a staple job heal well.

No idea why but of the staple jobs I've seen all seem to leave larger scars, and take longer to heal?


Its been a while since I've needed any stitches(knock on wood)

but I used to just "not go" and see my family doctor to remove them after the E.R doc put them in....

I'd leave them in about a week longer then the ER doc recomended or until I could

move them so they were loose, and then just pull them myself with nail clippers, and tweezers.

Never had any exessive scaring, infections or complications at all.

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I have had my share of both, the staples hurt like heck when they are on the bone area with not a lot of flesh when they take them out.


last time I had over a 100 on my hip and my foot but from what I have had I would take the staples as the stiches can rip or grow in and the scar from the staples is almost non existing.


Goindg to the md or hospital is always a pain but I would never even think about removing them myself, I would really go to the place that you had them put in and have them take a look at what is going on with the hand.


Also, did you get a Tetnus shot,as infection is not a good thing, is the hand warm, red if so go to the doc.


Good luck,



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if the staple is not holding the wound closed (ie. there is an opening) get it restapled/stitched. while it will eventually heal, it will scar badly.


never had staples but i've pulled stitches out on my own.

Edited by Raf
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I'm in the field of helping to fix such cuts .......... :stretcher:


the dr will probably use a dermabond... kinda like crazy glue for cuts....... just might put a stitch at either end of the cut and bond the middle depending on the severity........ I'd say he/she will not staple a digit.


some md's will not touch it after 24 hours.........


if so...... BROWN SUGAR and Polysporin in the cut and a breathable steri strip will do the trick... this method was used in hospitals up to the early 80's.


in the meantime keep it clean and dry and prevent anything from entering the wound.


Be good take care.




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When my wife had some surgery a few years ago the doc showed me how to remove the staples at home using a special tool. He actually suggested doing it at home. I was too squeamish to do it for her but I watched him do it later and it was actually pretty easy looking. I'd be game to do it on myself after seeing it done (as long as my right hand was free), but not on someone else.



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I think it's weird staples were an option for your hand anyways. In 15 years of practice, 10 in Acute Care... I've never seen a Doctor, nor done this myself on that area of the body. Personally, I enjoy suturing... and have done about 330 different cases. Better to suture than to be sutured though. Usually the only people who refuse freezing are drunks. Ya weren't drunk were ya??? lol.


Staples are removed with a staple remover. If ya have one at home and your convinced your signs and symptoms of infection are nil... go to town when the time is right.

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Thanks ALL!!!

Randy, good to know to add the brown sugar as I will be doing so when I am back at home.

Moosebunk, no I wasn't drunk but I sure did have a few after the fact...

The DR asked me how I am with needles and I told him I hate them and may throw up, so I guess he wanted it fixed so he wouldn't be near me if I chucked...

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I've had approximately 80 staples removed from my hips, roughly 40 on either side at different times, and can honestly say there was almost no pain at all from any of them coming out. Last year my wife had 30 staples in her scalp from the top of her head down to her jaw and she also had very little discomfort when they were removed.


I'm guessing the lack of pain comes from both the skill of the person putting them in and the same skill from the person removing them.


They definetely leave a scar though and mine are still visible even after 16 years from the 1st surgery. Fortunately though, my wifes were under the hair and not visible.

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anytime soon…


Oh, I didn’t tell you how I got the cut… Some person tried to “brain” me not that long ago so when I went by to say “hi” I was told “keep back or I’ll cut ya!”. I said “um, okay, are you feeling okay? Is this a bad time?” and he slashed at me with a pocket knife. Pic’s can be added but, they are of an open hand would so it’s you call there.


Now, who was it I went fishing with last… ;)


J/K on the whole he cut me thing…but the post is real…


You want more?!!




Call me when you heal sissy-boy.


I don't want you bleeding all over my stuff when you don't catch fish.



P.s. Don't let that get more infected.

See your doctor. Anti-biotics may be needed soon!

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You want more?!!




Call me when you heal sissy-boy.


I don't want you bleeding all over my stuff when you don't catch fish.



P.s. Don't let that get more infected.

See your doctor. Anti-biotics may be needed soon!

HAHAHA, I was wondering if you noticed that part...

As for infected, maybe the the bad pic but it's clean and not sore. The light part of the skin is loose skin, no puss.


Thanks Lew, good to know.

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definitely would have opted for stitches rather than staples in that location. are you having trouble flexing your finger? it seems like they would get in the way.


I had staples for an inguinal hernia ... large scar but healed healed without complication. I just find that staples look like such a crude treatment as compared to stitches..

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Wait a week or two let it heal up then cut the staples in half and pull each side out and you should be good to go.If you ask at the hospital they should give you a tool that is pretty much a medical pair of snips to cut the staples in half.Thats kind of weird that they put staples in your finger,Ive only had them on my head good old bar battles.

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are you having trouble flexing your finger? it seems like they would get in the way.

I can move my finger as it is covered with a bandaid. however, I have made a splint to keep it from bending with hope that it will heal faster this way.

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That is the stupidest malpractice joke a drunken doctor must have played on you. Putting a staple at a knuckle joint ???? Every bend will move the staple around shift the wound edges back and forth ect...ect...


maybee if the finger was imobilised with a splint. At this stage I'd take tweesers and slip them in the staple and open. They spread and remove easy. irrigate the cut with alcahol, peroxide ect, and crazy glue it. the hospital uses a sterile version but I've got dollar store crazy glue in my malpracticed forehead right now. try to apply the glue when the wound is closed so it isn't inside much but on top of the skin. get a splint if ya can, it'll heal better. Slap a butterfly bandage on top if you have just to keep it drawn togethed. It's gonna constantly want to oppen up at the joint of course. get the splint even if you use a popsicle stick.


Just realised you got this advice already. It's the way dude. They shoukd have sutured and glued it with a splint in the first place. Go and show it to another doc. first. love to hear what he'll say. if it stays together the left side skin'll peel off. sometimes the cut just peels back the layers of sin till it's as deep as the cut instaed of trying to stay together. That part of skin is dead already.


Maybee I'll tell ya my tale of 14 staples down the forehaed failing, abad stich job failure and.....another time

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