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I went to a dinner party last night, where I and other guests enjoyed copious amounts of alcohol.

I woke up this morning with flu-like symptoms; headache, nausea, chills, sore eyes, and a bit of the trots.

As a result, I have unfortunately tested positive for what a cadre of experts are now calling Wine Flu.

This debilitating condition is serious - and it appears this is NOT an isolated case.

Reports are flooding in from across the country of others now being diagnosed with Wine Flu.

To anyone exhibiting the aforementioned symptoms, experts recommend a cup of tea and a bit of a lie down.

However, should your condition worsen, you should immediately rent a DVD and call in sick.

Then take the only drug proven to combat this usual type of flu - a McDonald's Happy Meal.

If that doesn't work, further application of the original liquid, in familiar quantities, has been shown to do the trick.


Wine Flu does not NEED to be life threatening!

If treated early, it can be eradicated within a 24-48 hour period.


If you find you are complaining a lot, it may be that the virus has mutated into Whine Flu.

This is particularly common in men and can spread to their partners whose symptoms may include a serious case of eye-rolling.


Hope this hleps.

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HAH! Soo true. Those mini cheeze burgers.. ^_^


Musta been a gong show!! Ever try distilling grape juice? Our shipper guy had liver spots 3 years ago and refused treatment.. Said he could cure himself. Started making his own special blend of eau de vie and he says he can drink as much as he wants without the hangovers.. His teeth are almost gone, but he'still going strong!!


Props on the tip.

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Doug, I wasn't quite sure what was happening last Sunday, thankfully all my symptoms matched above. Thanks for the post.


I survived the wine flu.


Wish I had of known about the McDonald happy meal though, the Taco Bell burritos were not a good choice. Figured if the hot sauce could shine a penny, it might help clean me out.


Also, the partner showed the rollin eyes symptom, but also a total lack of compassion and patience. Maybe it is mutating.





Edited by Harrison
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